9 Topics

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Member Avatar for natehome123

Can someone please change my username to natehome123, this is very important. thank you

Member Avatar for natehome123
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi i'm doing a project and i need help. I'm designing a system, whereby am unable to use 2 different login authorities, which are Admin and Non-Admin. I am using VB.NET and Ms. Access and need help for the codes. I want something like, if i click on admin/non admin …

Member Avatar for maccinelyro
Member Avatar for infinite15

So I had an issue with our windows 2000 server and took it off the network. Won't get into that right now. I ended up just setting up a workgroup for the time being until something can be done about the server. Three computers running windows 7 were pulled from …

Member Avatar for infinite15
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Hi there all. This is my first time ever in Dani web. I just began teaching myself PhP by googling. My first question ( Not sure if i am even allowed to ask in here ) is that. * When you create a php registration form in PHP enabled page, …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for carinilumpyhead

My friend has two HP desktop computers running Windows XP (SP3) in his living room and entertains many, many guests daily. Guests who do not usually carry laptop/netbook with them are allowed access to these computers and their internet connections without much supervision. Most of said users are very respectful …

Member Avatar for jak0b
Member Avatar for onlinessp

Hi, Please help me,I want to run my application as a power user from an restricted user account.I am trying to solve this problem from 2 months,but i am unable to solve it. Note:I am using windows XP The Example of my questions is: I have two accounts 1) Administrator------->it …

Member Avatar for Hypalink

Can somebody help me understand how to retrieve user profile data when that user logs-in. I'm relatively new to this and am currently developing a site with javascript, ajax and php. For example in Facebook when a user logs-in their profile data is then displayed in their profile page. Im …

Member Avatar for Hypalink
Member Avatar for Grand666

Hi guys, I've searched my @ss off for a solution but not even google has something on this. (two or three useless pages) One of our customers rebooted their machine and all of a sudden their usernames at the logon screen is gone, and instead there is three new ones …

Member Avatar for Grand666
Member Avatar for Skwerlz

This may seem like an easy question, but I am new to vb and though I have searched and searched I have come up empty. What I am trying to do is create a piece of software that will give users access to certain things based on their level. almost …

Member Avatar for Skwerlz

The End.