4 Topics

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Almost [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220055.html"]exactly a year[/URL] after Facebook users complained that the site was deleting pictures of them with their nursing babies, now they're complaining that they can't show pictures of their pregnant bellies, either. The Facebook group [URL="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=86701642170&ref=search&sid=792620396.4283721828..1"]"Allow pregnant women to display pictures of their baby bump!!!!"[/URL] was formed on June …

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Remember the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3670.html"]Idaho elected official[/URL] a few weeks back who got in trouble for forwarding a message, comparing Michelle Obama to a black widow spider, to 26 people from his official email account? It gets better. The [I]Kuna-Melba News[/I], a weekly paper that covers western Ada County and eastern Canyon …

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A simmering Facebook controversy came to a...head? Female Facebook users are up in....arms? Sigh. It's hard to write about this seriously. Today was the live and virtual nurse-in on Facebook, as a protest against the social networking site's policy forbidding pictures of nursing moms (reports vary on whether it's when …

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Perhaps Idaho politicians and government workers just shouldn't be allowed near the Internet. Steve Rule, commissioner for Canyon County, was [URL="http://www.newwest.net/city/article/commissioner_sends_racist_email_using_official_account/C108/L108/#comments"]criticized[/URL] earlier this month for forwarding an email message, comparing Michelle Obama to a black widow spider, to 26 people, many of them at Canyon County government email accounts. To …

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The End.