In England, they have a street level resistance to radical Islamic violence and harassment called the English Defence League. The liberal Parliament hates the EDL, even though it is the Parliament that refuses to protect the people. Anyway, the EDL is growing, in spite of all the bad things we read about it.
I used to go to its web site often, SNIP until some really sophisticated attackers claiming to be British Ops (That would be like our CIA) made the service inoperable.
My question is, if the government really wants to shut down a site, it is going to do it, right? At a certain there is no way to defend against it, right? The latest attack reads "host cannot connect to server." That means they are getting into to protocol, right?
Complaining to law enforcement at this stage is not going to help because the police are afraid of the Islamists and the politicians want the votes.

happygeek commented: EDL are just racist hate mongers +0
GrimJack commented: braindead and pointless - but seems anti-islamist +0
Ancient Dragon commented: I just don't like the subject matter of this thread. +0
jwenting commented: troll +0

The EDL are racist hate-mongers. I was in Halifax a couple of weekends ago when they marched there and it reminded me of the National Front marching in the seventies: same thuggish/aggressive supporters, same racist sloganeering, same jumping on the prejudice bandwagon. I predict that the EDL will go the same way as the National Front, that is fairly rapidly into oblivion. And good riddance to it...

Oh, and before jumping to the political conspiracy theory regarding why the EDL website is down, ever thought it might just be crap coding, crap/cheap hosting, non-payment of bills yada yada yada. All are much more likely than 'the government' bothering with trying to bring down such an inconsequential political site as that.

If I wanted a lecture in jihad appeasement from the politically correct, I would have requested one. I'm not interested in discussing the issues. Maybe one of the members has the guts to offer up something on the requested subject.

commented: yawn! +0
commented: flamer +0

They don't need to "get into the protocol", whatever that means. All they need to do is pull the right strings to get the host to shut the site off. Not much can be done to defend against that.

Chances are, happygeek is correct and the EDL just sucks at the internet.

commented: correct :) +0

If I wanted a lecture in jihad appeasement from the politically correct, I would have requested one. I'm not interested in discussing the issues. Maybe one of the members has the guts to offer up something on the requested subject.

Your the one who started this crappy thread, so don't complain when someone posts something you don't like. But I would agree this thread should be closed to agoing religious flame war.

commented: nicely put AD +0

I'm not interested in discussing the issues.

Ding! Hoist by your own petard... :)

Thanks, Soda Bread. It's entirely likely that administrative action at the regulatory level was invoked, although it remains that the same cowards who sit back and tolerate massive criminal activity would somehow find the nuts to risk exposure should it come out that M5 was ordering redirects to server error notification.
Didn't mean to be political. Just trying to provide background so that the motive for subversion was understood. Many implications to this, but this is not the place to address them.

Many implications to this, but this is not the place to address them.


The EDL are racist hate-mongers.

Wrong. As a group they're not. Sadly there's some of those people among their membership, but they're not the majority and the majority is trying to keep/drive them out where they appear.
Of course the press represents them as far right radical racist anti-semites, but then again the press themselves are far left radical racist anti-semites.
They just champion other races, mostly blacks and asians rather than native Europeans (and the EDL at heart is colour blind, remember, it's just a small portion of the membership that gives the entire organisation a bad name).

If I wanted a lecture in jihad appeasement from the politically correct, I would have requested one. I'm not interested in discussing the issues. Maybe one of the members has the guts to offer up something on the requested subject.

no, typical of your leftist ilk you just want people to bow to your opinion and march in line to the gas chambers when they don't agree with you.

commented: agree +0

Turns out it was just a couple of very clever kids fooling around. The operators went to a different system, and so far no problem.

> Turns out it was just a couple of very clever kids fooling around.

Gee. Who would have guessed? I mean, government conspiracy seemed so much more likely...

Yeah, well, they kept registering and leaving these posts to indicate they were rogue feds. As I said in my first post, it seemed very unlikely that any agency would take that risk, but not unlikely it would get someone to take it for them.

What is the nicest way to close a website as writing that the Government did it? :D
If they did, then I think the media would be all over it. And the word would spread everywhere.

The reasons can be any. If government decide to close the website, then a best (owner's) way would be to move the website to another country or address. Did they do that?

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