11 Topics

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Member Avatar for fatalaccidents

Hello all, Let me first state that this is my first program written in ARM, so please excuse that it might seem a bit chaotic. Also, I want to state that this is a homework assignment for an assembly class. I am supposed to read in an input file, only …

Member Avatar for Rajan_7
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The EE Times [URL="http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=CK0UKKNE0NKJCQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=213402554"]reported[/URL] earlier this week that the Dell E4200 and E4300 laptops are running both Linux and Windows on the same machine. Why both you ask? The Linux OS provides a quick boot for checking email and other "light" computing duties while the Windows side allows "heavier duty" …

Member Avatar for bustyesc
Member Avatar for faisalahammad

I am not know When Facebook Lunch his first Smartphone? But one Blog Published news about that. They told: "Facebook is planning an Android phone, ready to start the brand social network, according to the report.' Please told me about this news. Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for nchy13

hi all. i have implemented Karatsuba algorithm for multiplication of large numbers . when i compile .c file it is giving correct output using followin commands in **linux** terminal. **gcc ulti.c ./a.out < hi.txt** But problem arises when i try to run it in **ARM** using following commands. it give …

Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, in a given c program where you have [CODE]myvar = sumR(char * arg1, int arg2)[/CODE] sumR is a function in an assembly .s file. I have done all the calculations, but I have no idea how to return the value to the calling c program. Any ideas? Thanks so …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, I am tasked with writing selection sort in assembly. We are writing for the ARM processor. Currently, this is what I have: [CODE] sort2: 73 stmdb sp!, {v1-v5, lr} @ Copy registers to stack 74 ldrb r5, [a2] @ J = n 75 76 ldrb v2, [a1] 77 cmp …

Member Avatar for joker22xx

heres my C code this was easy: -Chris g [CODE=c]#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> extern int numodd( int array[], int size ) ; int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int numarray[] = { 2, 3, 1025, 3024, 4057, -3, -1025, -3578 } ; int size = sizeof(numarray) / …

Member Avatar for joker22xx
Member Avatar for kangkan_14

Here is an arm assembly code for factorial function (along with the c code).i am a bit confused with the stmfd and ldmfd instructions.what are they exactly doing in this program? what does the exclamation mark do? why is label .L2 being loaded into r0? i kno that stmfd and …

Member Avatar for kangkan_14
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Intel is known for being…well, Intel. They have been making processors and the like for as long as anyone cares to remember and while they may be the current reigning champ in the desktop PC processors wars, the same cannot be said about the oh-so-popular “gadget” market. Intel is a …

Member Avatar for liran ritkop

Hi all.. I am new to apache and i have some questions about it.. i cross compiled it on an hawkboard, which has ARM arch'. the main question is how to make apache use as minimal as possible, for example, when i use the 'top' command on the target i …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for kc0arf

A couple of years ago, I thought I would never have seen an "Intel Inside" sticker on Apple hardware. Looking at the news today, I was surprised at the revelation that Intel Macintosh hardware can now run Win XP SP 2! Somebody please check if hell froze over. WOW. Go …

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The End.