44 Topics

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Member Avatar for rijvana

hi frdz.. i brought one web camera(enet PC camera) for last year. That time i used windows Xp.so it worked well in windows environment. now i m using linux(mandriva).. i want use tat camera again.. i dont hav any drivers related 2 tat camera.. wat i do now?.. plz frdz …

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Member Avatar for jamesl22

Hi, I am writing a game in C++ and OpenGL. My whole environment is based on cubes so I guessed bounding box collisions were best. I can currently move around and my program is detecting collisions (I used this tutorial: [url]http://www.3dcodingtutorial.com/Collision-Detection/Collision-Boxes.html[/url]). Now I want to make it so that when …

Member Avatar for jamesl22
Member Avatar for martin11ph

I have an IP camera that feeds video over lan or the internet thru a browser. It has its own interface on either Mozilla, IE or other browsers. I tried calling the site using the Microsoft Internet Controls component and it works fine. The GUI is called upon and I …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ravindasenarath

hello, I'm a newbie to opencv. I'm doing a project using c++ and I use opencv for image processing. So for that I need to capture two video streams at the same time. before doing processing part I try to display both videos from cameras on two windows. But it …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for kirennian

I'm currently having an issue with moving the camera around the z-axis (roll). For debugging purposes, I have an object with which I've tested with all 3-axis rotation and movement and it's working as expected; the object in question as well as the camera class superseed a positions class for …

Member Avatar for dineshguru
Member Avatar for AaronLLF

I get an error in the Eclipse console when trying to run a first person camera using LWJGL & Java. "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path" I did include the jar's for libraries and I did add the VM argument -Djava.library.path=C:\lwjgl-2.5\native\windows\ Please help.

Member Avatar for FallenPaladin
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16277[/ATTACH]First came the smart phone. Next comes the smart camera phone. Thanks to [URL="http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/camera-2.0/"]researchers at Stanford University[/URL], your smart phone's camera might eventually have a plethora of its own apps that are more advanced than even the iPhone's limited inventory of camera apps. "Camera manufacturers used to ignore phones because …

Member Avatar for Imogenmorgan
Member Avatar for shazzy99

Hi, I've been trying to capture video from webcam using openCV functions and openGL for rendering. The code is working fine and I can acquire and display both the cameras. Now I'm trying to record the captured video's and saving them to a file using openCV createvideowriter object. I can …

Member Avatar for shazzy99
Member Avatar for micka10

Hi, I'm trying to capture an audio stream from Axis IP camera. The audio data encoded as g.711 should be captured from the camera. I'm using the following http request: [code] Stream roughStream = null; string URLaudio = ""; request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(URLaudio); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "password"); request.Method = "GET"; …

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Member Avatar for sjcomp

Hello, In my program I have clipping planes setup for 60 degree field of view. I understand that near plane is in front of the camera and the far plane is further away from the camera. I would like to have a large field of view, let' say more than …

Member Avatar for coderock

Hy I want to download images and video files from camera(canon ixus 50) to my pc. I manage to do that for images via WIA but I just can't figure it out how to do that for .avi video files. Can someone help me please I'm getting frustrated, or at …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Transparency. We all talk about how companies, politicians, journalists, and even bloggers should strive for it. As a strangely intriguing way to maintain transparent business practices at marketing and PR firm [URL="http://www.lisapmaxwell.com/"]lisapmaxwell.com[/URL], staff members go about their workday in front of a live Internet webcam. Can you picture (so to …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja

We all know technology is moving at an unprecedented pace, but it takes todays anoucement of a new range of camera from one particular brand to realise just how much. Especially when you think it wasn't that long ago that we were still using 35mm film or the Kodak Advantix …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for newsguy

Remember those X-Ray Specs you could order as a kid from the newspaper classifieds that promised the ability to see through clothes to the undergarments below? I do, and I can report that they most certainly did not work - much to my disappointment as a 10 year old kid. …

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The End.