71 Topics

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Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

Hi Guys. I'm getting bored, and so I'm looking at Python for a new challenge. I hoped to be able to use my Java NetBeans IDE to avoid an IDE learning curve, but it seems that NetBeans support for Python died years ago. So, all you Python gurus... what do …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Fot anyone who is a fan of the Active State Komodo IDE it is now available free and can be downloaded [here](https://www.i-programmer.info/news/90-tools/13411-activestate-komodo-ide-now-free.html). According to their blurb... >There will no longer be a fee for Komodo, the multi-language IDE for Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Perl, and a …

Member Avatar for mattyd

I've just started a class to learn automation testing via Selenium. I'm using Firefox 61.0.2 (64-bit) I'm noticing a possible bug; not something major, but something that prevents efficiency: When attempting to load a saved project into the IDE via Open Project or through drag-and-drop, it does not load. Usually …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Gl753

I'm working on assignment that requires me to generate and store 50 random PPS Numbers in an array but I'm not sure as to how to go about doing this. Keep in mind that I'm not asking anyone to do this assignment for me, this is just the part I …

Member Avatar for Janko_1
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I will soon have a licence to run webstorm on one machine (at work) but I need to think of some other free IDE which supports typescript ideally natively on a different laptop running windows and linux (at home). I had a look around of course, but as …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hey fellas, some time ago I started trying out Brackets, and guess what? Loved it! If you don't know, it's an open soude editor made out of html, css and javascript, powered by node JS and chromium and sponsored by Adobe. A lot of open sources projects coming together to …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, Currently my PC is setup for .Net development using Visual Studio 2012. I'm starting to look at JAVA programming so I was wondering can the JDK and Netbeans/IntelliJ/Android Studio coexisit with my .Net Development environment? I do not want to install the JDK and the either if the IDE's …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

I installed android studio on my laptop i5 processor and 4GB ram but it is real slow and it also slows my laptop down. I browsed some forums and read the same complaints there too. Does anyone know a good alternative or do i have to resort to programming on …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi All, Been messing about as usual and managed to trash my long suffering laptop. Luckily all my data is backed up and it was a simple matter of SugarSyncing everything to the new one - a monster HP Envy - which I love, but it came with Windows 8 …

Member Avatar for rsleventhal
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

I'm sorry I keep having these strange problems but there's little I can do about them, they are unpredictable. I managed to fix the last one and I've been able to compile and run my programs. Now however I've run in to the *strangest *of problems, the one described in …

Member Avatar for Curious Gorge
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

People who know me know that Python has always been one of my favorite languages. And over the years, I've been pleased with the array of development tools that have been created for it, including the different IDEs. I also do a lot of work in .NET, primarily with C#. …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for kakalahori

hi DaniWEB users, it has always been a great support from dani web to answer questions and get feed back from every one. The issue i am facing is not a coding issue but a development platform issue,I have searched over the internet and was either unable to interpret my …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Tcll

if this is in the wrong area, I'm sorry. :) I'm looking for a good alternative for python on linux/wine that's capable of this: http://lh3.ggpht.com/-cuRe_8IrRCw/VEYPPy8J-3I/AAAAAAAAH10/DnjCVyfCEEg/s1282/VS2010.png ^ the popup under my cursor I need that specific level of informative intellisense, which I can't seem to find in any other IDE. (most …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

[COLOR="Red"][B]UPDATE: see author's comments after article[/B][/COLOR] When you develop for mobile devices these days, you pretty much have two paths you can take: You can use the OS manufacturer's SDK and develop native apps, or you can create an application that runs in the device's web browser. Developing for the …

Member Avatar for Batninja
Member Avatar for msagilliam1

Hello DaniWeb Family! I'm new to the site and to the industry so please be patient with me...smile! I recently completed a 2-year community college program where I studied web development and the courses ran the gamut from Photoshop and Dreamweaver to VB, ASP.Net, C#, Javascript, and Java to Server …

Member Avatar for msagilliam1
Member Avatar for Gl753

I'm working on a Database assigment but I'm kind of stuck. It seems to be the Double value that's causing the issue because when I use the Varchar data type I can create my table. Is there any way I can use Double without using Varchar. Any help is much …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I didn't know where to place this thread :) Any recommendations for an IDE app to save snippets of code within the program, I looked online, and there are many options, too hard to pick ! :)

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

I can program with C++ though I'm just a novice at it. I'm using Microsoft's Visual Studio Express 2010 but I don't entirely understand what I'm doing. I can use a library after a great order of frustration but I would like to make this easier. Are there any web …

Member Avatar for Curious Gorge
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

I am looking for a noob friendly C++ IDE for mac computers. I'm looking something similar to microsoft visual studio. I have tried xcode, but it appears to be missing some of the basic cpp. and h. files like stdafx.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Tcll

IMO, VS2010 with PythonTools 1.5 is the best IDE. it may not be as glamorous as Eclipse or PyScripter, but it certainly has more functionality and accuracy than either of them. -intellisense (PyScripter does a better job than Eclipse) -split file scrolling (not sure about PyScripter, but Eclipse doesn't have …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for dstoltz

Hi All, I use Dreamweaver CS6 to write/edit both ASP (classic) and PHP. The new Adobe Dreamweaver CC is now subscription based, which I think really stinks (I hate subscription based software). Just wondering what is considered industry standard tool(s) for PHP? Is there a standard? If not, what are …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody. Lately, I'm having a problem with PyDev which is driving me crazy: It is failing to connect to the Python console, therefore, many built-ins appear as errors (None, __name__, the os modules, etc.). I have tried downgrading PyDev, I have tried disabling IPv6, I have tried disabling my …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for gyno

Is it possible to install two IDE like say Netbean and Eclipse on same system without the two disturbing each other?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Ok, so occassionally as I write my code, a non-printing character is insterted... according to code::blocks this character is actually two characters (\302 and \206). I have done much searching to solve the problem, but a solution has eluded me. I tried using the windows console type command on a …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for cybrix101

Hi folks, this may be a stupid question. From what I can gather, there is no Android GUI developer for netbeans (please correct me if I am incorrect). Would I be able to design the GUI in eclipse and then open the code in netbeans to design the back end? …

Member Avatar for ogian
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This small code example shows you how to approach the beginning concept of an very simple "IDE" for Python.

Member Avatar for AndresOend

Hey all; I've been reading SICP and been wanting to write code from the book and the solutions to exercises and execute that code. I find MIT-GNU Scheme, the recommended interpreter, to be very confusing and very slow or impossible to use. I can't even get some of the basic …

Member Avatar for ahmadajmi
Member Avatar for jonny93

What is the best way to practice C++ coding on Windows 7, and at the very least free? I want to get better at programming, but I don't have a compiler.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for michelle1

Hello, Can anyone recommend an [U]light weight[/U] IDE for C development? Preferably open source, but definitely free. (for Windows) It doesn't need to have its own version control - I'm using subversion - a plugin to subversion would be nice but it okay if it doesn't. Currently my colleague is …

Member Avatar for Abdelghafour
Member Avatar for JRCharlie

Hi I would like to learn PHP. But I can't seam to find the proper IDE so I can learn Build and debug websites. Does anyone know an Express version or free trial that I could download. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for JRCharlie

The End.