7 Topics

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Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I created a custom 'text menu' that should print each String passed to it. This is the class: package com.github.geodox.areacalculator.menu; public class Menu { private static int index = 0; private static String[] menuItems; public void addItem(String menuItem) { menuItems = new String[index+1]; menuItems[index] = menuItem; index++; } public void …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123
Member Avatar for designershiv

Can anyone tell me how to write each function for ajax loaded elements Ex:Refer the code below $('textarea').each(function () { $(this).attr('maxlength', 150).addClass('characterCount'); }) This code working fine, how to make it work in ajax loaded elments

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for ferdinandmucos

I'm not well conversant with java or AJAX, but how can i read each line of a string display each line of question and answers at a time, after a user have answered the question id displays the next question upto the last one. Im using fget () n php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for boiishuvo

I have one problem at the line 20-23. What I need is when the blue box touches the red rectangle, the blue box gets resetted (it goes back to where it starts). However, the problem is, it doesn't touch the red rectangle area properly. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. float …

Member Avatar for margaret224
Member Avatar for pipelian

Hi how can I print a new document for each datarow in my datagridview?. I have the PrintDocument procedures separately. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for klemme

I have a loop in php which echo out these divs: <div class="nyhed"> <p class="nyheds_dato_p" style="color:#900;">'.$pub_date[1].'/'.$pub_date[2].'/'.$pub_date[0].'</p> <p class="nyhed_p">'.substr($teaser, 0, 55).'..</p> <a href="'.$url.'" class="nyheds_link">'.$link_navn.'</a> </div>'; When ever a link is hovered, i am adding an animation to change the background color of the div class="nyhed". As it is now, all the …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for abathurst

So I'm uploading multiple images to a folder and inserting the images information to a database. The upload and insert is working great but the loop is running twice for each file and adding the information into the databse twice. I am unsure as to why this is happening. Please …

Member Avatar for chunkbar

The End.