Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … - all while he was looking for evidence of a global government conspiracy about little green men from outer space. The guy got… crime, an extradition request was finally submitted by the US Government to deport McKinnon to the US to stand trial in… Bannon said that he will overthrow the Biden government or go back to the o Community Center Geeks' Lounge by phaeton669 … white people. The New York Times intervened in a "conspiracy theory" involving Chinese circles in the United States in… who was exiled to the United States, to promote the conspiracy theory of the new crown pneumonia, which eventually led to… Re: Web Site Helpless to Defend Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ezzaral [B]> Turns out it was just a couple of very clever kids fooling around.[/B] Gee. Who would have guessed? I mean, government conspiracy seemed so much more likely... :icon_rolleyes: Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by gerbil … over fourteen months and involving 96 computers in five US government departments" from the article referenced in a link above… Re: Bannon said that he will overthrow the Biden government or go back to the o Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >"I hope you will continue to pay attention to the news that we are about to overthrow the Biden regime." That pretty much fits the text book definition of sedition. Re: Ufo Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH … 'unidentified' object.. The initial two responses from the government were that they had no idea what the object could… have been. However, the government recently made a new statement saying that there were …in the area. This, of course, has created no government conspiracy theories.. As to the idea of other life out in… Re: Ufo Community Center Geeks' Lounge by MidiMagic …unidentified' object.. The initial two responses from the government were that they had no idea what the object …could have been. However, the government recently made a new statement saying that there were…area. This, of course, has created no government conspiracy theories..[/quote] Another bunch of pranksters with fire balloons. Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by MidiMagic …happen in secret. So the government can't possibly disprove any of the following conspiracy theories, whether they are …true or not: - The government has the bodies of … the particular information was secret.) - There was a conspiracy to steal the 2000 and 2004 elections. - Saddam … Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 …electrical cables sparking, big boom. No secret Bush/Cheney conspiracy to blow up New York, just normal physics at … conspiracy. [quote] Sure you do, it's after all what you're spoonfed to believe, that the US government …enemies are brilliant, so brilliant in fact that the government in their attempts to destroy those enemies deliberately doesn… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by EnderX …;406708] I never said that it was a Bush/Cheney conspiracy.[/quote] No, you simply rehash the same kind of arguments…=lasher511;406708] Once again never said that it was the government that was doing it what i meant was that its…;This does not mean they were placed there by the government it could simply mean that the attack was better thought… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 …rusia gave up the space race or did the american government fake the space race too.[/quote] I was actually …sense for a government to do that kind of damage for some reason. the best motive for 9/11 conspiracy theory involves… There are several motives that have been suggested in these conspiracy theories. One of the main ones that i have read… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Anyone who really believes in some stupid 9/11 conspiracy is a complete dumbass.. There is no reason for some …kinda of top secret conspiracy.. There is no way in hell they could have pulled…), etc. The U.S. government would no, could no, and definitely were incapable of such a conspiracy. The South Park about a… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …following the Apollo missions.[/quote] No doubt some conspiracy theorist will come up with a crackpot idea … the realm of reality but that conspiracy theorists claim the US government has, the proof of that being… them not existing openly). [quote]These two facts makes me think there is another conspiracy Fatal System Error for the Kindle Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … of 'Hackers' and more something like 'Goodfellas' meets 'The Bourne Conspiracy' - no, seriously. This no tale of talented and edgy geeks… and protection rackets. Throw in a decent dose of government corruption, coupled with government and law enforcement indifference, and you end up… Islamic State, encryption and the Western response Community Center by happygeek … flack from those who think the head of the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) or Director of the FBI may just… the fallout post-Snowden. I'm no great lover of conspiracy theory, and while I am sure I will again coming… al. Here's the harsh, cold, bottom line: it's government infringement of civil rights as highlighted by the likes of… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by EnderX …quot;dimpled and prengnant chad were attempts to vote" conspiracy myself. I used to service the same kind of Documation… matter what.[/quote] There's not a 'Get Bush' conspiracy in the media. There doesn't have to be. The…is biased anti-Bush enough without having to postulate a conspiracy behind it. Read Bernard Goldberg's works for more … Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by quintoncoert … rusia gave up the space race or did the american government fake the space race too. It makes no sense for… a government to do that kind of damage for some reason. the best motive for 9/11 conspiracy theory involves… U.S. did not gain that much by such a conspiracy. In fact unless the U.S. is carting of ship… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 … read if you have the time(i love a good conspiracy theory) which although mainly full of shit do make for…. Personally i do not think that this one is a conspiracy however i think there is some information that has not… this thrive on a lack of details released by the government mainly because people try to fill in the gaps with… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 … been enough to cause the beams to melt. Although the government denyed the presence of molten metal despite fire and cleanup… how this was the cause. I am not really a conspiracy theorist i am just trying to see this from the… conspiracy theorist point of veiw and where they are getting the … A world of Cybercrime, and how it affects you Hardware and Software Information Security by Thinka … will only agree with me, if you believe in some conspiracy theories, the impact of the Mafia in the United States…, which I paraphrase: “safer products (safer OSes and networks), more government attention, and education on a large scale, are the keys… Bush Administration IT Expert Killed in Plane Crash Community Center by Lisa Hoover … for the federal government and also designed the Web sites of several prominent members of the GOP. Despite conspiracy theories that suggest… Why is almost every popular website flagged NoFollow lately? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Nytol … Alexa top 100. Do you think it is maybe a conspiracy to corner the market by the big boys, who are… is an invalid excuse because it's similar to a government raising a terror alert as an excuse to remove civil… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by EnderX … post it was not untill 1990 thats the moon landing conspiracy was raised. Which is how many decades after it actually… took place. If the conspiracy had been raised right after the moon landing im sure… were some people holding that the whole thing was a conspiracy well before the '90s. Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …electrical cables sparking, big boom. No secret Bush/Cheney conspiracy to blow up New York, just normal physics at …what you're spoonfed to believe, that the US government is EVIL and its enemies are brilliant, so brilliant… in fact that the government in their attempts to destroy those enemies deliberately doesn… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat 9/11 was a conspiracy alright, a conspiracy by Mister Laden and friends. He and most of his friends are still on the loose, thanks to the fact that our boys are too busy pilfering Iraq right now. With boys I don't mean our troops, but their leaders. Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 … post it was not untill 1990 thats the moon landing conspiracy was raised. Which is how many decades after it actually… took place. If the conspiracy had been raised right after the moon landing im sure… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by MidiMagic I don't believe in a conspiracy. My proof of NO conspiracy was posted earlier. Don't take my word for it. Watch the show. Re: Borland/Turbo C++ Community Center by Nick Evan There [I]is[/I] already a post about this somewhere here on Daniweb. It had something to do with the government or something.. But I can't seem to find the damn post anymore. I think it was Dave Sinkula's, but again: not sure. Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by quintoncoert …. but the point is that the U.S. government gained nothing by such a conspiracy. Consider motive. Before I trip my best… Re: 9/11 Conspiracies Theories? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 … right to me. I don't see it as a conspiracy really i see it almost as a mystery there are… not know but i do not think that means the government was involve or the "illuminati" as Mark Dice…