12 Topics

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Member Avatar for aianne

Sorry I'm new to these stuff but I am having a hard time about this. So I'll trying to create a php and mysql program which can view records from database server. In my form I have 2 dropdown list and 2 submit button, the first one the the list …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for patrick1981

Hey fellows, I have three database tables AUCTIONS auction_id name description place date BIDDERS bidder_id firstname lastname email signupdate BIDS bid_id auction_id bidder_id biddate I want to create a drop down menu to select and display BIDDERS signed up for each AUCTIONS. I have coded the following in PHP to …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for Gabums

Hello all, I've been searching all day for a solution to this. I have the following code: [CODE] <?php foreach ($software_serialRecords as $record): ?> <?php $programLimit = array(); ?> <?php $programLimit[] = $record['program']; ?> <?php $programLimit = array_unique($programLimit); ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i<count($programLimit); $i++) { ?> <option value="software_serials_program.php?program=<?php …

Member Avatar for Gabums
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I have three drop down boxes for a Date field; one each for days, month and year. I want it so that when a year and month are selected they can be checked and then i can use those variables to insert the options into the days drop down …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for xega

Hi I've been searching for an example on how to created multiple dropdown lists in Ajax and finally managed to find one: [URL="http://www.coursesweb.net/ajax/multiple-select-dropdown-list-ajax_t"]http://www.coursesweb.net/ajax/multiple-select-dropdown-list-ajax_t[/URL] I got the example up and running on my server, but when I started to modify it to fit my own database, I got a problem with …

Member Avatar for xega

Hi I'm hoping someone here can help me with a php/mysql question :-) I have a dropdown menu populated from a table "tblsyslur". The fields in "tblsyslur" are: sysla syslaskt syslaid = primary key I have taken the values from the field "sysla" and used that to populate a dopdown …

Member Avatar for xega
Member Avatar for yaseer zeni

Dear Members, I have three drop downs 1. Expense Type (Maintenance & Running) 2. Maintenance Expense 3. Running Expense All are populated through there data bases. I want, if i select maintenance from first only maintenance will be available and if running expense only running expense values are available. your …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, I'm really new into JS and I'm actually more into C++, but I decided to give it a try since I'd love to develop some online games, using the new Canvas element HTML5 is providing. But before that i need to get the basics. What I'm trying to do …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi, can someone tell why or how I can perform a search using text from a drop down box - I can search successfully using a textbox and bring back the correct search results - But when I am using a dropdown box my search seems not to work - …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for sastudent

Below is [B][U]SOME[/U][/B] code from my [U]drop down box class[/U]. I would like to make the drop down box sticky so that when a user fills out the form and makes a mistake, or leave out a certain field, the values he/she selected from the drop down box remain intact …

Member Avatar for Odubz

Hello, I have looked over many examples of how to populate a dropdown with rows like [code=php] $sql="SELECT id, thing FROM table"; $result=sqlsrv_query($conn,$sql) or die("Couldn't execut query"); while ($data=sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){ $id=$row["id"]; $thing=$row["thing"]; $options.="<option value=\"$id\">".$thing "</option>"; } [/code] But i need to populate this list with tables and will need to …

Member Avatar for jenyroger
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my drop down list box on my edit page in php. I would like my drop down list box to show what the user has selected, then if the user wishes to, change their selection updating the DB(mysql) at the same time. I …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian

The End.