86 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hello, I'm currently making a program in Visual Basic 2010 for my Course work, and I'm struggling a little as it involves a "log-in system." The system will save the Users Information in a folder (Called UserInfo.txt) (Address, Password, Email etc..), and the folder name being the username of the …

Member Avatar for berniefitz
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

Hey Guys, I am trying to figure out how Linux determines whether an object in directory is a file or folder. There's got to be a property (I am guessing in Stat) that Linux references from which lets it know quickly. It's hard to find information on google because when …

Member Avatar for shibblez
Member Avatar for dakerao

Hi I'm really struggling in finding an answer to my problem How do I read a folder and then I want to find a file inside that folder read with specific extensions like .obj or .bmp and to do things to those files with those extensions here is my attempt …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for mayreeh

hre is my code for deleting a file, wats missing? $getFields($fields); $infoFile = $doc->getFileInfo($file); $title = _l("Delete a document"); if ($action == "dodelete" && $file) { if ($doc->hasRight($_SESSION["Sid_user"], "d", $dir)) { if (!$doc->deleteFile($file)) $error = $doc->errstr(); else $error = _l("Document successfully deleted !"); } else $error = _l("You cannot delete …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Hi, I am NOW doing a short application that installs a program, without the program being embedded into the application. I have found myself at a loss for code, now that I cannont figure out how I can COPY the entire contents of a folder to a new folder, WITHOUT …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Seten

Hello, I created an application, that scans remote IIS servers/websites and get their location of log files. I need to check the amount of the log files. Obviously the log files are located in default location (customer decision :D ). Problem is that those locations are not as shared folders, …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for ben1996123

[code]#include <direct.h> int main(){ mkdir("C:\\Program Files\\Bacon"); }[/code] Creates a folder in the folder that the .exe file is in, and is called "Program FilesBacon". I think it's obvious what I wanted it to do. Help please? I'm using codeblocks if it matters.

Member Avatar for gihanbw
Member Avatar for edn_781

Hello.. Everyone.. I am very new to PHP world.. I have got a lesson to Saving images in folder and paths to database.. I have tried a lot.. I have tried various websites but there has no complete solution! Will you provide me the proper code?

Member Avatar for edn_781
Member Avatar for mir wasif
Member Avatar for Bevosnz

I want to create a system to filtering a URL in python hungryforwork.co.nz/company/job/ eg hungryforwork.co.nz/telecom/5/ I want to put out the telecom and lookup this company and then 5 for a reference to a listed job Putting a folder for each company would be a mission. An error 404 might …

Member Avatar for e-papa
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi Everyone, I am trying to write a software that can synchronize a folder amongst peers connected in a Wireless Ad-hoc network I have written some code and now i have the IPs of all the peers who wish to sync.(I did this using UDP broadcast. Interested peers will reply …

Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am having some trouble on inheritance in java. I am just testing how it works. I have a file that produces a random number in a folder called number. I have a file that calls the RandomNumber code that is in the main folder. I am wondering how I …

Member Avatar for pbl
Member Avatar for Binika

I would really need some help :( Write a recursive method, as a parameter to accept the folder name (absolute or relative to the current folder) that prints lists of all the files and all folders in the folder, which is given in parameter, and displays all folders in all …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for goldfield

Hello all, I am attempting to write a program that takes the filenames of a number of files in a folder and sends the filenames to a text file. I am using freepascal compiler, can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm building an online Store as part of my website. The store will have upwards of 40 pages (including category and product pages). I want to add a search bar to the Store which will allow customers to search for the product they want. How would I go …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

I have two main issues with thunderbird. The first is that I have multiple accounts setup, and they all show their messages in the Inbox folder. So I would like to set it so that the program automatically opens up to that folder. I can't figure it out. Also, i …

Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All. I am currently designing a photo sharing website. I need to make a script that deletes the image from the folder it is stored in and also from the database. I have done the database bit but i cannot work out the deleting from the folder bit. Any …

Member Avatar for kumiyare
Member Avatar for dasunile

Hi Guys, I cant find the Folder options button under the tools tab on my comp. Its shows me some map drive, sync drive etc. None of the usual options are showing. In one of the previous threads. this is what was suggested. "[U]man this problem was getting on me …

Member Avatar for thami123
Member Avatar for dmguitar0

I have Windows Defender installed, and whenever I open the My Videos folder, which contains tons of movies, Windows Defender warns me that malicious code is being run, and it has to close explorer.exe. While I can sorta play some of the movies (by having the expand folder option for …

Member Avatar for DenisRHuber
Member Avatar for samhoward65

I saw a previous thread related to this, but none of their methods are working. Our company just wants a simple program to put on our server so that whenever someone tries to access a file on the server via the network, it makes them input a password. We can't …

Member Avatar for Techi
Member Avatar for kudresov

My MacBook Pro 4,1 doesn't want to load OS (can't find it) and displays the blinking folder with a question mark. I have tried everything I found on the forums. Mac does recognise hdd. I could copy all file from my hdd to remote hdd using terminal. However still every …

Member Avatar for kilroy294
Member Avatar for java_programmer

I have Windows XP, sp-2 installed in my laptop. I have stored personal file as hidden file and set the properties 'do not show hidden files and folders' on as anyone else can't see the files. But when I tried to disable this feature and enable the feature 'show hidden …

Member Avatar for jaisakthi
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi I have a solution file that consist of two different projects. In one of the projects i have a code to upload the file and save it. Currently the file is saved in same project directory that consist of code to upload the file. I want to upload the …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I'm building a Content Management System on my own in PHP & MySql. I thought it's a good idea that all CMS files to be stored secure on the server "before" www folder so that it can't be accesed from the browser (all cms files in one folder). In www …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for leokuz

[COLOR="Green"]I use this code to view remote files. The trouble is that when I double-click on any of the remote folders, it [U]opens window explorer [/U](windows live?) to display contents of that folder. However, I would like it to be in the same original folder (this program's browser). Also (sorry …

Member Avatar for Graphix

How do you acces a folder beneath the current folder? The upload script is at: htdocs/mysite/management/upload.php and i want the files to be uploaded at: htdocs/mysite/images/ What should the directory be?

Member Avatar for Graphix

The End.