8 Topics

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Member Avatar for andreiviziru

I have a script that registers users and i want to implement in it this function to make for each user a folder with the name they supply so i used $user_folder = mkdir($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/user/'.$name, 0755); $name is the name they supplyed in the form so i get this "Warning: mkdir() …

Member Avatar for devianleong
Member Avatar for sidim

Hi, I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for online (maybe keywords are too common?). Is my code only verifying whether my directory is created? Or is it actually validating? I need it to validate, but I'm unsure whether or not it's doing that. $dirPath = $_POST['company']; $result …

Member Avatar for sidim
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone, looking for some advice please. I had a mkdir working great on a shared hosting account I had, I have since moved from a shared hosting account to a virtual dedicated server, now the mkdir is not working as previous. Before i moved server is was using a …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ben1996123

[code]#include <direct.h> int main(){ mkdir("C:\\Program Files\\Bacon"); }[/code] Creates a folder in the folder that the .exe file is in, and is called "Program FilesBacon". I think it's obvious what I wanted it to do. Help please? I'm using codeblocks if it matters.

Member Avatar for gihanbw
Member Avatar for Billy D

I'm not sure if this is possible. Basically, I have a function that will detect the current active user. [CODE]string currentUser() { string user; ofstream outf("CurrentUser.dat", ios::trunc); system("whoami >> CurrentUser.dat"); outf.close(); ifstream inf("CurrentUser.dat"); inf >> user; return user; }[/CODE] I have another function which will create a directory in the …

Member Avatar for Billy D
Member Avatar for elson.james

Hi there, I've search all over the internet on how to list a directory in PHP but failed to do so. I've seen other php scripts but it didn't have the features I want. Do you have something like this: 1. It allows you to display all the directories and …

Member Avatar for elson.james
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello! I am trying to make this work. [CODE]//make user folder $userid = $_SESSION['loginid']; $userdir = "./u/".$userid."/"; if (!is_dir($userdir)) { mkdir($userdir,0777); copy("/home/users/web/b681/ipg.xxxx/shack/u/index.php","/home/users/web/b681/ipg.xxxx/shack/u/".$userid."/index.php"); echo "Your directory was created. This is where all your files will be stored.<br>"; } else echo "";[/CODE] This part of the code is Ok but it does …

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for damnpoet

Hi, I trying to create some dirs like this: [CODE]@mkdir("photos/$cat/$sku", 0777, true)[/CODE] it creates the first directory with 0777 permissions, but when it creates the second is uses 000 as it's perms, so it fails to create the third. A workaround this please? Thanks, Richard.

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The End.