7 Topics

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Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi! I would like to know how to make a photo clickable to redirect people from my blog to my Facebook page. I'm not a computer science student nor do I have a heavy duty level of expertise in HTML, but I can follow simple instructions. I'd like to make …

Member Avatar for jksingh1
Member Avatar for mln_ndh

Hello I'm new to android development. So I've tried this coding where when I clicked on the imageview it will change to another image. And it's working perfectly. But I have 10 imageview. And every time each of the image being click it will change to another image. Is there …

Member Avatar for Julia25

I found this slideshow http://jsfiddle.net/vengiss/QRWAD/6/ that works on my current project but the client requested to make the slideshow image clickable (with links), I tried adding "<a href="#"><img src" but it wont work :( any suggestion?

Member Avatar for Julia25
Member Avatar for arjay1

I am converting a traditional website to WordPress for an animal rescue charity so members can have a blog and more easily update various pages. All has gone well but I am stuck on one key aspect. Viewers of the original site can click on a page that will then …

Member Avatar for arjay1
Member Avatar for ownedbynothing

this is Sudoku.java this is the main class. Reminder does the time keeping, the SudokuBoardDisplay displays the board and draws images. The one who handles the logic is the SudokuModel How do I make the images clickable and do something. how to display the remaining time as JLabel ....? i …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Walahh

Hello! Hoping someone here can help me with this problem. So the page I am working on has an image containing Facebook, Twitter and Youtube tabs. ![tabs1](/attachments/large/3/tabs1.jpg "tabs1") All these tabs are clickable in every other browsers (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Opera) except in Internet Explorer (7/8). I am not sure what I am …

Member Avatar for Walahh
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

How can I get an image to have it's own hyperlink that is inside of a clickable div? [CODE]<div id="clickable" onclick="window.open('http://www.daniweb.com');return false;"> <p>I love clickable images!</p> <a href="http://www.google.com"><img src="someimage.png" /></a> <p>too bad they don't click in a clickable div</p> </div>[/CODE] If I try the above then the DIV is always …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

The End.