17 Topics

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Member Avatar for brooklyn1991

Hello, everyone!:) I am new to Daniweb and I would like a little help in implementing Binomial Heap subroutines in C, especially insertion in Heap. For my application it is necessary to implement max-heaps(i.e., roots storing the maximum value) in stead of min-heaps(i.e., root storing minimum value) in ANSI C. …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for Stefan_2

I get this error poping up here and there but I still don't know what it means and how to fix it. "Windows has triggered a breakpoint in program_name.exe. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in program_name.exe or any of the DLLs …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for newbie14

Hi All,We have a java application which does deal with lots of insert,update and select statement.We are using bonecp. So we took some sample heap and analyse it with MAT and its pointing to jdbc leaking. Thus we went into the codes and ensure that all resultset,statement and connection are …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for Bchandaria

Can any one tell me about fibonacci heap? I have read that it can be implemented using prims algorithm. but i actual i do not know what is fibonacci heap So can any one tell me what is fibonacci heap? how to implement fibonacci heap? what are the applications of …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for marnun

We started learning Heap property in class. Here is an exercise on the topic: > isHeap > Write the definition of a function named isHeap that receives three arguments as follows: > x : an array of ints > i : a valid index into the array x > n …

Member Avatar for marnun
Member Avatar for chinee

i am doing a group project concerning graph my part is finding the minimal cost the teacher tried to help us out with the group work by putting up code for the parts for use to follow. i have errors when i compiled the code that the teacher give. the …

Member Avatar for chinee
Member Avatar for ethio
Member Avatar for R1111

**Hello, If I have an array, and want to make a heap tree out of it using make heap and sort heap, how would I do it? I'm struggling because I didn't take any course in data structure. Any help -in c++- will be appreciated :D**

Member Avatar for R1111
Member Avatar for fonzi

Hello I am currently working on this code and the code can be runned well from 100-10,000 random elements after that the heap sort says stack over flow, im thinking the recursive calls are the cause of this, so please healp public static void MAX_HEAPIFY(int [] A, int i, int …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kashaku

Hi. Sooner or later I had to go into the depths of C. Today was the day I tried my first things with C. However, I am having a problem although I do not know what actually causes it. The goal of the pogram is to combine the parameters into …

Member Avatar for Kashaku
Member Avatar for blackrobe

Hey, I'm studying for a final exam and I came across an old question asking to give an algorithm that runs in [TEX]O(logn)[/TEX] and deletes an arbitrary element from an [TEX]n[/TEX] element [B]Min-Heap[/B] if given its index. I was thinking the right approach would be to use Hash table for …

Member Avatar for blackrobe
Member Avatar for vinithktp

Hi, I am facing OutOfMemory exception in Java, Kindly help me to resolve this issue, really appreciate your help [U][B]ERROR: [/B][/U]java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space [B][U]CODE:[/U][/B] [CODE] public Blob getBlob(String databaseInstance, InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException, Exception { applog.info("Entering getBlob"); InputStream stream = null; applog.info("inputStream : " + inputStream); stream = inputStream; …

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Member Avatar for dolfan55aj

We have to do a level order traversal of a max-heap and I'm having some trouble. Of course a regular level order traversal in a heap is easy as can be (it's an array of course) but now I have to print it in a sort of tree structure. For …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa

Hey guys I've been asked to create an array of objects on the heap for my assignment but I cant seem to find any examples that explain it well enough on the web. So what I got is: [CODE]//Heabder File class Wheel{ public: Wheel() : pressure(32) { ptrSize = new …

Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa
Member Avatar for imfatyourefat

So here's the question: Suppose as min heap uses parent pointers such that each node contains a pointer to its parent and the root has a null pointer. Given a pointer to the node, which isn't the root of the tree, containing the max key in the heap, what is …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for CSWalls

Hey guys.. thanks in advance for whosoever helps and gives their views.. So I am facing some problems with my CS program... which is in c++ and is about heaps.. its pretty basic stuff.. [B]Here's the Heap.cpp (implementation file)[/B] [ICODE]/** @file Heap.cpp */ #include "Heap.h" // header file for class …

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Member Avatar for ashishchoure

Hi Guys, Is this right to say Heap is RAM and Stack is Pagefile(HardDrive)? Sorry for silly question. :?:

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The End.