Hi, can anyone point me in the right direction with incorporating rss feeds into web sites?


You should check out SimpleXML from http://php.net/. Since it's the official PHP website, they have examples and such on different functions and usages of the class of SimpleXML. Well, it comes in class and function form, so have fun!


Check out MagpieRSS. It makes it *very* simple to incorporate RSS feeds into a PHP-driven site.

Thanks for the replies. I check out both options.

Check out MagpieRSS. It makes it *very* simple to incorporate RSS feeds into a PHP-driven site.

Hey Dani,

I use MagpieRSS, but I have a little problem.
In my xml file I have these lines:

<source url="http://www.example.com/export_rss.php" /> 

and I don't know how to extract them.

$source_url = $item; doesn't return anything, and neither
$imedia= $item; or $imedia= $item;

Can you tell me where I wrong ?

Thank you!

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