97 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

vbScript - Create a Log File Using vbScript Classes Before I retired I was responsible for most of the corporate data plumbing at our control centre. All of the plumbing was written in vbScript. As any maintenance programmer knows, log files are a vital key in identifying and fixing problems. …

Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi. Im trying this java program that's suppose to register the "staff"'s "car" and there's this boolean method that I don't know how to solve. There are 3 classes: Tester, Staff and Car. the boolean part is suppose to check if the staff has 1 or 2 cars registered and …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for James_43

Hi all, I have an array of objects that looks like this: object(stdClass)[2] public 'statuses' => array (size=97) 0 => object(stdClass)[3] public 'metadata' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'iso_language_code' => string 'en' (length=2) public 'id' => int 700797209428668416 1 => ... n => ... I a simply trying to iterate through the …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for NoobCoder85

Here is my code: ` #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; class Register { //Private members private: //Creating an array for all the Prices static double Price[]; //Declaring RegNUM and RecNUM int RegNUM, RecNUM; //Print out Item name in a loop static string items[]; //Creates a Receipt …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for NoobCoder85

The tools Hal’s sells are: Hammers: $10.99 Wrenches: $10.99 Levels: $19.99 Tape Measures: $4.99 Screwdrivers: $8.99 In order to make things easier in the long run you have decided to make a c++ program that takes in all the orders for each register and tallies them at the end of …

Member Avatar for NoobCoder85
Member Avatar for Pyler

I can serialize an object if it's class definition has attributes. So if I have an object whose class does not have attributes, do I serialize the attributes importedi in it's class definition? For example; suppose I have the following class, #ifndef BREAD_H #define BREAD_H #include "EGGS.h"; #include "FLOUR.h"; class …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for AbstractEden

One of my assignments, that I already turned in, dealt with collecting a student's name and gpa, and storing the information in an array. Afterwards, we were asked to display the student's information in descending order based on their gpa. I was curious if anyone has any suggestions on improving …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ousaf

class phpParser{ public $pageString; //some other properties and methods class software{ private $baseName; private $url; private $html; public initiateValues (){ $this->html = new phpParser (); } } // Now how to access properties and methods of phpParser class through software class member $html (which is actually object // of phpParser …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for asadmoosvi

I have been programming for quite a while in Python but have just started to learn OOP properly. I find it really confusing and I don't really understand it. Especially the implicit self that python automatically passes. It just isn't clicking, really. May someone provide an easy explanation of what …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Oh boy They ust be tired of me now. My trouble: I have two ArrayLists of custom classes. ``ArrayList<Subject>` **a**` ``ArrayList<Student>` **b**` Within those custom classes are other custom classes which themselves have primitive data types as well as an ArrayList of other custom classes. It's a big circus going …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Landoro

Hello guys and gals :) I admit I don't know whether there is a way to create a dynamic array of objects. I have a task to read a file with the structure: body_id x_low x_high y_low y_high z_low z_high body_id x_low x_high y_low y_high z_low z_high body_id x_low x_high …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for kinene tallman

hellow guys please make me understand what is the advantage of using ado(active data object)over dao(data access object) please assist me to understand the difference

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for kazekagerandy

i am working on a room locator program, the feature includes the room location and the path that the searchee can take to locate the room. is there a way to move a control in a vb application just like what we see in flash applications? thanks for the ideas …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for Start4me

Hello. I'm quite new to Java, but I've worked on Graphics before. I have a couple of questions which are: I want to make a night sky in Java with stars which randomly switch to big stars from small and back, repeating for a set time. I also want the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Pobunjenik

Hello! I've been busy passing exams, but now I'm free to code around again. So, in my usual style! **The goal:** I've been playing some Battlefield 3 during study breaks, and I've often been pissed off by BF3's autobalance mechanism. It's bad. Horrible. It makes me sad. I usually have …

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Member Avatar for pilik

Hey I'm trying to add pairs of numbers into an array by placing them into objects then putting the objects into the arrays but I seem to be having a problem with some part of my code. When I run the following example I just get the following back : …

Member Avatar for pilik
Member Avatar for asteriskLMNOP

Please bear with me, this is my first post So, I have this superclass called A. And I've 2 subclasses A1 and A2. A has attribute name. A has function toString(). A1 inherits name, and has attribute hair. A1 has a method toString() which goes: string A1::toString(){ string stringA= A::toString(); …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for salford6129

Okay, so my hurdle here is to Serialize a list that has a bunch of objects in them, write them to a file, and be able to open the file to load the list of objects back into a listbox. I've read the MSDN articles and browsed some Forums, but …

Member Avatar for salford6129
Member Avatar for rocksoad23

Hello guys! I'm a beginner in C++ programming and I've a (stupid, I think) doubt about how to pass an object's class into another class. Suppose we have these two classes: class A {...} class B {...} and I want to use an object from A into B. For example: …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for utchia

hi i have been working on my project to create a store and i have to add items and sell items, and once i add items i store them into a textfile separated by commas, and i made the add item button work perfectly but i am having trouble with …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi I have trouble with implementing a dynamic two dimensional pointer array on allocating memory for it. I tried it this way but not sure if it's correct. The array should contain pointers to heap allocated **Integer** objects const int size = 10; Integer *** twoD; twoD = new Integer**(); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Yoink

Hi, I had an assignment where we had to fox a program and get it working correctly. I fixed 99% of the problems and the program runs correct. The only thing that is wrong is my insertionSort() method. It runs correctly, but in the wrong order. Currently its listing names …

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Member Avatar for Omni

So I’m working on an active directory restructuring project my manager has assigned me to do since the new company name change. Basically the meat and potatoes of it is making new OU containers in the Active Directory and throwing user, printers, computers, distribution and security group objects into their …

Member Avatar for Omni
Member Avatar for rahul.ch

class Account { Long accNum, pwd} public class Banker { public static void main(String r[]) { new Banker().go(); // do more stuff } void go() { Account a1 = new Account(); a1.accNum = new Long("1024"); Account a2 = a1; Account a3 = a2; a3.pwd = a1.accNum.longValue(); a2.pwd = 4455L; } …

Member Avatar for rahul.ch
Member Avatar for Geli19

Hello Everyone. I am having trouble creating new objects in a loop. I am using: DataType *Ptr = new DataType (); I use this in the beggining of the loop then end the loop with: delete Ptr; Each constructor and destructor gets called each time the loop is executed.... but …

Member Avatar for Geli19
Member Avatar for b0tz

Hello, I'm currently working on a project and I need to get the values I need from the API server. I'm really new to working with objects and arrays alltogheter, can I have a little help and perhaps someone can provide a simple example on how I can do this …

Member Avatar for b0tz
Member Avatar for Pyler

Do you need to implement a class in order for an object to access the class's functions/methods? When should you implement a class? When shouldn't you?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pateldeep454

Main.java [CODE] package scrabble; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JDialog; public class Main { public static boolean isDoubloon (String word) { int count[] = LetterHist.letterHist (word); for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++) if (count[i] == 2 || count[i] == 0) continue; else return false; return true; } public static …

Member Avatar for svfox2000
Member Avatar for Pyler

I wanted to write a simple program that uses classes but I've been running into errors. Anyone have a clue as to what is wrong with my code because I can't seem to figure it out. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class cone{ private: double radius; …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo

How do i get value from this return? Im looking to get the value of 2. array 79 => object(stdClass)[356] public 'parent' => int 8 public 'type' => string 'meta' (length=4) public 'name' => string 'limitcounter' (length=12) public 'value' => string '2' (length=1)

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The End.