6 Topics

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Member Avatar for fabiocrj

Hi all, I'm new to vb.net and Sql server... So it may be a newbie question, but i've searched many places and did't find the answer.. so, here i go: I've just installed sql server, and i want to databind some textboxes in a form... but i dont really know …

Member Avatar for fabiocrj
Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

Hi, I'm trying to present results on an aspx web page where a store procedure parameter is defined by a dropdown list control on the page. To help accomplish this, I have followed [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306574"]this guide from Microsoft[/URL] and have my resultset presented in a DataGrid view. But I cannot seem …

Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg
Member Avatar for garrypeace

Hi, I'm new to ASP.NET. I began learning as I had to make a website for a college project using a language I didn't already know (I know PHP pretty well so I'm not a total noob :P). Basically what I'm trying to do is get a list of products, …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for ukshir

I have a tabcontrol and two tab pages on the tab control. There are some fields on the tab pages which are databound to access database table which are populated using dataadapter. There is functionality to calculate total of the fields on both the tab pages when I click a …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for ScottS4732

Hello... I have a composite control inside a repeater and I am trying to databind its properties like so (simplified example) : [CODE]<uc1:Control ID="id" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("value") %>'>[/CODE] This works fine when I include the repeater inside a web user control, include that web user control inside ANOTHER web user …

Member Avatar for ukshir

I have a form developed using the Dataform wizard (VS 2003). The Form shows Master-Detail data. The details are showen in a Datagrid. The form automatically loads the data in the Form_load event. Now I want to store the data from the datagrid to a datatable. I am using following …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.