72 Topics

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Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I'm having some issues with my BSP Dungeon Generation and I'm not sure why! I'd greatly appreciate the help :) Occasionally I'll get an IllegalArgumentException in RandomHelper. That may help, but it's not the issue because it only happens rarely. As you can see, [this image](http://puu.sh/nb9Ir/70efbe5e81.png) shows that the Rooms …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for chaze

I want to do a /home search and remove for files named error_log that are over 5mb I use this now but it doesn't factor space: find /home -type f -name error_log -exec rm -f {} \; Any idea how to add the 5 mb limit here? Thanks!

Member Avatar for mouaadable
Member Avatar for DarkT

Hi everyone. I have a very simple question to which apparently there is no easy solution (I googled a bit but haven't found any yet). How can I force Visul Studio 2013 to install on a different drive so that it doesn't eat up my C: space? In our company …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for blueguy777

i've stored a line into string `$output='01/07/201521/08/201691754.0';` i want split the line as three different words & store into variables var1 var2 and var3. eg: var1=01/07/2015 var2=21/08/2016 var3=91754.0 hope someone will fix this issue.

Member Avatar for blueguy777
Member Avatar for James19142

How do the numbers in a matrix relate to coordinates in 3D space. I've looked at a ton of tutorials for an answer but I still haven't come to an answer. They explain mainly the math which I try to use to answer my question, but I can't come to …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use vb.net 2012 with Crystal reports I have a report with two database fields : streetname (char 25) and house number (char 10) waterstreet 12a walkingstreet 2544 But if i print the report it looks like this: waterstreet 12a walkingstreet 2544 But i want no only space(1) between streetname …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello i have a little problem with writing the words in the database, after some space between the words the database can't remember it, thats why because the link eg. ( /some_file.php?search=something%20wierd ) that "%20" its the space between the words but from my mobile application when ill type space …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for singularity~

I have no clue to why this isn't working but when I try creating a shell path variable in `/etc/bash.bashrc`. This is my variable `SCHOOL="/home/stephen/Steve's\ Stuff/School"` When I type `$SCHOOL` into the terminal I get `bash: cd: /home/stephen/Steve's\: No such file or directory`

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for RLS0812

When I started to compile this list I did not think there would be very many "Space Sandbox" games out there - boy was I wrong ! Here is a list of all the space building / sandbox games that I know of - If I missed any, let me …

Member Avatar for muhammadmuzzammil1998

Here is the code for GUI in C++, http://facebook.com/muhammadmuzzammil1998 Tested in Code::Blocks hope it will help you :) #include <windows.h> /* Declare Windows procedure */ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); /* Make the class name into a global variable */ char szClassName[ ] = "CodeBlocksWindowsApp"; int WINAPI WinMain …

Member Avatar for zortar

xhi, my task is to make a script, which displays the string read from console input in the form of 1 letters / line only. my code looks like this so far read string hossz=`expr length "$string"` for i in `seq 1 $hossz` do echo `expr substr $string $i 1` …

Member Avatar for zortar
Member Avatar for Ann_1

this keeps popping up in a separate tabe in Google Chrome. Yesterday, it had a cartoon picture of a curvaceous woman with brown skin and blond hair whose teeth were being extracted with a pliers. Underneath the pliers was the caption: "Belief"

Member Avatar for Jessica_4
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to limit users on how many database entries they can insert then once they have reached 100 (Max entried) entries it will delete old entries. So if the user has reached 100 entried and they try to insert another entry …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Jahliah

Is it possible to replace commas and spaces with commas in c#? I'm fresh in c# and am looking for guidance. Any help is appreciated! **Before:** Deleting 11 files.ABC: Total Time = 01:16:30, Remaining Time = 00:00:00 **After:** Deleting,11,files,ABC: Total,Time,01:16:30,Remaining,Time,00:00:00

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hey i'm using windows 7..since last 2 days my D: drive has been filling up space itself..i deleted some files and created 2GB free space..but again that space is automatically filled up..my D: drive has total 90GB allocated to it..but all the files stored in it make only 87GB..so i'm …

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for chandub

hi am creating .xls file by using POI library. This code will create xls file, but it's not giving space between border of cell and its content.how can i set space to content type property. Thanks HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(styleSheetName); HSSFRow row; HSSFCell cell; HSSFCellStyle …

Member Avatar for rakwel10

What is the usual cause of website having a big white space on the right, making the horizontal scroll bar appear. Check a screen shot of the project [Click Here](http://prntscr.com/z0bon). Sorry no live site for the mean time. When I use "overflow:hidden" on the div, it will be fixed. But …

Member Avatar for rakwel10
Member Avatar for navp

Hello everyone I am designing a j-query mobile app and I have set the bacground as a canvas and set it to fixed, which is causing it to display white space when i scrool down. Following is the image of the problem ![b5991988c1e4153b2f9d363fb86ea210](/attachments/small/3/b5991988c1e4153b2f9d363fb86ea210.png "align-left") Any fix for this? Thnaks for …

Member Avatar for navp
Member Avatar for naphets

1. I am trying to use this code snippet, to learn how to create a dropdown menu, populated by a mysql database. 2. I have worked out the kinks of the database credentials. 3. I have created and populated a test database. 4. This does actually work, now that it …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for s0wh4t

Hi. Well, i'm trying to add new data to mysql, <input type="text" name="name"/> example: Billy Boy when I check mysql table, it shows "BillyBoy" How do I fix that error? Thank you.

Member Avatar for s0wh4t
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

I need to design an application that reads a string from the user, then determines and prints how many of each lowercase vowel appear in the entire string. Separate counter for each vowel. I also need to count and print the number of consonants, spaces, and punctuation marks. The problem …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, When I purchased my hard drive, its size was 1TB. Iformatted it a few times and I don't know why and how it has lost 70GB. Is there a way that I can get it back up to its original size? if yes, Will I be able to …

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for tabj

I need a help? I m designing a webpage. I have used <**div**>s everywhere, from header to footer, moreover I have used **relative** **positioning** with **top** and **right** tag. Somewhere top value has gone -1200 and so. At last I m left with about 800px of useless area below the …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for DavidB

The latest NASA rover to be sent to Mars, Curiosity, successfuly landed on Mars late yesterday evening. I think this is wonderful. Anybody else in Daniweb following the progress of this mission?

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for resmi sanker

can u give me some details regarding this paper?can u plz tell me what is a master defect record and feature association?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for CharlieBrook

int main(void) { char faceValue[2]; char suitValue[2]; //User enters the value of their hole cards. setCardFaceValue(faceValue); setCardSuitValue(suitValue); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) printf("Element %i: %c %c\n",i,faceValue[i],suitValue[i]); return 0; } void setCardFaceValue(char* face) { char card[2][20] = {"left card:","right card:"}; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { printf("Enter face value for "); for(int x=0;x<19;x++) { printf("%c",card[i][x]); if(card[i][x] == …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Vasthor

Hey guys, probably no programming for a long time (around 3 days), I lost myself on this, the `dent_space1(max_space1, ' ')` just not compiling, for its format. if so, how can I 'delete space' for the sake of this task? 4-2. Write a program to calculate the squares of int …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for xpstyle36

Hey guys, My name is Dane and I am an 18 year old I.T Apprentice based in Blackpool. Our I.T manager has gone on holiday and I have had a call giving a deadline on getting a form on our intranet working, I look and it is all ColdFusion! I …

Member Avatar for xpstyle36
Member Avatar for MR_88

Hi guys, I'm trying to use the random number generator as part of the GSL library and it is working fine for a few hundred 'rounds' of my code (it is used quite a few times per round) but then i get an error message in the command window: [CODE]gsl: …

Member Avatar for zp0402
Member Avatar for fiona33

hi iam trying to activate 3Ds max 2010 but all i get is blank screen with 2 buttons i was looking on Google and tired almost everything but still i get the blank white screen can you help me pl? thank u Fiona

Member Avatar for caperjack

The End.