I recently post a thread asking if IIS can run on XP Home Edition. The answer that I got is NO. I recently upgrade my laptop to Windows XP Professional. I really want to start learning ASP. Can I now just start writing ASP codes or do I now have to do something else before.


Well, if you had some type of development environment to develop ASP.NET code, that would help a lot too. Of course, you could just write your code in notepad, but I don't know how great that would be for a newbie.

BTW, don't confuse ASP.NET and ASP. ASP is a very old web scripting language. ASP.NET is a new, web compiled language.

ASP.NET programmers like me hate when people refer to ASP.NET as ASP ;).

Thanks for your response. Can you suggest what type of environment would be needed? Is there any free ones available? Do I need to do any configuration of IIS in order to start writing scripts?

BTW, Thanks for the information about ASP and ASP.net I know the difference, but I guess I am just been bad by not using the correct name.

I recently post a thread asking if IIS can run on XP Home Edition. The answer that I got is NO. I recently upgrade my laptop to Windows XP Professional. I really want to start learning ASP. Can I now just start writing ASP codes or do I now have to do something else before.

Depends, do you have IIS installed? If not, rip out your windows xp cd and install it. Now, you want an environment? I use visual studio .net 2003, but I've heard of one called asp matrix or something? Perhaps you should investigate that one :D

ASP.NET Web Matrix is entirely free, and its by the ASP.NET Team. However, its quite limited; no codebehind, no intellisense.

You're better off testing out the new Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Beta 1, available for a free download here.

:D there's a beta?! All hail tekmaven. I've got to check this out.

Guys -
I seem to have a problem. I tried typing a simple page with ASP tag and it did not work. I suspect that it might be an IIS configuration issue. I use the tag <%=time%> but it came up blank. I tried to configure IIS but seems to be having problem there, also. On my Administration Tools toolbar, I am seeing icons for Local Secutiry Policy and Performance, but I am not seeing an icon for Personal Web Manager. I am presently using Windows XP Professional.

How can I properly configure IIS so that I can start using ASP.net?

I am in the process of downloading the Beta file for the environment, thanks a million.


Can you post your whole page's code?


<head><title>My First ASP.NET Page</title></head>
<p>Hello there!</p>
<p>The time is now: <%=time%>


Thanks much

That isn't a valid ASP.NET page.

You need to add this to the top of the page:
<%@ Page language="c#" %>

and the time part should be, <%= System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>

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