19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for cambalinho

heres my RayCasting code on VB2010(it can be another programming language, i will get the same bug): Private Function GetPositionMap(ByVal Position As Double) As Integer Return fix(Position / ObjectSize) End Function Private Sub DrawRays() Dim StepX As Double Dim StepY As Double Dim VertX As Double Dim VertY As Double …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for abdallah_adiga
Member Avatar for zoeehot
Member Avatar for potatochips

Hi, My Crystal Report is using VB.NET and Sql server 2005. The report can be displayed but everytime it will prompt me to key in the Username n Password.. is there anyway to automatically pass the login information to reports? thanks =)

Member Avatar for lauryfriese
Member Avatar for Ahmad_77

I wonder if there is any solution to drop an oracle table trigger using c# windows application project

Member Avatar for Zazy

I need some help from the IT gurus on this forum. I'm having trouble with my MS Windows menu's Edit menu item. What I'm trying to do is enable or disable the Cut menu item depending on whether the selectionlength of my textbox's text is zero or greater than zero. …

Member Avatar for fenichitofelini
Member Avatar for Amit_108

HELLO ALL ! I am new here and a Lerner,beginner. I need help from you all great mind in my project that i have a datatable dt. i retrieve data from sql to a data table named dt in vb.net. now i want to write result in notepad where user …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for UKnod

I am using visual basic dot net, with the asp.net add on. I have created a programme which works great, basically it has a logon, which uses mysql for the data, then loads a 2nd page using the username data. I am using the global variable to store the username …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for geetajlo

Hi friends I want to refresh my combo box . i have even used the combobox.refresh() syntax but it does nothing! need help

Member Avatar for jeric_2
Member Avatar for joshi1984

Hello, i have an excel-file whith 2 sheets. There are much columns, but I need only a few of them. I want to delete some columns by name. I found this code but, I don´t know why it doesn´t work!?!? It tells me ".UsedRange" is wrong. Can you help me, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for savedlema

You may be familiar with apps such as Time Watcher. I'm looking forward to creating an application to be used on students' computers to control the amount of time one can be on a computer. When a student is given a computer, she will be allocated say 30 mins, a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for oussama_1

VB.Net never meant for games! it's more recommended for software developement, but hey why not have some fun. If anyone out there is looking to create an Angry Birds Game-like or a Simulator for throwing an object, you've come to the right place, this code will give you great start/push …

Member Avatar for joy_731
Member Avatar for Joy joyce

I'm trying to make the picturebox collide with the others. I tried to do several things but they don't work. I spoke to my teacher and he said I should do something like this: PictureBox1.Left + PictureBox1.Width >= PictureBox2.Left And PictureBox1.Top + PictureBox1.Height >= PictureBox2.Top And PictureBox1.Top <= PictureBox2.Top + …

Member Avatar for Joy joyce
Member Avatar for Anugerah

How to using special character "[""]" to get value of cell datagriview. Like this [column name], and then the value will be show in the textboxt. Please help

Member Avatar for Thao_14

hi, I have a Visual Basic program run the memory game. it basically will let the user click on 2 cards, and then they flip, if they're the same, they disappear, if not, they turn back. So my program will look like there are 3 pair of images under the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sonja_1

Work with visual basic 2019 and Mysql database Save and edit record with a imge in picturebox is ok but when i scroll the datagrid i get a datagrid error so i can not show the picture when i scroll picturebox1.image blocking my program

Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for lawalishaq204
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for JModak

how can i configure ip address, submask, getway, DNS1 and also DNS2 please help me i use this code but DNS not added what is the actual code for add all with DNS1 &2 Please help me Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button2_Click(sender, …

Member Avatar for markanderson_1
Member Avatar for Shalini_7

Hi, did anyone know how to send email using vb.net without username and password of user, for example it can detect current user crediantials of email(outlook). Most of the google example is using username and password. Please help

Member Avatar for stephenlangton
Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

I have a question about encryption. So I have a code sample that has a key size being chosen, something like 32 bits or something, and I am basically either filling the key size buffer with the password and then zeroes, or null bytes, or a word repeated over and …

Member Avatar for adajames
Member Avatar for andrea.fornaro

ciao a tutti, qualcuno mi può dare una mano...vorrei fare un form con un pulsante che al click inserisce i dati in un db access, avrei bisogno del codice per la connessione al db, e lo statement per il pulsante grazie

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fnjomwas

My code is this. Dim strSQL As String, strSQL2 As String Dim db As Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset Set db = New Connection db.CursorLocation = adUseClient db.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\River Syde RMS\RiverSyde.mdb;" strSQL = "SHAPE {SELECT * FROM Sales where Date1=#" & DTPicker3.Value & "#" Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset If …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for bklynman01

I have an application that opens up Excel, reads some information, then closes Excel. I developed this application using Microsoft Office XP 2007. A few weeks ago, my company upgraded to Microsoft Office 2010. The applications still works fine, but I can not compile in VS 2008 anymore. I get …

Member Avatar for shahidul263
Member Avatar for Man_984

Is there anyone to answer to? I wanted to get the property value of my user control by a dialog box. Friends, I need help. Thank you all See also the attached file. ![232957-untitled.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/ba870929975c880731b2f686aded1a8f.jpg)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for babar125

Hey guys I managed to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail! I'm certain it should be simple but I may be wrong :( Thanks …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for NewAccount

Hello everyone, I wrote data arrays at the end of the exe with delimiter. After I compiled, the app it didn't work on Chinese Windows, only on English, I want to configure the app to work on Chinese windows as well, I know it will work if I change the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kasmar45

Yes I finally decided to continue on with my programming efforts. I would like to be able to refer to myself as a master programmer, but I may not have that much time, after all I am almost 80 years old. Right now I'm delving into C++ and finding it …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for kaykayandcoffee

I need help on how to calculate the total work hours in a 12 hour format. I have a database that has the columns for the time in and time out as well as the total hours. Try If txtSCANRFID.Text = "" Then Else reloadtxt("SELECT * FROM students WHERE RFIDNumber= …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for fx.eko

Hi everyone I have a problem when I run the vb.net program on VS2010 the following error appears: Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program 'G:\TREEVIEW_uc_cr\bin\debug\Treeview_UC.exe' Please help in solving this problem. Thank for advance

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Khadiiijah

So I'm new to programming and currently, I'm creating a school project with Visual Basic and .NET, I know that I might either have a problem with formatting or converting or assigning a value(which I don't know how to do) but whatever I try the multiplied result always gives me …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.