14 Topics

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[ATTACH=right]16367[/ATTACH]The Federal Bureau of Investigations and Wikipedia are going head to head. The great open-source compendium of human knowledge's crime? [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation"]Displaying the FBI seal[/URL]. The bureau sent a [URL="http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/us/20100803-wiki-LetterFromLarson.pdf"]letter to the Wikimedia Foundation[/URL] in July, asking that the seal be taken down from all Wikipedia pages within 14 days and …

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Just [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story283037.html"]weeks [/URL]after Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales came under criticism for being overly zealous about removing information, particularly images, that could be considered to be child pornography from the electronic encyclopedia, the site is being accused by Fox News of harboring pedophiles. "Wikipedia has become home base for a loose …

Member Avatar for 10000Argonauts
Member Avatar for slfisher

In response to [URL="http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/27/wikipedia-child-porn-larry-sanger-fbi/"]claims [/URL]from cofounder Larry Sanger that Wikimedia is harboring images of child pornography, founder Jimmy Wales has gone on a search-and-destroy mission against pornographic images in the company's family of websites, causing an outcry about his heavy handedness and resulting in his [URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/wikipedia/7711486/Wikipedia-porn-row-sees-founder-give-up-his-editing-privileges.html"]giving [/URL]up some privileges to …

Member Avatar for webhead2
Member Avatar for happygeek

That is the general thrust of an interesting article that appeared in the [URL="http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-wikipedia10mar10,1,2707818.story"]Los Angeles Times[/URL] this week. It starts by describing how the offices of one of the world's most popular websites is a rented space stuffed with furniture bought off of eBay and with a printed paper sign …

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Member Avatar for Tommy_101

Hi, I've been trying to create a program that gets wikipedia pages, and lists all the links found in the page source. I've used the urllib.urlopen() method to do this, and unfortunately I've run into a little problem. Instead of getting the actual page like say the main page, or …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It looks like Encyclopaedia Britannica, for hundreds of years the first name you thought of when the word 'encyclopaedia' was mentioned until Wikipedia came along and kicked sand in its face, is about to change. Sure, EB has changed rather a lot since it first saw the light of day …

Member Avatar for S Williams
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Here we have it - only days after it emerged the the European Union was censoring an image on Wikipedia it's [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/dec/09/wikipedia-ban-reversed"]changed its mind[/URL]. The image, from the Scorpions' 1976 album, Virgin Killers, can now be seen on the Wikipedia site - it depicts a nude female child with her …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It had to happen, and it has. Ever since the Internet Watch Foundation, a British charitable organisation that acts as the official watchdog to track and report illegal content online, in particular child pornography, introduced a blacklist we all knew it would get controversial one day. That day has come. …

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Ever wondered how the U.S. diplomatic corps keeps track of all of its quickly changing information? Turns out, the same way all the rest of us do -- through Wikipedia. The diplomatic wikipedia, [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplopedia"]Diplopedia[/URL], is not available to the public, though examples of pages are included in a [URL="http://www.epa.gov/oei/proceedings/2007/proceedings07/johnson.pdf"]publicly available …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

The Wall Street Journal and others are reporting today about [URL=http://knol.google.com/k/knol]Knol[/URL], a Google service now in beta that's being compared to Wikipedia, a comparison that I believe is incorrect. While Wikipedia attempts to accumulate all the world's knowledge and information as a sort of user-made encyclopedia, Knol seems more like …

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It has been a long time coming, and the subject of much online speculation as a result, but now Google has finally officially launched [URL="http://knol.google.com"]Knol[/URL]. Google seems to be positioning this as less alternative to, and more complimentary with, Wikipedia. "Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics" Google says "written …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I spent the day yesterday at [URL="http://www.enterprise2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0[/URL] in Boston, all in all a fascinating day and great conference, but what caught my attention was a presentation by two representatives of the CIA, and I’m not talking about the Culinary Institute of America, but *the* CIA, as in the preeminent …

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In an attempt to wean her students off of what she calls ‘white bread for the mind’ one University of Brighton professor has banned her students from using either Google or Wikipedia in their research for the first year of study. Instead, in what many will consider a neo-Luddite move, …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Larry Sanger may have co-founded [URL="http://www.wikipedia.org"]Wikipedia[/URL], and I say ‘may’ as Jimmy Wales seems to dispute this somewhat and prefers to refer to Sanger as merely an employee, but there is no doubt that it was Larry who came up with the name Wikipedia. A great name, it has to …

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The End.