35 Topics

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Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends, I have some dynamic text box in my screen, i have entered only one text field of the screen, after submitting the form all the values of the dynamic text box field is getting added in the database as 0 except the value i entered. i have used …

Member Avatar for Bhuvaneswari_1
Member Avatar for stupid guy

Hi, I am newbie.I have seen projects where there are menus or links below it which are accessible as per the profile set for the logged in users.If there are A,B,C,D menus in project then some group of user will have only A and B Menu when logged in..while other …

Member Avatar for stupid guy
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to show a user JOptionPane where they enter x and y coordinates each in their own textfield, but I don't know how to store user input as ints. So I need to do something like: int xCorFromUser = xCor; int yCorFromUser = yCor; I have this code so …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I'm sure this is simple, but I'm having a time trying to figure out how to add two fields from two different tables together. <?php include_once('conn/db.php'); $query = "SELECT SUM(`sold`) AS total FROM veggies"; $stmt = $con->prepare( $query ); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ extract($row); echo "<small><u>Plants Sold</u>: {$total}</small>"; } …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, so i have an input text `<input type="text" name="numguest" id="number-of-guests">` and a button `Okay`. When a number say, 4 is entered into that text box and clicked okay, 4 of this text box `<input type="text" name="guest-name[]" placeholder="Guest Name" id="text-gname">` will appear. i tried: $("#okay").on("click", function(){ var num_of_guests = $("#number-of-guests").val(); …

Member Avatar for dany4ev_1
Member Avatar for Tina_5

This is a bit complex. I have two tables *bus_status* and *routes* routes has a foriegn key look up from bus_status called UnitAssigned in routes table and it is pulled from the BusNumber field in the bus_status table. Right now when I send an email and include the field in …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. I have a contact form as so <form method="post" action="contact_data.php" class="add-contact-form"> <fieldset> <legend>Add Contact</legend> <p>Salutation : <select name="salutations"> <option value="" disabled selected>Choose</option> <option value="Datin">Datin</option> <option value="Datin Paduka">Datin Paduka</option> <option value="Dato Paduka">Dato Paduka</option> <option value="Dato'">Dato'</option> <option value="Dato' Seri">Dato' Seri</option> <option value="Datuk">Datuk</option> <option value="Datuk Seri">Datuk Seri</option> <option value="Dr.">Dr.</option> <option value="Haji">Haji</option> …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Angle90

How can I explain this. I have a list of postcodes in text files in an external url and I have a formfield. When people enter data into the form field, using javascript validation, I want the form to check if the entered data exists in any of the external …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell
Member Avatar for bops

Howdy, I'm a relatively experienced PHP developer looking to start building websites in Wordpress. I have previously built my own simple theme consisting of an index page that contains a bunch of posts and a template that is used for single posts with comments etc. I wouldn't say I'm very …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for coolrosy

hey hai eveybody help me in sql..i have three fields namely passengerGender1,passengerGender2,passengerGender3 in single table..now i want to take count for female and male separately from the three fields..it is posssible friends?can anyone help me???thanks in advance...!!

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello. Can I add any data directly from table into data base using dreamviewer 8 by php? i mean in design view, i add table. then when i enter a data in the cell, so can i add this cell text to a field in DB table? Also how can …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

i have the following php script. the databtase table i'm saving the data to allows NULL values for the email. this is the table structure. ` CREATE TABLE tblcontacts ( contactID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, contactName VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL, phoneNumber VARCHAR( 20 ) UNIQUE NOT …

Member Avatar for dinhunzvi
Member Avatar for jkembo

Hello everyone, I need some help, I would like to merge two cells together within a row only (e.g) in a CSV file using python. So far, I have 4 columns in the file, but now I would like to merge two cells in one, but I don't have any …

Member Avatar for jkembo
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

For reason I won't bore you with, I need to update an archive database periodically with typically blocks of 100-300 records. Each record has 6 visible fields in the database. Frequently 4 of the 6 fields have the same information in them for the whole block of data. For a …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for thecameraman

Hello, I want to display the fields that were updated. When a user edits their information, example; "FIRST NAME:John LAST NAME: Stih Update to:UPDATE users SET firstname = '$firstname', lastname = '$lastname' FIRST NAME: John LAST NAME: Smith I would want it to print "You updated your Last name"

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for winnzor

So i have this table: numb_1 | numb_2 | numb_3 ------------------------ 5 | 5 | 5 1 | 5 | 5 2 | 2 | 3 5 | 3 | 6 5 | 4 | 7 how do i find the most common value in the 3 fields? so for …

Member Avatar for winnzor
Member Avatar for VRamone

Hi,i´m having a terrible time to discover how can i create masks to some field. Like for example,i would like that when someone fills a phone field,would appear (00)xxxx-xxxx, and such. I already tried to make a javascript function,but it seems that it doesnt work with EXT,because the field is …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B

ok what i am trying to do is i have two textboxs which have figues in them and need the 3rd textbox to display the figure the code i am using doesnt seem to be doing anything could anyone spot it and tell me why it is not working for …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B
Member Avatar for cpchc

I am a web developer who has just had PHP thrust upon me. I have created a login-protected site and have put a timeout script on each page which redirects the user back to the login page if they have left the site idle for a certain period of time. …

Member Avatar for cpchc
Member Avatar for cherrya

Anyone can help me how to get data from one page to other page? here code : [CODE] <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/> <div> <p><strong>ID:</strong> <?php echo $id; ?></p> <strong>Nik: </strong><font class="important">*</font><input type="text" name="nik" value="<?php echo $nik; ?>" /><br/><br/> <strong>Name: </strong><font class="important">*</font><input type="text" name="firstname" value="<?php …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for gerchi152
Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for qwertpink

dear all i have 2 tables, one is project table and another replies table. [ICODE]"SELECT * FROM project, replies WHERE replies.member_id=$_SESSION[member_id] AND project.project_id=replies.project_id ORDER BY project.project_id "; [/ICODE] the above code gives me all , but I need the latest updated replied in each project id I tried [CODE]SELECT * …

Member Avatar for qwertpink
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello masters! I have a project and need a bit of your help. I would like to access/get values from certain fields from a database and assing that value to a variable. Database is included into my project along with DataSet. Is there any simple way to access certain field? …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for bipies

Is there any way to execute a wordpress plugin's call tag [CODE][pluginname=parameters] [/CODE] from custom fields? Actually I'm trying with a function and then calling it from the template: [CODE]<?php if ( function_exists('get_custom_field_value') ){ get_custom_field_value('my custom field', true); } ?>[/CODE] but my result is the plugin call tag [CODE][pluginname=parameters][/CODE] . …

Member Avatar for bipies
Member Avatar for rakwel10

Hi! I have this code that adds field when the user hit the "add new field" button. The problem here is, once you added an input field, then fill it out, then add a new field again, the info in the first field be erased. As how the code runs, …

Member Avatar for staticwave

Hi, I am very new to working with php and I need a little help getting the fields from my form divided into two rows and properly aligned when output to the user. [B]Function:[/B] This is a Client Profile type of program. A form is displayed to the user and …

Member Avatar for staticwave
Member Avatar for Annuate

Hi everyone, I'm working on a summer coding project with few friends from school and we have a design issue that we need some input on.(The language is Java) We have for example a 2D vector class called Vector2. It has two properties float X, and float Y. When I …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rolandrogers

Hi, I have a MySQL DB and I am trying to set up a report page. To do so I need to be able to add the data in 6 or 7 fields into a single field for use in a summary report. How can I do that? SUM() seems …

Member Avatar for rolandrogers
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I hope somone can help me. I have a form that a user use to search for their pay, and it will dispay it for them as both with dependents and without. Right now they can search and it will display their pay, but it displays it as two …

Member Avatar for AMADH
Member Avatar for CrankyMero

Hello Everyone, I have this small system that i developed for a company that is basically a Skill Map for the employee's, so in the following image will show the search of the employee's skills through the Family, in the following image the users does a search of the family …


The End.