94 Topics

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Member Avatar for jadzrev13

Hi there, Currently I am making an payroll system using VB6. There is a form where it is used as a search form. We will input the name in the search bar. So what I want to ask is that, is it possible that without clicking the search button and …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I attempted to get the records from the MySQL database and display it on a Grid View but nothing appeared. The code is below: [ICODE] using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for ddanbe

This is not about a DataGridView or something else, it is just about drawing a simple grid in a form window. Googled a bit but found not much of my liking. A Grid as a BitMap in a PictureBox? Come on! Must have been some of those GUI guys I …

Member Avatar for Wazaah
Member Avatar for henky2011

Hi! My aim is to create a grid in which cols, rows, range, and step are given by the user BUT they have to be placed in the grid in a random way. Then, I have to save that grid in a txt file. I wrote the following using some …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mangal123

i have a problem i want to do work with gridview.... when i select a row of gridview then its value is displayed on another page in textbox............. please give me code bcoz i cant do this...

Member Avatar for ccoder83

Hi, I'm trying to create a 2D grid that would allow me to use fluid properties in each cell of the grid, which is defined by a struct. I have 3 grids: [CODE=c]Grid2D <fluidProperties> grid1; Grid2D <fluidProperties> grid2; Grid2D < fluidProperties> grid3;[/CODE] My struct fluidProperties contains 12 different properties: [ICODE]struct …

Member Avatar for ccoder83
Member Avatar for superjj

Hi This is a code for placing a few labels. Now, I have a problem with my grid. I want the 0,0 point in the upper left corner but at the moment it is around the middle. Can someone help me please? [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class test { …

Member Avatar for superjj
Member Avatar for azizaasem

Q1: Grid can be defined as " large-scale Pooling of resources"; specify what is meant by resources, in such definition for the following systems describe the meaning of the resources; for each specify the HW& SW Infrastruvture: a) A company needing to reach a decision on the placement of a …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for tobeeornot

Hi, Using CSS, I am looking to create a grid/table for a shopping cart page (for practice purposes only) inside the main content container, where a numeric stepper, product image and checkbox will be placed in each individual box of the grid, consisting of four rows and four columns. I …

Member Avatar for tobeeornot
Member Avatar for PPS

I need a little help getting started with this, suggestions would be great! The applications' purpose is this: a school is allocated a certain amount of $ for the year to spend on updating technology, it's called 'refresh'. The database has a table for the [B]location[/B] and amount of $ …

Member Avatar for PPS
Member Avatar for cmis

Hi All I am working on a grid view where I have an acitve column which has radio button, user can select either yes or no for the active column. depending on the selection I am able to update the database. I am using the code below to get the …

Member Avatar for slaith
Member Avatar for triksterx

Hi everyone. Let me start by saying I have managed to learn quite a few things and solve pretty much any python problems using this site. So thanks to everyone who contributes to these forums. Now for my problem. I am having a hard time getting the .grid method to …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for manish250

hello everyone I want to implement the data grid control in my jsp page.I hv searchd a lot in google but still yet i m not clear.can anybody give me some idea or suggestion how to implement it

Member Avatar for manish250
Member Avatar for benny2010

The header file [code=c] #ifndef DRAUGHTS2_H #define DRAUGHTS2_H #include <SFML\Graphics.hpp> #include "TwoPlayerGame.h" #include <iostream> enum state{intro, playing, gameover}; //the states found within the game enum squareValue{green, red, blank}; //the draught square values on the board class Input { public: Input(); void setInput(unsigned int,unsigned int); unsigned int getX(); unsigned int getY(); …

Member Avatar for benny2010
Member Avatar for inamabilis

Hi All, Been coding Python on and off for a year now, but only just started looking at wx. Got a problem in a larger project I'm working on, trying to remove all items from a GridSizer - I've created the following test code to demonstrate the problem, but to …

Member Avatar for inamabilis
Member Avatar for vmirce

I use D7 and I've working with TDBgrid and TStringGrid, but I actually need something more advanced. I need a Grid component which provides using a combobox within a cell, limiting a cell to accept only numbers, inserting a picture into a cell... Is there such a component ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for king_koder

I wrote the following function in Python3 for finding the largest product of numbers along the diagonal(top-left to right-bottom). [CODE=python] def GreatestOnDiagonal(data): '''Returns greatest product possible by multiplying 4 numbers in the diagonal ''' grtProduct=1 for item in data: for n in item: product=1 for r in range(0,4): try: d=data.index(item)+r …

Member Avatar for king_koder
Member Avatar for jackparsana

hi, [code] public void bingdrid() { cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Customer.* , convert(varchar(50),StarteTime,103),convert(varchar(50),EndTime,103), CompanyMaster.Name, Country.CountryName, City.CityName, State.StateName " + "FROM Customer INNER JOIN "+ " CompanyMaster ON Customer.CompanyID = CompanyMaster.CompanyID INNER JOIN "+ " City ON Customer.CityID = City.CityID INNER JOIN "+ "Country ON Customer.CountryID = Country.CountryID INNER …

Member Avatar for jackparsana
Member Avatar for kianmiranda

hi please i need help with the query using the values from the combo box and the result will show on the data grid sp [CODE] ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_GetReservistInfo_ByDesignation] @Platoon varchar (50), @Company varchar (50), @Batallion varchar (50), @Brigade varchar (50), @Division varchar (50), @FirstName varchar(50), @MiddleName varchar(50), @LastName varchar(50), …

Member Avatar for Hogan29

Hello, I am trying to make a Data Grid View for a form that will be used by some co-workers. The hangup I am having is one that I am experiencing as a new developer. I have the Data Source set already and I am will be writing to an …

Member Avatar for Huntondoom

hey, I have tried many methods to save my datagridview contents to a file but with no luck does anybody have a good method for xml to datagridview, datagridview to Xml, or any other methods to read/write a datagridview

Member Avatar for ÃœnLoCo
Member Avatar for kalpa23

this is in c# vs2003, web forms i have this dgv and which is populated by some database values i have one column called price and i want to get the total of that column to a local veriable can some one tell me how to do it

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for kalpa23

c# webforms vs 2003 i have this data grid call dgresults which i m using the page index change event and item command event my problem is every time when i load the data grid and try to change the pages it's giving me an exception. that's because every time …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit: 1 11 2 200 21 3 3000 4 456 Should instead sort as: 1 2 3 4 11 21 200 456 3000 As the columns are set in …

Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is way to put easily editable layout for input fields with standard look and collect the text variables to list for use.

Member Avatar for esash28

Hi everyone.. I am a new programmer to OpenGL using C++. I have an nxn grid having numbers in each cell of the grid.. I have to swap the content of two cells.. ie., the numbers in 2 cells selected, have to be swapped. I am not knowing how to …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for navaidstech

OK...guys... I'm about to have a cow here. It sounds real simple but I just can't seem to get it. Here is the deal: I have a normalized database made up of four tables (Primary Key in bold) Player ([B]PlayerID[/B], PlayerName) NHLTeam ([B]NHLTeamID[/B], PoolTeamName) PoolTeam ([B]PoolTeamID[/B], PoolTeamName) PlayerStats (PlayerID, NHLTeamID, …

Member Avatar for navaidstech
Member Avatar for ishandoshi

Hii, The problem statement i am referring to is: Buttons Each cell of an N x N grid is either a 0 or a 1. You are given two such N x N grids, the initial grid and the final grid. There is a button against each row and each …

Member Avatar for skyyforever

Hello, I'm developing an application which has, among the others, a windows form with data grid and combo box. User has to select a value from combo box and I use the selected value to read data from database and fill the data grid. Everything works fine, but sometimes there …

Member Avatar for skyyforever
Member Avatar for DJAyzed

I have a datagridview on my form called "mainGrid" and im not very good with XML buti found a small example to load but not one to save I wondered if there was a equally simple way to save! Heres the loading code: [code] Private Sub loadGrid() Dim ds As …

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The End.