I'm working on a Database for Massive Multiplayer Online Games, Lineage2, Final Fantasy XI, Everquest II, and World of Warcraft. I'm pretty good with HTML, and decided take my site up a notch using PhP! The site link is : http://www.meltingwax.net/~SOR/wowf/alliance/
I'm trying to convert that into a PHP theme, and I am extremely frustrated, exasperated, and hungry. I have PHP-Nuke and e107 uploaded/installed. I'd really appriciate it if someone helped me out, jdc48069@hotmail.com is my e-mail, and takingB4ckSunday is my AIM, please help me out! Thank you so much.

For phpnuke, you can check and edit theme.php under every themes.
For e107, I do not know how it exactly works.

For phpnuke, you can check and edit theme.php under every themes.
For e107, I do not know how it exactly works.

Right, that's not what I'm asking, it's not your fault, my question wasn't clear enough. I know how to edit my Theme, but I don't know the proper PHP Code to make it look like the site I designed with HTML. That's what I need help with. :D

Edit: Topic Post AIM name is takinb4cksunday, not takingb4cksunday

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