6 Topics

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#include<windows.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int card[9],usercard[7],comcard[7],cardsuit[9]; void winner(); void highest(); void gotoxy(int x,int y) { COORD CursorPosition; CursorPosition.X=x; CursorPosition.Y=y; SetConsoleCursorPosition((GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)),CursorPosition); } void decone(int num,int x,int y) { int i; char suit; if(num<15) { suit=3; } else if(num>14 && num<28) { suit=4; num=num-13; } else if(num>27 && num<41) { suit=5; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Jugottabe

Hey guys, noob programmer here. Over the last week or so we've been learning about classes and inheritance in my latest progamming class. I've recieved a variation of the ever so popular poker program and am having some problems putting it all together. I haven't had the opportunity to test …

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Member Avatar for Beastegargoyle

Hello, I am currently writing a card game in Java. My question is when I write the follwoing code below: `Inline Code Example Here` 38 // select a random number between 0 and 51 39 int second = randomNumbers.nextInt( NUMBER_OF_CARDS ); Will the program properly generate 52 cards? Should I …

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Member Avatar for jpunkins

Here's thought I had while working on a project for a Visual Basic class. First off, we were required to create an application that shuffled and dealt a poker hand of 5 cards out of a 52 card deck. The code we are using to generate the seed for the …

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Member Avatar for bluewhale628

Hello everyone! I am currently working on creating a Poker Simulation using the language C++. However, I am having issues with my swap function and also creating the conditions, such as declaring a Flush or Pair. Here is the code I have so far, and if you can assist me …

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The End.