22 Topics

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I was recently looking through some of my code and found what I believe to be a memory leak. It is in a function that appends two strings and I am not sure how to resolve it. Here is the function: const char *strapp(const char *str,const char *s) { …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for happygeek

Back in December 2011, reports were circulating regarding a data breach at one of the big Chinese social networking sites, Tianya.cn that suggested the login credentials of some 40 million users were potentially exposed. Clear text usernames and password combinations were stolen by hackers during the breach, although a Tianya …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for TarkiB

Hi all! I'm trying to create a program that produces a memory leak. I have a program that looks like it works, but I was wanting to verify whether it actually is causing a memory leak, and that it's not just some other type of issue. It's in C++, which …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

I have been making a C++ application and currently checking if there exists any memory leak before release. My application will be running as an object over HTTP server and it should be idle until an HTTP request comes in. Which means it should release most of memories when it's …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for kaizen202

In my project, I have created around 12 custom controls(checkbox,radiobutton,editbox,progressbar,scrollbar,button etc...). Custom painting is done in all controls for the extended look and feel using Pen,Brushes,Graphics, GraphicPath,Images,Region and Bitmaps ect. After the use of these objects, I have disposed the objects using the Dispose() method. I am using these controls …

Member Avatar for kaizen202
Member Avatar for happygeek

Acronis responds to DaniWeb questions regarding a leak of customer data which, [as we exclusively reported over the weekend](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/news/427455/breaking-acronis-blames-technical-issue-for-customer-data-leak), resulted in some information being indexed by search engines and accessible to anyone on the Internet. ![dweb-acronis2](/attachments/small/0/dweb-acronis2.jpg "align-right") Although the leak itself was identified by Acronis on Friday 29th June, the …

Member Avatar for CMaker3
Member Avatar for grh1107

currently I'm rewriting old euler solutions into classes so i can store them in a library. I wrote a program that digitizes a number so it can check to see if it a pallindrome, The base class digitize dynamically allocates memory for the size of a number and stores each …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Connavar3

Hi everyone! I have written a server client that receives information, does a database transaction and then sends the result back to the client. My client has requested that they be able to view what was received and what was sent in real time. I have used a JTextArea. The …

Member Avatar for Connavar3
Member Avatar for Sariscos

I was going to start a rumor, but apparently since you all know I'm a team member, that just ruins the fun. So like our good friends at Apple do, I'm starting a controlled leak. Here's the details: DaniWeb Contest We're going to run a month long contest. There's going …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Troebadoer

I am pretty new to C#. I am a Borland c++ developer and is used to "newing" and "deleting" objects programmatically. I understand that with C# the garbage collector is responsible for the deleting of objects. It seems though that I have a memory leak. I am developing a SQLServerDBInterface …

Member Avatar for Troebadoer
Member Avatar for kk33

Hi all , here is my code for GET request to a http site, but it keeps taking memory nor releasing it, here is the code: [CODE] while(1) { hSession = WinHttpOpen( L"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS, 0); if (hSession) hConnect = WinHttpConnect( hSession, L"lalala.com", …

Member Avatar for anirudh33
Member Avatar for HookDevil

Hi to all, I have a severe problem with memory when executing my application. At start it merely uses about 14.000 K without doing anything. Then, when the main code starts in a seperate thread, it spikes up to 700.000 K (observed in TaskManager). Program in question is an implementation …

Member Avatar for HookDevil
Member Avatar for axeves

The exception is: Unhandled exception at 0x6474f269 in Loliboll.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c. I think it's a memory leak. I tried to solve it obviously, but to no prevail. This is the code: [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" using namespace std; int main() { // FreeConsole(); int a; // INTRO = …

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Member Avatar for DaSpirit

I am using Visual C++ Express Edition on Windows, and I am look at the windows task manager and I noticed that every second, in the process tab the memory of my C++ program increases about 8 K when I am not even doing anything. Also, I've noticed that if …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hi, I have a C# pdf library called PdfSharp which I use to create PDFs. I have a page (print.aspx) which instantiats the class which creates the pdf in the Page_Load() event handler. for some reason when I am running this through IIS, the process for the app pool (w3wp.exe) …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16135[/ATTACH]A day after Wikileaks dropped one of the biggest leaked bombshells on the U.S. government, perhaps since the Pentagon Papers, typing wikileaks.org into a browser is likely to get you nothing more than a blank browser window. The somewhat mysterious collective site released over 91,000 secret reports related to the …

Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

I have been running this application for some time and have just recently begun to receive this error message. I would be eternally grateful if someone could shed some light on what causes this error or it's possible sideffects. [CODE]04/27/2010 00:06:16.016 [ERROR] com.ghd.domain.GHSessionFactory.createSession(GHSessionFactory.java:129) - An open thread session is being …

Member Avatar for goldenmean

Hello, This might not appear like a programming question, but inherently deals with code. I have a following piece of test-code, which has obvious errors like array index out of bounds, memory leak:- [CODE] #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" main() { int i; char *ptr; ptr = (char*)malloc(5); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { ptr[i]=(char)i; …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for kevinkace

Can't figure out what's wrong with my delete function. If I remove the delete for the name and address it works as expected, but am I not leaking memory that way? [B]Structs:[/B] [CODE] struct Person { char* name; char* address; int zipcode; }; struct Node { Person* per; // Person …

Member Avatar for kevinkace
Member Avatar for webspy

I'm working on a .NET application that loads web pages using multiple WebBrowser controls. There are several threads and WebBrowser controls involved (this is a server application, and the WebBrowser is required for capturing the rendered image), each thread creating a WebBrowser control and running a message loop for it. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Firefox ticks many boxes, but the one big cross it has had to bear over the years is the memory leakage problem that many users have experienced. Here's how it works: user has Firefox browser open and visits websites, Firefox slurps up some system resources, user continues to keep Firefox …

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98
Member Avatar for Danny

The Mozilla Corporation announced tonight in a media alert that tomorrow it will be releasing an updated version of its Firefox web browser, which has sent for-profit rivals, including Microsoft, scurrying to hang onto market share. Although Mozilla Corp says that official details of Firefox 1.5 will be released Tuesday …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12

The End.