17 Topics

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Member Avatar for momal

I'm making an app that allows users to add speech bubbles on runtime and place them any where on the screen. First I was using a different approach and I failed. So I found a tutorial that had a simple drag and drop way. I am able to create a …

Member Avatar for wish4129

Dear fellows, i have a problem here, is there anyway to implement the drag and drop function for users to reorder the column sequence? i have tried several ways but it still not working, any hints can enlighten me? bottom is part of my code, thanks in advance. [CODE] DataGridView1.AllowUserToOrderColumns …

Member Avatar for Mukesh_3
Member Avatar for petrakid

I am using jquery.filedrop.js to create a HTML5 drop box for users. Currently I have it working about 2/3s the way I want it to. The company does yearly conferences, and I have a file path 'file/path/to/conferencefiles' where I save media (docs, images, vids, etc) based on the YEAR of …

Member Avatar for unikorndesigns
Member Avatar for OASys1

Hello! Now I am trying to make selection of Customers easier for my user. My user's business involves making deliveries on [B][I]routes[/I][/B]. Every customer is assigned a route number, which references the route in the route table. In my form I want to have [B][I]two list boxes[/I][/B], side by side. …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for thomas6188

was trying the drag and drop feature in html5. I have three blocks(boxA,B,C). Items are moved from box A to B or C. The problem is [B]when i move items from A to B, Box A doesnt retain the object [/B](instead of copying, it just moves the object). I have …

Member Avatar for jremio

Hi there, I would like to implement a web based UI that allows people to drag and drop "chairs" and "tables" onto a floor layout (grids) and save it to their profile by storing in the database. Just a simple frame that allows multiple tables and chairs to be positioned …

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Hey guys! Two questions: how can I completely wipe a file from disk with vb.net? I found a code in C#, converted it to VB.net online but didn't understand a letter. I was thinking on a wiper like CCleaner has, but for a selected files only. And, how can I …

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto
Member Avatar for tripleD

I'm working on a file organizer of sorts. The user can drag icons from the desktop into a list view, and drag items out of the list view to remove them. Dragging icons from the desktop to the list was straightforward, it's the other part that's giving me trouble. What …

Member Avatar for tripleD
Member Avatar for benny2010

Dear all, i am trying to get my sprite to be dragged around the screen by clicking the mouse, i can get it to attach to the mouse but cannot get it to unattach itself, i coded the if not mouse click then set mouse attach to false but it …

Member Avatar for benny2010
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi, I'm creating a component for a process flow charting system, and have come to the point where I need to implement D&D between components. I have a panel containing expanding lists, where each list item represents a process definition. What I need to do is the following. Altogether, I'm …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for taylby

Hi; In need of some guidance. I have a form which has a list box upon it. with items in it. These items are dragged out of this and a custom control is added to the form. All this works fine. However a new requirement is that there should be …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for nv136

Hello everyone! i need a bit of help... can you convert my picture drag and drop code so it drag and drops audio files? (.wav) My code: Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() End Sub Protected Overloads Overrides …

Member Avatar for nv136
Member Avatar for taylby

Hi I am working on a project that will be used to add resources to a job, such resources could be in the form of Staff, Equipment or vehicles. I have a main form that contains a list box of jobs for a given date. It also has three list …

Member Avatar for nv136

Hello everyone. I really don't know where to post this, but, anyways.... here is my problem.... I have built a program that generates a waveform for a .wav or .wave file.... but the music clip can only go in through the "file, open, and blah blah blah" I really want …

Member Avatar for nv136
Member Avatar for remoteportal

I need to write an extensive online circuit design website with lots of drag/drop. What is the best JavaScript framework for drag/drop specifically? Pete

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, I have attached a part of the code of wat i am doing now. It contains 2 picture boxes and a seperate box which is used to copy and paste the data on the picture box to the rectangle next to it. i need to copy the bitmap image …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, The problem is that, Am using a bitmap image and i want to click that image and place it to other location on the same form during run time, as well as use the drag and drop option, and also that image should be kept in buffer until i …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

The End.