4 Topics

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Member Avatar for calvintmoss

So I am using spim and I am trying to figure out how to take a users input say "16" and then print it as 9 digit binary number. for example 16, 000010000 or say 4, 000000100, 67 01000011 etc etc always 9 spaces and in binary. I have all …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for rotexhawk

Hello, I am trying to compare two characters of different strings but it quits the loop. I know i am accessing the right chars caz i have tested it with print multiple times. [CODE].data mainNumPhrases: .word 4 mainPhrases: .word mainPhrase1 .word mainPhrase2 .word mainPhrase3 .word mainPhrase4 mainPhrase1: .asciiz "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" mainPhrase2: …

Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

I don't understand what the issue is here. Here is the line in question: [CODE]beqz $t0, main[/CODE] and I get a syntax error here. Also, why is it that I cannot use the $at register? Also, I get a syntax error fr this line: [CODE]move $a0,$v0[/CODE] Whats wrong here?

Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

I'm trying to compile an assembly file (.asm or .s) from a c++ file to be used in SPIM. SPIM requires that the file be in MIPS32ABI and for MIPS I ISA. My g++ compiler is not working well and I was wondering if there were any compilers out there …


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