234 Topics

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Member Avatar for lewashby

My daughter has a desktop computer and she needs more memory to run some of her applications. I've checked it out as best as I know how but all I can come up with is that the memory in it is 8 GB of ADATA XPG memory, and she has …

Member Avatar for Puterwiz82
Member Avatar for Rohan_12

Hello Everyone, I have an FPGA application that has some function (i.e: Matrix Multiplication) now I want to create the memory interface for FPGA communication based on the model pushed into the FPGA? For example, If we have the size of 1024 and the size of data is 10 bit …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for moin ali khan

In a system implementing paged segmentation, the size of logical address is 42-bit where aprocess can have maximum 128 segments and the page size is 512-bytes. Page table entry size is 4-Byte. Physical address space of the system is 128KB. Compute : i.Maximum number of pages per process ii.Size of …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ogsirus

Hi Guys I ran into a bit of a problem with some code I am writing. I am trying to store all possible combinations of a set of numbers which are current being stored in List. Problem is my code run into an out of memory exception, heres my code: …

Member Avatar for ogsirus
Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

How to find out the MHz on RAM just by looking at it? If it doesn't show it isn't there a mathematical way to fined it?

Member Avatar for MadeIT
Member Avatar for Chris920

I am running a unmanaged VPS - CentOS 6, 1gig of ram, 60gig storage, 256mb Vswap my.conf file: [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=mysql symbolic-links=0 max_connections=100 max_user_connections=30 max_allowed_packet=64M wait_timeout=30 interactive_timeout=50 query_cache_type=1 query_cache_size=4M query_cache_limit=1M long_query_time=5 thread_cache_size=4 key_buffer_size=16M table_open_cache=80 log-queries-not-using-indexes log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql/log-slow-queries.log #innodb_use_native_aio = 0 innodb_file_per_table [mysqld_safe] log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid MySql tuning logs: ![myturner.png](/attachments/large/4/1956cd6cace6d0b9912f6a38d4d3f912.png "align-center") ![myturnprimer.png](/attachments/large/4/5860e0cc711113ecbe783cad32fdaa7b.png …

Member Avatar for Chris920
Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

I have a motherboard that supports dual channel DDR2 667Mhz slots with support for up to 4GB. Will I have to put in 2 sticks with each running at about 667Mhz or will I have to have 2 sticks with each running at about 333Mhz to add up to that …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

Hi all, I just noticed a signficant slow-down with Daniweb, not with the server, but with the site (javascript?), in particular, with the editor that jams every few seconds. So, I checked by task manager and found that one Chrome tab was taking quite a bit of resources (memory + …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for elouch

hi all i've been strugling with this error. could someone help me. below is the code stremail = "some@email" For Each store In outlookapp.Session.Stores strchecking = store.DisplayName outlookfolder = store.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) For Each objfolder In outlookfolder.Folders For Each obj As Object In objfolder If TypeOf (obj) Is Outlook.MailItem Then MsgBox(obj.Subject) End …

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for ravi_14

IplImage *in; CvMemStorage *storage = cvCreateMemStorage (20506); CvSeq *contours=NULL; CvPoint *PointArray=NULL; for() { //image processing and feature extraction code here cvClearMemStorage (storage); //clear memory area free (PointArray); cvReleaseImage (&in); } At the end of each iteration i ma releasing memory but still i get memory shortage error after # processing …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Razahcy
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I was recently looking through some of my code and found what I believe to be a memory leak. It is in a function that appends two strings and I am not sure how to resolve it. Here is the function: const char *strapp(const char *str,const char *s) { …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sankubha

how to reduce memory usage of java application...it takes 18 mb memory when started,when i starts new thread it takes 47 mb of memory .After i closed the started thread ,the memory is not reduced to 18 mb. It still stays at 47mb of memory usage.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm trying to pull the total physical memory on a machine and have it show just like it would inside My Computer Properties. I know I can use My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory which will return it in bytes. This is where I'm getting stuck. I want to be able to divide it and …

Member Avatar for uchy69
Member Avatar for samson.dadson.3

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int fish =6; int * fishp = &fish; cout<<fishp<<endl; return 0;} this runs ok, but i get the same memory address when i cout either fishp or &fishp. how is it possible for a pointer to have the same address as the address it's …

Member Avatar for samson.dadson.3
Member Avatar for ShiningSt@r

Need Help: Why Dynamic memory allocation by using pointers provides an efficient way of utilizing computer memory but such memory allocation may be problematic if not handled properly in program.

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Shows you how to get a Python object's memory size. Notice that there can be a difference between Python versions.

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for nikolaos

Testing the following code from a book public class RunTime { public static void main(String[] args) { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); //MEMORY MANAGEMENT long mem1, mem2; Integer intmatrix[] = new Integer[1000]; System.out.println("Total memory is :" + r.totalMemory()); mem1 = r.freeMemory(); System.out.println("Initial free memory is :" + mem1); r.gc(); mem1 = …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for happygeek

Kryten is a Series 4000 mechanoid, the neurotic robotic servant appearing in cult British sitcom Red Dwarf. So what's he got to do with your computer, apart from the somewhat stereotypical link between geeks and science fiction? Well, the Kryten character was played (in all but the first appearance) by …

Member Avatar for jackalex545
Member Avatar for jkon

Hello, I suspect that this is an elementary question but maybe I don’t understand how to search for it. I am a programmer, but having a small company and we can’t afford yet a system administrator, so I play this role as well with my limited practice on it. Currently …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for kian.popat

Hi, I am planning to build a budget gaming PC with the price limit of roughly £400. I have found a group of components that add up to make roughly £350 and I was wondering whether these components are worth there money, if it will be good enough to play …

Member Avatar for langdonb
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I've been working on a small API/Library and I realized that I was returning memory that wasn't going to be consistently put on the heap or stack. So my question is this: when I return an object from a function in a Library, should that object be on the heap? …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for glut

Hi, I've already posted a thread about this on stackoverflow, but nobody has said anything useful, and it's been a day since it has been posted. I'm trying to scan for a memory address in a targeted process, but it goes really really slow. Either that, or there's something wrong …

Member Avatar for glut
Member Avatar for irtza

These are two simple programs. In first program, i used static array, while in second program i used dynamic array. Both programs do the same job i.e. initiaze the array by asking the user to enter the their test scores. The problem is: 1)i have read in many books that …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I made an arbitrary precision integer library a few weeks ago. It works well, but is bounded by `256^(8*sizeof(size_t))` because it uses a simple dynamically allocated array to do its work. I want some way to have theoretically unbounded storage. I think that file io is probably best, but …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Cody_2

Hey guys i really want to start playing wow and we are getting internet again soon. I already bought the game and expansions but my computer doesn't have enoughspace so im going to download the game on a usb or external hard drive and idk what to get...does anyone know …

Member Avatar for Cody_2
Member Avatar for Aethir

# This is an advanced guess the number game. import random # The very basis of this game. import math # Used for math.ceil import time # Used to split up long portions of text. def errorDisplay(errorCode): if errorCode == '1': print('\n\n\nError ' + errorCode + ': unlockedGameModes outside of …

Member Avatar for Aethir
Member Avatar for TarkiB

Hi all! I'm trying to create a program that produces a memory leak. I have a program that looks like it works, but I was wanting to verify whether it actually is causing a memory leak, and that it's not just some other type of issue. It's in C++, which …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for bluekb

why I am trying to dynamically allocate memory for this pointer to array of structure I have STUDENT *studArr[] where STUDENT is the name of the structure I tried to allocate like this #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "queue.h" #include "stack.h" #define NAME_SIZE 20 #define RECORDS_SIZE 100 typedef …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for blackrainbowhu

Hello everyone! I hope that someone could help with my C assignment. The main task is to demonstrate forking, piping, message queues, signals, and shared memory with an example that a rabbit female is waiting for a rabbit boy to tell her a poem, she gives a gift in return …

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The End.