29 Topics

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Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

Hello, so I have a more complex class in another file, but I have duplicated my trouble on a simpler class which I will show to you. I am trying to base64 encode a path via cipher text, either a good idea or a bad idea. Anyway, I am noticing …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for happygeek

Another month, another flaw related to the historical US export restrictions on cryptography; this time in the form of LogJam. It hits SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 which supported reduced-strength DHE_EXPORT ciphersuites, restricted to primes no longer than 512 bits, meaning that a man-in-the-middle attack is possible to force the …

Member Avatar for PulsarScript

Hi can anyone give an answer? Found this in cryptology book: ii. Assuming that your computing platform can perform 1 billion divisions per second (and assuming that the rest of the program takes negligible time), what is the largest number of digits an inputted integer n could have so that …

Member Avatar for Smalls
Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

Hello, I got implementation of Data Encryption Standard implementation in java (internet code) but the only part that I cannot understand is the S-Box which shown below. I know how S-Box works but I don't understand this code especially &0x20 and stuffs like that. The S-Box takes a 6 bit …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for cswong

I need some help to make AES work with UDP. I keep getting this error. Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:750) at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:676) at com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher.engineDoFinal(AESCipher.java:313) at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2087) at AES.decrypt(AES.java:31) at EchoServer.main(EchoServer.java:26) It seems that upon receiving the …

Member Avatar for farmwife

"Active cracking" means indirectly changing a plaintext message so that it becomes a totally different, plaintext message that says something totally different but still makes sense, by creating a brand new encryption key that is applied to the ciphertext itself and changes the ciphertext rather than the original plaintext. I …

Member Avatar for Nagarajan M

Hi Friends, I have PSKC XML file.. That contains my Salt/Key,IV(Initialization Vector),Encrpted Data,password also. Now, I am trying to Do Password Based Encyption and Decryption Using PBEWITHSHA1AND128BITAES-CBC-BC Algorithm. It works,If i generate salt and IV randomly. But,it fails to work,if i dont generate it randomly... Instead of generating Salt and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for helixkod

I have an XML file that is in this format: <root> Test string <Signature> WvZUJAJ/3QNqzQvwne2vvy7U5Pck8ZZ5UTa6pIwR7GE+PoGi6A1kyw==</Signature> </root> I was able to produce the SHA256 and produced a string by using the following: string CalculateSHA256(const string& input) { SHA256 hash; string digest; StringSource _(input, true, new HashFilter(hash, new HexEncoder (new StringSink(digest)))); return …

Member Avatar for plenty.groover
Member Avatar for sandhu.sandhu

I need some project ideas on cryptography/information system securoty for a simple and small project.......

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for frankycool

Please i am now in my final year and decided to do a project in Network Security.But presently i am blank as to what doable projects i can research on.Please Help suggest projects which you think is good and doable.Post here or email me on *** [email]frank.kent@yahoo.com[/email] ***

Member Avatar for aprajita jha
Member Avatar for goyal_2485

i have to decrypt a frame on my server. encrypted frame is coming from client device through GPRS on socket.encryption is done with "TripleDes" and with a given key.same algorithm and key i am using n server side. frame is a combination of Hex and Ascii String. problem is when …

Member Avatar for goyal_2485
Member Avatar for cajohnson

I am working to take c code from an academic paper and edit. I am studying cryptographic algorithms. I have ran the following code, but I am having a little difficulty understanding two things. First, the program uses unsigned long ints. When they are added or subtracted, I don't get …

Member Avatar for cajohnson
Member Avatar for matharoo

What is the best approach we can follow while trying to solve a cipher text without a key? I searched over web but was unable to find some good method.... Plz help guys...

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is capital letter style caesar crypted message. We can simply try all possible shifts for first few words (ignoring punctuations, which is left as is). If both first words succeed we assume we cracked it. You could also use Vigenère encryption, but keeping non-letters is less simple, our Vigenère …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I was not happy of solution [url]http://chaos.weblogs.us/archives/331[/url] for one line Ceasar cipher, so I wrote my own version without import by using raw_input (change to input for Python3). Chance to play little with memoryview object also. Crypt: give displacement amount for shift Decrypt: give -displacement amount shift

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ssdeep

i am doing a project in which i simulate symmetric encryption in routers.so hav to store secret keys for mac encryption in a symmetric matrix.how do i do it?????????should i convert them to strings and then store strings in a matrix??????? URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for omer.merdan

Hello, does anybody know why below 2 echoes are providing diferent results [CODE] <?php $in ='textInputTest'; $key ='AAAABBBBAAAABBBB'; $iv ='AAAABBBB'; echo base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RC2, $key, $in, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv)) .":"; echo base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($in, 'rc2-cbc', $key, true, $iv)); ?> [/CODE] (results: I6twEgBKQEaNzeP0nMeLJg== : 7bJWXaOJf31WYcJn2UcDrg==) ... second result is the same that C# and some other …

Member Avatar for omer.merdan
Member Avatar for gil_mo

Hi, Absolute newbie to cryptography. I'm looking for C++ open source code (to be compiled on Windows, Mac, linux), for doing the following: 1. Generate private+public keys (need not run on all platforms). 2. (server side) Adding a digital signature to an XML document using a private key. 3. (client …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Frengerdany

Hi I have a problem with RSA encryption/decription of txt files, I have one method to create a pair of RSA keys and save them into a file, then i made two methods, one for encryt and one for decrypt, encrypt method works fine, but when I want to decrypt …

Member Avatar for millionfires

hey i am trying to implement the diffie hellman key exchange algorithm in matlab. my problem is this: the program works just fine for numbers upto 5 digits, but after that it just sort of stops working. thing is i need to deal (multiply,exponentiation,modular arith etc.) with really big numbers …

Member Avatar for ryoonnet

Hi, I want to know if we can use javascript for file encryption (not text). If yes then how? Any help appreciated.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for OneRunner

So, first off lemme explain what a substitution code is in case you don't know. In cryptography, it's a system by which one letter is replaced with another predetermined letter. For example, if "I" turns to "E", and "F" turns to "V", the word "If" would be written as "Ev". …

Member Avatar for OneRunner
Member Avatar for twistedphrame

Hi, I'm attempting to generate a new cipher key using a string that was negotiated earlier on. On running the code I get the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing argument at javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec.<init>(DashoA13*..) at shared.Cryptographer.makeCipher(Cryptographer.java:254) at client.Main.main(Main.java:60) Java Result: 1 the code is as follow: [CODE] public void makeCipher(String …

Member Avatar for twistedphrame
Member Avatar for newsguy

Back in 1976, along with Stanford University professor Martin Hellman, Whit Diffie produced quite possibly the most important paper in the history of cryptography. That paper, New Directions in Cryptography, laid the groundwork for solving one of the fundamental problems of cryptography, that of key distribution. Now Diffie himself is …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for calccrypto

the rc6 paper say this [CODE]Key schedule for RC6-w/r/b Input: User-supplied b byte key preloaded into the c-word array L[0; ..., c - 1] Number r of rounds Output: w-bit round keys S[0; ..., 2r + 3] Procedure: S[0] = Pw for i = 1 to 2r + 3 do …

Member Avatar for calccrypto

can anyone tell me what i did wrong with the decryption part of this code? ive been looking at it for some time now (while working on other related stuff), and i cant seem to find the problem with it. its getting really retarded, on my part [B]and this is …

Member Avatar for calccrypto
Member Avatar for happygeek

Some might argue that it has been a bad year for encryption. After all, just as the last decade was ending came reports that the algorithm that is used to encrypt GSM mobile phone calls (as used by some 4 billion people around the world) had been cracked wide open. …

Member Avatar for HenryTom
Member Avatar for renjubenoy

The End.