56 Topics

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Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**Warning: This article discusses theories concerning A.I. advancement that might be disturbing for some readers. Please only read if you are comfortable exploring potentially disquieting scenarios surrounding artificial superintelligence and its implications.** ![rokos-basilisk-og.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/d0364da2524dc2dc4c00a254c8d3969f.jpg) *Roko’s Basilisk as imagined by DALL·E 3* Once upon a bleak midwinter, amidst the code-laden corridors of …

Member Avatar for soly_1
Member Avatar for dado.d

Hi, I need a little help with someting I'd like to implement, but not sure how to do it. I'm running eBay like classifieds site. There are a lot of filters on my site e.g. you can filter ads by price, by category, by city, by condition... Let's say we …

Member Avatar for kalidas.rajendran.1

i am lookng for some sample c coding for fuzzy logic, can anyone help me in developig fuzzy logic in c,.. i had developed my fuzzy rules in matlab, now i hav to develop the c coding for the developed model, can anyoe help me in developing the c code, …

Member Avatar for nelsonfaboan.rios
Member Avatar for xxwikkixx

I am trying to send some strings on my android device using bluetooth to my arduino so I am wondering if my logic is correct for my code. The part I am stuck on how to implement if all arguements are OK then it should send String temp = "t"; …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for nekoleon64

My Name is Leonard E. Norwood Jr. I'm Undergraduate student from Norfolk State University in Norfolk Virginia. Getting down to the point, my program is supposed to print out a list of pre-set numbers in reversal. I used pointers for this, however, something went wrong so I'm trying my best …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kalidas.rajendran.1

hallo everyone i am lookng for some sample c coding for fuzzy logic, can anyone help me in developig fuzzy logic in c,.. i had developed the fuzzy logic in matlab, now i need to write the code in c, looking for some sample code,..

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for fahadmunir32

what difficulties most of the beginners in c++ programming student face i guess logic building ** i have a blog about c++ programming for beginners on which i try to things the as simple as i can so every beginner can understand the logic of program. Because once they are …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Rebecca_2

In the parent directory O, I have a series of directories Aa, where a varies from 0-1. In each of these I have a series of directories Bb, where b varies from 0-1. In each of these there are the input/output files AaBbCc.dat and AaBbCc.out for some calculations [c also …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for pwolf

Yesterday while browsing the web, I stumbled upon a blog where the author had written a post regarding what a computer scientist should know, in that list he had given links for further reading. One of these links was to a website [nand2tetris](http://nand2tetris.org/) where the goal is supposedly to build …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hey guys, I'm having difficulties with a problem. I iterate over an array of data with X rows And i have the positions of each row incremented, i would like that when i found an exception i shift all the position id's so after each exception the next ID has …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10

I have a lottery program nearly completed, thought i had the last of the problems sorted but it seems i did not!! The program has a couple of issues. 1: Everytime i click a button it stores what i clicked, for example 10, and also creates a random number. Problem …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for RGStrat

Hello All, I'm working on a puzzle right now and am a bit stumped. I confess, I'm not much of a PHP programmer, but I don't claim to be either haha. I have an array with several variables: * dad * tsa * aft Next, I have a much larger …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for blindislands

So I have a schematic in logicworks and I need to convert to VHDL but I cannot because I don't know how. Can someone help me please? ![fc0c9426f7c49a3b3d8962e71a83fc24](/attachments/large/4/fc0c9426f7c49a3b3d8962e71a83fc24.PNG "fc0c9426f7c49a3b3d8962e71a83fc24")

Member Avatar for PrimePackster

Hi guys, I have been working on a sudoku solver, that finds solution by brute forcing during my school days.... But due to the huge number of loops i couldn't do it at then.... SO decided to complete it now.... So here the algorithm: 1. Get the number of fixed …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for l.worboyz

I am making an ABACUS MODEL program which adds counters to pegs. The program compiles fine but when i use the test that was issued to me (as pictured) it appears as though my program does not work as intended. I don't know if anyone will be able to help …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, I'm working on a holiday scheduling app and I was wondering that if a person wants his holiday for example 10 days. id uid data1 data2 ore tip_concediu ts 7 244 2013-01-25 2013-02-05 3 2 2013-01-25 16:08:35 How would it be possible that I could track the holiday …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for ash07

Hi All I am planning to develop an event website. Registrant rate depends on their type i .e. member or non member. I am little confused about its logic to identify members and nonmebers. initially I was thinking about email/domain name to identify but when I saw current data it …

Member Avatar for ash07
Member Avatar for pratik65

i have a database table and it has some column with duplicate values , and i want to get that column value of the table in a combobox, but i want every value single time not repeatedly ... i tried but it is still giving me all values in the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for c1c2c3c4c

im trying to figure out why we are using binary computers insted of ternary. from what i can tell the only valid argument is the cost of storage. basicly for those of you who dont know that a ternary computer is, its a computer that uses three positions of the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for logic20

alignas (since C++11) alignof (since C++11) and and_eq asm auto(1) bitand bitor bool break case catch char char16_t(since C++11) char32_t(since C++11) class compl const constexpr(since C++11) const_cast continue decltype(since C++11) default(1) delete(1) do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit export extern false float for friend goto if inline int long mutable …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for daniel36

i am working on advert website .In which i need to impliment advertisement impression logic.Can anybody tell me advertisement impression logic.

Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I'm developing a blog that will have categories. I want to be able to store blog posts in more than one category. My problem is i am not sure how to go about it. I have a table called posts: CREATE TABLE `posts` ( `post_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for pushpat

Hi folks, I am learning operator overloading concept in c++, wrote sample program to test overloading of unary operator '!' and '-'. Code will work if i use them as friend function but not for member function. Can anybody tell where am i going wrong in function bool operator!(const co_ordi …

Member Avatar for pushpat
Member Avatar for bodymassacre

I have my first assignment for structured and object oriented problem solving. This is the problem and I wrote a program that had to include modules. I wanted to find out if what i did had any errors or if it is even written correctly at all. If its not …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jkembo

Good morning everyone, I have a small problem here. I tried to code a piece of program which allows users to construct logic formula. (E.g A V NOT(B)) When the button NOT (unary connective) is pressed 2 times then this happens: [COLOR="Green"]NOT(NOT())[/COLOR], using a static recursive method called Rec returning …

Member Avatar for DarkPyros

This code is supposed to take two numbers, and multiply them, divide them and print out the product and quotient. ive checked it over numerous times and cannot figure out where my error is, when i type in a real number and 0, the result screen shuts off prematurely..can anyone …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for umair jameel
Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for JayJ

Hi, I'm open to suggestions on the following project I'm trying to complete. I will post what I have currently done but I think that I'm limited in what I can do with the code as a form can only have 1 action. [B]Problem[/B] - I have a short questionnaire …

Member Avatar for JayJ
Member Avatar for Vyoam

From what I understand, ALU is exclusively for mathematical operations. For simple tasks like reading a web page, saving a text file, copying data etc., are arithmetic operations used or can the processor do it without using that? I don't have much knowledge about computer architecture, but it seems to …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for desert564

pls help me with this the user enters a number n.consider the sequence from 1 through n in ascending order.insert either '+' or'-' between each of the digits so that the resultant sum is zero. for eg: input=7 output= 1+2-3+4-5-6+7=0 1+2-3-4+5+6-7=0 1-2+3+4-5+6-7=0 1-2-3-4-5+6+7=0 however when i programmed it i only …

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The End.