Re: Enum help Programming Software Development by L7Sqr Enum is a way to provide clarity (and type information) to … integral type so you could just get rid of the `enum` altogether and replace with numeric values (by default, `enums` values… Re: Enum initializing Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill `enum Status{WIN, CONTINUE };` That's enough to define and initialise the enum, you don't need anything else. What exactly was the comment that confused you? Re: Enum Help Programming Software Development by vegaseat … use at least Python version 3.4 ... ''' module enum is new in Python34 see:…/peps/pep-0435/ ''' from enum import Enum class Colour(Enum): WHITE = (255,255,255) BLACK = (0,0,0… enum Programming Software Development by Nemoticchigga Does anyone know the size of an enum? If i have [CODE]enum foo { YES, NO, MAYBE };[/CODE] is that 1 byte, but if i had 10 enumerations would that be 2 bytes, and so on? Thanks. Re: enum Programming Software Development by Narue >Does anyone know the size of an enum? [code=cplusplus] std::cout<< sizeof ( foo ) <<'\n'; [/code] >is that 1 byte, but if i had 10 enumerations would that be 2 bytes, and so on? The number of constants doesn't change the size of the enum. Enum help Programming Software Development by Vikram Sehgal … there an easier way to write this code?? without using enum, enum MenuState{MenuPlay,MenuHelp,MenuExit}; MenuState ms=MenuPlay; char ch=0… Enum Help Programming Software Development by matrixdevuk … it's not working. Any help is appreciated. class Colour(Enum): WHITE = (255,255,255) BLACK = (0,0,0) RED = (215… Re: ENUM - How Is This Done? Programming Databases by smantscheff To retrieve all allowed enum values you have to read the table definition. Use the "show create table" statement and parse it for the enum field definition. Re: Enum help Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon You could use defines instead of the enum on line 1 but that wouldn't be any beneficial than what you have now. Re: Enum Help Programming Software Development by matrixdevuk I installed it via `$ pip install enum34`. It was backported. The syntax is registering perfectly with PyCharm v3 (by JetBrains). See the answer [here]( Thanks for the quick response. Re: Enum Help Programming Software Development by Gribouillis In ubuntu there is a package `python-enum34` for this, together with 3 other enum packages for python. enum Programming Software Development by rowly …] [/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]<stdlib.h> [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]enum[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] sex {m, f}; [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]struct… ENUM - How Is This Done? Programming Databases by A T Smith … domains(name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(name), tld ENUM('.com', '.net', '.info', '.org', '', '.co', '.biz', '.info', '.de… enum errors help Programming Software Development by CPPRULZ …make a program with it to test the enum syntax and my first one worked. It was… }; switch(whatday) { case 0: enum daysinweek enumerator=monday; break; case 1: enum daysinweek enumerator=tuesday; break; } cout&… But I got these error messages: 1>enum.cpp 1>.\enum.cpp(17) : error C2360: initialization of 'enumerator… Re: enum errors help Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … follow up, I guess that I wouldn't have used enum in your case. It is not wrong, it is just…;. These are easier to see with an example: [code=c++] enum matrixTYPE { SYMMETRIC = 1, DIAGONAL = 2, SQUARE = 4, .... } [/code] Then you… Re: enum errors help Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … copy) and at line 6. So you need [code=c++] enum daysinweek em; switch(whatday) { case 0: em=monday; break; case… Re: enum errors help Programming Software Development by CPPRULZ Thank you so much I knew it was probably something to do with scopes. Also, do you know of any other real uses of enum other than my example? Re: enum problem in C# Programming Software Development by sknake …gt;[/icode] Here is a nullable example: [code=csharp] enum MyEnum { Value1, Value2 } private void button3_Click(object sender…foreach (string s in stringValues) { try { object o = Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), s); enumValues.Add((MyEnum)o); } catch … Enum Access Issue Programming Software Development by skatamatic …have noticed is how enums work. In C# a public enum is considered static, for example: [code] public class … enum2 //etc... } } [/code] If I want to access this enum I would simply do something like: [code] int x = (int… object of foo, that object would not contain the base enum: [code] foo test = new foo(); int x = … Enum versus table of text versus text directly Programming Databases by griswolf … hold the status in a column that is an enum. The advantage of enum are space, speed, fixed values known to the… have to give event staff the power to alter the enum in the schema... and event staff are not technical. We… events and event staff, so we used an enum and hard coded the enum values in our controller code. That decision is… Re: Enum in application Vs database table Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … the cache if you are caching) but for enum related changes you'd require either a restart …If for your particular use case, the "enum" is part of only the application logic …with having a fixed set of values, the enum solution is a pretty good one. As already…. Sure, you can store them all in an enum, but would that be a good choice. IMO,… enum type IO operations with printf,scanf Programming Software Development by IndianaRonaldo … C++ basics now and I read that enum types cannot be input directly with cout and… also that type coercion from int to enum is not allowed.But when i do this…, [CODE] enum SumEnum{ENUM1,ENUM2,ENUM3} SumEnum VarEnum; scanf…CODE] It happens perfectly.printf is ok because enum to int coercion is allowed,but how come … Re: Enum question Programming Software Development by Kanoisa … values and potentially cause undefined results or a crash. [code] enum enum_colour_t { red = 0, blue, green}; void getNewColourFromUser( enum_colour_t& newColour…;( newColour); /* !!! the compiler will allow any valid integer into your enum variable*/ } void printColour( const enum_colour_t& colour ) { switch( colour ) { case… Re: enum & typedef Programming Software Development by dancks … useful because without it, if you wanted to use enum months with it would have to be declared as void… get_the_date(enum months month, etc...) whereas with a typedef you declare… typedef enum months{"jan"...} the function can simply be … enum problem in C# Programming Software Development by bhavna_816 I am facing a problem. I have an enum which further goes as some string values. … I have a check or validation for that particular enum type as if it is null, then display some… parameter, it takes the first value from the enum which is wrong and I do not get the…not entered any value? I do not want enum to set the default value as the first one… Re: enum with % (remainder) operator Programming Software Development by wildgoose … do need to assign Monday to the value of zero. ENUM specification doesn't specify zero or one for the first… enum, and it becomes the call of the compiler manufacturer. So… is no longer a valid enum unless you cast it back into an enum! [CODE] typedef enum weekdayT { Monday = 0,Tuesday,Wednesday,… Re: Enum Access Issue Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception ….EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _ Public Enum Foo none = 0 End Enum End Class [/code] That will get rid of… Re: Enum Access Issue Programming Software Development by skatamatic ….EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _ Public Enum Foo none = 0 End Enum End Class [/code] That will get rid of… Re: enum vs #define vs const Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …mine. For your particular case, definitely, go with an enum type. That is exactly what they are for, for enumerations… efficient to represent them as integer variables (within an enum) where all bits except one is zero. You might…in general, if you are representing an enumeration, use an enum type. Otherwise, a const-variable is fine, and please … Enum initializing Programming Software Development by GeekTool …Craps { private static final Random randomNumbers = new Random(); private enum Status { COUNTINUE, WIN, LOST }; private static final int SNAKE_EYES…Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Rasgele1 { public enum Status{WIN, CONTINUE }; public static void main(String[] args…