7 Topics

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Member Avatar for scarcella

Hi guys, so I need to know how to add Products programtically without getting this error. Fatal error: Call to a member function getPosition() on a non-object in \app\code\core\Mage\Bundle\Model\Product\Type.php on line 854 This is my code: class TCK_Forty_CartController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { public function addAction() { $prdId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('product'); $cart = …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for jkon

Some weeks ago I posted this and I realized from the referrals that it may help to be as a code snippet. This is an example of getting products details from categories – subcategories using ajax call. I am fond of OOP and this is not , but I believe …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I am creating a function, that filters products, that are allready loaded into the DOM. JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Klemme/8CFVa/2/ Please read on, two get the issue :-) In each product div, I have listet an HTML5 data attribut like this example: data-options="{"brand":"acer","screenSize":"17","processor":"intel","grafik":"intel"}" I have 2 groups of checkboxes working now, …

Member Avatar for candytwirp

I have heard about this Internet Marketing for years now, How can you make some profit while sitting on your desktop? Thank you for your shared knowledge :)

Member Avatar for davujose
Member Avatar for s0bigg

Not all online stores provide RSS feeds to all of their products, so its difficult to keep track of good deals. Do you guys know of any tool that I can use to covert a webpage into RSS feed that can pull up all elements such as title, description, picture, …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya

I have no idea if it is possible to post selling product if there's no human operation. What I mean is this scenario. this is a bookstore that wants to create an online page of shopping cart for their own. Among the thousands of items in that bookstore that is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Aro

I'm not a big programmer by any means, but a customer has requested a program that does the following: Lists products After clicking on a certain link on the products page, lists product dealers A CMS back-end for adding both the products and dealers. My question is: is there an …

Member Avatar for beeerlover

The End.