24 Topics

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Member Avatar for vijayakumar_1

Iam designing a circular progress bar for my application. iam getting some example code which implements circular progress bar using PyQt4. I tried to convert the PyQt4 code in to PySide code which suits my application. but when i try to run the code iam getting error. plz help me …

Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

I'm currently writing a trivia game for someone in VB.net (will follow similar pattern to TriviaCrack). My question is, what is the best way to contain the questions to have them display in a multiple choice fashion on the screen and their sequence to be randomized? Right now, I am …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I'm looking for an effect identical to [this](http://andrew-hoyer.com/experiments/rain/) that would, transition a container from one to another ? If you can imagine in the example link shownn above a container (<div>) raining and transitioning into another container (<div>) ?

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for sonicx2218

(skip to 2nd paragraph if you don't want backstory deets) I made a mistake guys...A friend is working on this big project and wanted me to help with his site since I sitebuild and the works. I'm used to manually creating sites myself, but he needed to be able to …

Member Avatar for sonicx2218
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi It seems I have tried everything to get this CSS styled web page to produce what I could have done easily using a simple table layout :( I have the footer occupying the bottom of the outer wrapper but the trouble is I cannot get the outer wrapper to …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, sorry for my ignorance about python containers but I have the need to store (and access) 4 different values per file in folder, namely the filename (with its path) and 3 other values (string or None). When I access the database, I will need to know the 3 …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Let's say you have a whole bunch of nicely named lists and want to save them all and their names in a pickle file. One solution can be to store these lists and their names in a Bag container class and pickle the bag instance object. Now you can use …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I have a tabbed container on this page: http://www.jamball.com/2012/09/test_5.html that acts funny in old IE. A lot of our customers seem to be unwilling or unable to update their browsers, so is there a way to fix it? The tabs all spread across and to the right, instead of falling …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for sergent

I decided to learn C++ STL and I was exprimenting with STL containers. I saw this example [here](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/vector/insert/): // inserting into a vector #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main () { vector<int> myvector (3,100); vector<int>::iterator it; it = myvector.begin(); it = myvector.insert ( it , 200 ); …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I'm centering my container div this way. #container{ position: absolute; left: 50%; margin:0 auto; height:100%; width:1024px; margin-left: -512px; text-align:left; } The div centers in the window, however when the user resizes the window to smaller than 1024 the window starts showing the center of the page. How can i make …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for stroper

We have to make a little webshop in HTML, Css and javascript. Everything but the div's are to be made in JS, also the table's we can't make them in HTML. In the left (Links div) we make a couple of links, in the middle div (dynamicLeft) we have to …

Member Avatar for Easyrider439
Member Avatar for skran

Hi! I m trying to open a filter form at the center of a form which is inside the panel 2 of a split container.. I ve selected Start Position of the filter form => Center Screen but the problem is that when I push the button which opens the …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for thwias1b3008

I have a problem on passing value from Main Form to 2nd Form. Actually, I have a [B]2nd Form[/B] on the [B]SplitContainer[/B] and the [B]SplitContainer[/B] is placed [B]inside the Main form[/B]. What I want to do is [COLOR="green"][B]Click the Button on the 2nd Form from the Main Form.[/B][/COLOR] Thanks in …

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for SMITA6076

I have a [ICODE]JFrame[/ICODE] window to which I am trying to add 3 panels. One panel is for input (text areas and their labels which I already have arranged within the panel), one is for a set of buttons, and one is for output. I want the the input and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ThomasNeedsHelp

OK so I have this homework assignment for a java class that I am taking. with the exception of a couple things not working right(search, delete) ive pretty much got it. The problem I am having now is that I need to implement a controlled break so that my report …

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for banannamoofin

I am struggling with one part of my specification to complete my program :/, currently it does let me enter different items into containers and creates new containers as they are needed. However now I need the program to handle how it packs the items differently. Before when numbers such …

Member Avatar for seven37us

Hi everyone - This is my first post, so please be gentle :) I am having a problem on a website I recently built in which the entire container is shifting just a few pixels to the right on some of the pages of the sites. Not all of the …

Member Avatar for george61
Member Avatar for ms_sws

Is there a way to create a div or some container in which there will be an image such that the image fills the container but retains its aspect ratio? So if the container is 100px x 100px and an image is 200px x 100px it will be resized to …

Member Avatar for prabinrai
Member Avatar for dimios

Hello there, I am trying to figure out the advantages of C++ STL containers over C. Correct me if I am wrong. a)in C++ containers classes are standardized. C doesn't have any standardized libraries for data structures beyond the native array type. b)each of these containers in C++ has member …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for dimios

Hi everyone, can you help me please with then following?? a)The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) contains a number of container data types, explain with suitable examples the advantages these give to the programmer over a procedural language such as C. b)Demonstrate using suitable code the usage of the STL …

Member Avatar for bandtank
Member Avatar for bajanpoet

I've created an SSIS package where I have an FTP Task inside a ForEach Loop container. I am trying to loop through each file in the particular folder and send it to the FTP site. I am sure that I got the For Each Loop working, as the error message …

Member Avatar for bluetickk

here is the code to my .aspx page: [CODE]<body> <div class="left"> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="content"> </div> </div> </body>[/CODE] here is the code to my stylesheet: [CODE].left { margin: 0px 0px 0px 100px; width: 550px; height: 100%; float: left; background-color: #FFFFFF; } .right { width: 250px; height: 100%; float: left; …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for khess

If you haven't heard of [URL="http://www.proxmox.org"]ProxMox[/URL] yet, you need to hit the site right now and grab the [URL="http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Downloads"]ISO[/URL] file for the latest version (1.3) as of this writing. ProxMox is a bare metal (Type 1) hypervisor that comes with [URL="http://www.linux-kvm.org"]KVM[/URL] (Kernel Virtual Machine) and [URL="http://www.proxmox.org"]OpenVZ[/URL] technology rolled into a …


The End.