213 Topics

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Member Avatar for SolTec

Hello, I'm looking to, with code, create a report that is numbered 1 through 10000 using MS Access, Visual Basic.NET or C#.Net. Any assistance, would be greatly appreciated. I know I'll have to use a looping structure, and logic with an If Then Else probably. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Yozuru

So I have a programming lab that we did in class for a few months but I am having major difficulity on it. These are the directions: > Specifications for Calculate grades using loops 1. Create pseudo code for your program first, to be handed in. 2. Make the program …

Member Avatar for FelineHazard
Member Avatar for a_salted_peanut

Hi all I apologies again in advance for the seemingly stupid question. I have tried googling this once but can't see to get the answer i'm looking for. Basically i have a form which can query the database depending upon what the user has selected. The trouble is if multiple …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for SlzzyDzzy

Im trying to teach myself a little bit of python and have become stuck/frustrated. Im on [Python.org](http://www.learnpython.org/page/Loops#) and so far have had no luck. First, the objective is not too clear "Loop through and print out all even numbers from the numbers list in the same order they are received, …

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for hey.howdy

[CODE] // absolute.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int i=0, j=0,k=0,l=0; string yes1;bool outcome;int u=0,v=0,w=0; string arr[4 ][4]={{"Name","Plot #", "Cost", "Address"}, {"john", "1121", "Rs.1000", "62 johar TOWN LAHORE"}, {"jonty", "1123", "Rs.100000", "56 …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for hey.howdy

// absolute.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // [CODE] #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int i=0, j=0,k=0,l=0; string yes1;bool outcome;int u=0,v=0,w=0; string arr[4 ][4]={{"Name","Plot #", "Cost", "Address"}, {"john", "1121", "Rs.1000", "62 johar TOWN LAHORE"}, {"jonty", "1123", "Rs.100000", "56 …

Member Avatar for FraidaL

Is it possible to loop an if-else statement? How would such a thing be coded. Basically, this code allows the user to enter a value for a month. If it's not from 0-12 it asks the user to enter a new value. How could I get that to go through …

Member Avatar for Tygawr
Member Avatar for FraidaL

I'm writing this program to calculate the best fit line. It's not finished. I'm doing it step to step to make sure it runs so I don't get lots of errors and totally freak out at the end. Right now it runs fine, but something is really off with the …

Member Avatar for FraidaL
Member Avatar for FraidaL

I wrote this code for a homework problem. The question asks for the inputs to be an array representing a polynomial along with the degree of the polynomial and the value of x. Then it has to return the derivative of the polynomial. Until I ask the program to output …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for crazy99

Hello Sorry if this is confusing I'm really new to python and have been stuck trying to figure this out for hours now. I'm trying to write a function for a text based battlship game. I need the function to do this is_occupied: (int, int, int, int, list of list …

Member Avatar for crazy99
Member Avatar for zaatlob

I want to loop through directory and process the files in them. I do this with the following code. for (root, subdirectories, files) in os.walk(dirDialoog.GetPath()): for file in files: My problem is that the files processed 2 times. I tried the next code, but in that way the files weren't …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for johnnydarten

Dear all, I'm a C beginner and I was doing a small practice nested loop on C when I got a very strange error which when the console opens tells me that my program has stopped working. here is the code: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> …

Member Avatar for johnnydarten
Member Avatar for pythoner

im trying to make a simple calculator: [CODE] loop = 1 while loop == 1: print "Welcome to Jakes' Calculator" print "1) addition" print "3) multiplication" choice = raw_input("Enter a number 1-4: ") break if choice.strip() == "1": a = input("enter the first number: ") b = input("enter the second …

Member Avatar for pythoner
Member Avatar for mkaynutty

So basically this is suppose to be a grade calculator and the program works, I now just have to put it into a do-while loop so it can work for more than one student. My professor wants it to say Y for another student and N to quit at the …

Member Avatar for doma18
Member Avatar for pwolf

The exercise says the following: """ Pairwise comparision of DNA sequences is a popular technique used in Bioinformatics. It usually involves some scoring scheme to express the degree of similarity. Write a function that compares two DNA sequences based on the following scoring scheme: +1 for a match, +3 for …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for codechrysalis

So im having great difficulty trying to have my program move onto the GetInput() methods and so on ...can anyone point me in the right direction and tell me whats going on? [B]write a program that allows any number of values between 1 and 10 to be entered. When the …

Member Avatar for codechrysalis
Member Avatar for ljvasil

Hi everyone, I've written a cellular automata code in python that updates land uses based on each cell's adjacent neighbors. I import a text file as a dictionary with cell id: land use code. I also import a text file with each cell's adjacent neighbor. I then run the cellular …

Member Avatar for ljvasil
Member Avatar for aharrisii

I am having trouble correcting the syntax on this problem so far and I can't seem to find my mistake any ideas on what I am doing wrong ? The object of the program is to ask user for amount of money to put in the pot, and play until …

Member Avatar for rny5
Member Avatar for belle_tenor

I am fairly new to C++ programming and have been working on an assignment for my C++ class that involves writing a dice rolling program (rolls 2 dice). The program is to get a random seed number and a desired number of rolls from the user, keep track of the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for codechrysalis

Basically I have to do this: [B]Write a program that displays the number of students that can still enroll in a given class. Design your solution using parallel arrays.[/B] my problem is what loops should I use for this I dont think [B]for[/B] loops would be useful at all...I think …

Member Avatar for codechrysalis
Member Avatar for 3nrichedd

Hello, I am trying to create this ascii art using nested for loops, [CODE] ***** ////////// ***** **** ////////\\ **** *** //////\\\\ *** ** ////\\\\\\ ** * //\\\\\\\\ * \\\\\\\\\\ [/CODE] I tried doing a paper check and this is what I have so far... [CODE] * / \ * …

Member Avatar for Zaad
Member Avatar for shaynadz

Hi! I'm new here! I have a quick question about an error I found in my script. I'll jump straight into the code and then make my question: [CODE]$description = $_POST['desc'];[/CODE] this is a text description for example "Monthly Tuition". [CODE]$amount = $_POST['amount'];[/CODE] price of tuition [CODE]$dlnumber = $_POST['cedula'];[/CODE] drivers …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for codechrysalis

ok so im making this console app in which I have to allow the user to enter any number of values then display orignal value , and then the percentage of the original value to the total. [B]My question is how do I initialize my memory locations correctly for a …

Member Avatar for codechrysalis
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Code attached in the attachment is not my own and was supplied by an instructor. I am to create a word morphing game. The computer will provide a starting word and an ending word. I am to enter a new word, that either adds or removes a letter from the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for arold10

I am writing this program about Gas mileage, In the program I am assigning a value that is -1 as a sentinel value, that's why I use the While loop. The problem is I can input [B]gallon[/B] variable, but the miles variable keep repeating over and over again. My question …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for witchDoc

Hello everyone. I can't figure out the best way to make a simple picture loop through the screen in a predefined trajectory (e.g. elliptic). Do i need to use some math or is there a way to like draw a trajectory and bind the pic to it? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for pwolf

the objective is as follows: Write a function splitWord(word, numOfChar) that takes in a word and a number as arguments. The function will split the word into smaller segments with each segment containing the number of letter specified in the numOfChar argument. These segments are stored and returned in a …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for krejar

This is a mess. What I want to do is make 1 program with the 3 loops in it do something different and produce an output of what each loop does. Do loop: print out every other character For loop: print out the string reversed While loop: print out in …

Member Avatar for krejar
Member Avatar for pwolf

I have the task of writing a function to determine the outcome of a game of tictactoe, i at first thought use a couple of for loops but that proved pointless, and then the only way i could think of was to write an if...elif...else statement for each row, column …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for techlawsam

I want to figure out how this loop sequence how would the computer execute this loop by going through all the steps in the picture attached.

Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

The End.