200 Topics

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Member Avatar for ace8957

I am trying to solve a system of 5 equations in 5 unknowns. I am new to the Matlab language. I consulted the documentation and decided that the best way of doing this was to use the solve() function. However, this function does not appear to work properly for 5 …

Member Avatar for Pwnerz0r

I am trying to create my login system but I have got a problem with reconizing the value from a file. getline(fstream) recognizes it and puts it in a char(reg_confirm), but I can't set a different function for a different value. it should go like this: if (value == "0") …

Member Avatar for Eagletalon
Member Avatar for acebyte

For many Windows XP users, when the operating system crashes or some inexplicable errors occur, generally they repair the system by Ghost or reinstalling operating system. However, these methods have shortcomings. Reinstalling system, the original system settings and software will be gone and have to be installed again, very troublesome. …

Member Avatar for hackit

I am given a assignment in college to make a project in java. i want to make program in java but my teachers advice to make a system program not application program. But i don't know anything about system programming in java so please guys suggest me topics and also …

Member Avatar for hackit
Member Avatar for momartin

I need to run several commands more than 400 times for a mass number of files. Therefore, I'm trying to incorporate the commands in to a python script to automate the processes. Even though the commands run successfully in the the windows command prompt (I have manually tested the commands), …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for edreese58

I recently ran F10, system recovery, when I meant to run F8, start in safe mode (I know, I know, stupid). Now I'm wondering if there's a way to recover my data. Any takers? Ed Reese

Member Avatar for EdwardMalotte
Member Avatar for vin24

Hi guys!.... My colleagues and I were developing a Library system. We want to make use of a client-server but I just want to know what are the basic prerequisite needed in making a system with client-server. Is it time consuming because our professor told us we have 1 month …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for SamY

Hi people, im creating an operating system, 32bit, protected mode, vesa... a complete o/s i need your help in anyway, coding, funding, ideas. i will post my operating system image for you people to sample and you may join me in creating it.... the posting will be done in less …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for techlawsam

Hi I wanted to ask what is the relationship between "system" , "console" and "read" so far I found out that console is a "class" in the system name-space.

Member Avatar for techlawsam
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am making a program that kills a process [CODE]system("taskkill /im explorer.exe");[/CODE] and i need to restart the process using CreateProcess. [CODE]CreateProcess(NULL,("C:\\WINDOWS\\explorer.exe"), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &siStartupInfo, &piProcessInfo);[/CODE] but i keep getting these errors: 27 `siStartupInfo' undeclared (first use this function) and 27 `piProcessInfo' undeclared (first use …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi I need help its actually working fine but i don't know how to put a control structure in knowing whether the input is wrong, example when i instruct user to input number it must be less than 100 if not error will show up that is only the last …

Member Avatar for vijaybrar
Member Avatar for TrueCoding

Hi Im new here-I wanted to create a Login System. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Beta. Ok this is my current code-the main problem I have is that I dont how to compare what the user puts into the textboxes and then check that …

Member Avatar for karthi5390
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am writing a program for my dad. I want it to keep the mouse in x=500 y=500 while waiting for input. So its asking for the password and if you try to move the mouse, it'll put the mouse back in x=500 and y=500 and have keep looping …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for ClimaxBeetle

[B]ERROR RECEIVED:[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]NullReferenceException was unhandled [/COLOR][/B] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. And it points on the particular line: [B][I]dsNewRow = ds.Tables("Employees").NewRow()[/I][/B] [CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Register Public cn As New OleDbConnection Public rd As OleDbDataReader Public da As New OleDbDataAdapter Public ds As New DataSet …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hi, At the moment I am trying to open a log file with notepad.exe while the original process continues. As I am developing for Windows, fork() is not available for me. I googled alot and found a good reference to opening processes ([url]http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/ForkExecProcesses.html[/url]), however they all put the original process …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hey! I sorta, kinda want to make a REALLY simple OS that would be made in c/c++ (c++ hopefully). I realize that it would take a lot of effort, and I would need a lot of time. But I am willing to put forth the required effort and time, so, …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Billy D

I'm not sure if this is possible. Basically, I have a function that will detect the current active user. [CODE]string currentUser() { string user; ofstream outf("CurrentUser.dat", ios::trunc); system("whoami >> CurrentUser.dat"); outf.close(); ifstream inf("CurrentUser.dat"); inf >> user; return user; }[/CODE] I have another function which will create a directory in the …

Member Avatar for Billy D
Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I have a fully pledged membership system and want to integrate my own user referral system but want some tips, advice really on the logic of it. Basically already registered users on my site will have the option to refer people, only registered users. I will try to explain …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for eskimo456

Hi there I was wandering how a virtual Os exactly works and if it is classed as easier or harder then building a kernel for a normal OS? I have read briefly about having virtual hardware and having to create additional files etc. I have also read about creating one …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Tehim

I'm trying to make a ban system for my website with the following features: -Tell user reason for the ban -Tell user date it'll expire -Tell user date it was issued -Tell user who they where banned by -Auto perma if user has been banned a total of 3 times …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for echocoder

I am using the following string and Java code to create a user on a Linux box via Java. [CODE=java] ... String x = "/usr/sbin/useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c 'FIRST M LAST, STERK,DIV-DIS-OFF,123-456-2913' -p 2342asdfa231rcawef09 -d /home/flast -m flast"; RunCommand(x); ... [/CODE] However, upon execution it spins a list …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Perl_enthusiast

Hello everyone who reads this. I am currently creating a program in which the user inputs a booking reference which will allow them to overview flight details that they have added to previosu flights. I have been having trouble working out which direction I should follow to sort out this …

Member Avatar for Perl_enthusiast
Member Avatar for TronCraze

Hi all, I have a question regarding PHP login systems. Is it possible to have a login system within another login system. Here's an example: I login to a site and PHP creates the session. I then want to access another page with some higher-secure content so I ask the …

Member Avatar for ahmedelhamahmy
Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

I am writing this thread not to ask how to make an operating system, but to say how to make an operating system. There always seems to be new threads created asking how to make an operating system. [b]The simple answer[/b] There is no simple answer. Making an operating system …

Member Avatar for Beo_Airwolf
Member Avatar for justalife

Hi, I have been able to help myself and friends with this forum before, but this time I cannot work it out just by reading previously written threads. My friend has a fake System Tool anti virus. It is preventing her from opening all files mentioned in the sticky: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread134865.html[/url] …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for Shodow

can you help my with the code for my cmdDone to add a new record into my database, i can't seem to get it here is my project [URL="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9153815/Unknown.rar"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9153815/Unknown.rar[/URL] no luck even with tutorials

Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for tawes01

I want to make a program that is run when a user logs on, and after a set period of time, prompts for administrator permission to extend time limit. If there is no permission given, the program puts the computer in sleep mode and requires administrator permission to resume before …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for datasuperman

I recently find another big player providing data recovery hardware solutions and systems in USA, this is actually the first manufacturer in USA according to my research. Their company name is called American SecuData and I learnt they provide data recovery systems for servers, SAS/SCSI/IDE/SATA/Flash USB Drives, as one data …

Member Avatar for lucky4you

HELP!!! Because of the work, my system must be modified frequently. I don't know when it will get a crash. Do daily Backup to system state is emergent to me!!! Is there some free backup software? I also will consider cheap ones, if it really works well. Any suggestion????

Member Avatar for lucky4you
Member Avatar for JakeStanely

Hey everyone and happy new year. I'm a java beginner and I am doing my first program, a dvd rental system. I've got 4 classes with the following variables: the main class the dvd class - dvdID, title, rating, producer the cleint class - cleintID, name, surname, address the rentals …

Member Avatar for JakeStanely

The End.