17 Topics

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Member Avatar for Xozz

I have MinGW installed on Windows 10. Can you help me compile something with it? I get this $ g++ first.cpp -o first bash: g++: command not found And then $ apt-get install g++ bash: apt-get: command not found

Member Avatar for Xozz
Member Avatar for Rubinder singh

I used to have turbo c++ but it is outdated now, so the only problem i am having with that is that there was a great help documentation in turbo c++ for the language and i could just browse to any function of c++ and get its details. After turbo …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for sash_007

hello friends, i am new to this forum and new with C i am stuck at setting up eclipse kepler with MinGW I have my eclipse installed undder C:\Program Files\eclipse and MinGw under C:\MinGW i know MinGW needs to adjust environment variables here is screenshot for ur refernce http://gyazo.com/276678dcfacd54c15a0c332f136964d1 and …

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Member Avatar for capton

Hello, I'm building opencv library with cmake for mingw to be used with qt and i've been able to generate the makefilelist. But when i type **mingw32-make** at the command prompt i get error when it's 44% built. error says: *Cannot export _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_13R)p3aLLEv: symbol not found Cannot export _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_17CmpType3allEv: symbol …

Member Avatar for mattster

Right everyone, here's my problem. I have just paid £45 for a book on Qt, have had a nightmere getting it sorted, and finally I can build apps to this extent... I have an app, *test.pro*. I have built it using `qmake test.pro` -> `make` which works. I am using …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for teo236

I'm using Eclipse and I made a program that reads ID3 tags. The problem is that each time I run it, it stops in this line: TagFrame * tmpFrame=new TagFrame(frameID,header.getFilename(),stream); bufferLeft-=tmpFrame->getFrameSize(); tmpFrame->readObject(); frames.push_back(tmpFrame); //This line!!! Where the variable 'frames' is a std::list<TagFrame*>. This block of code is beeing called from …

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Member Avatar for dancks

I don't know jack about Visual Studio, and I'd like to keep it that way because I like doing stuff on the command line, I have my preferences. But my teacher uses it to compile and I'm curious what I did wrong because gcc didn't throw anything. So, code (Without …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for ysmtek

*Hello people of the DaniWebs! It's been a long time since I've been talking and asking here, under the name of **katmai539**. I've lost account information and also the email address linked to it. I haven't been active in the software development-branch for the past few years but recently I …

Member Avatar for oscargrower11

I'm sure I'm missing something basic here, but I cannot get this to compile. Using codeblocks 10.05 with mingw build of gcc 4.4.1. I've included unistd.h and tried replacing MAXPATHLEN with PATH_MAX but every time, it gives me: error: 'MAXPATHLEN' was not declared in this scope or error: 'PATH_MAX' was …

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

How do I do assembly code with the mingw-g++ compiler. All the websites I checked say that this should work: [CODE]int add(int a, int b) { int c=0; asm("mov %[aVal],%eax;add %[bVal],%eax;mov %eax,%[cVal]" : [cVal] "=i" (c) : [bVal] "i" (b) : [aVal] "i" (a)); return c; }[/CODE] But instead I …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for allynm

Hello everyone, I am working in the latest version of MinGW (downloaded 12/12/2011). I am attempting to compile a .rc file using Windres.exe. I use the command: windres -O coff about1.rc -o about1.res. Windres generates perhaps 100 or more warning messages saying "null characters ignored", and then it terminates with …

Member Avatar for jmichae3
Member Avatar for allynm

Hello all, I recently installed MinGW on my XP Pro box (SP 3). When I click on the shell icon, the resulting behavior of the MinGW shell console window is incorrect. Initially, the console opens up as it should, complete with frame and scroll bars, but after about 5 seconds, …

Member Avatar for Stazloz
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Running: Windows 7 Home Premium. I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct board, so please move this if I am incorrect in my post placement. I am trying to set Allegro up, for programming a 2D game in C (which is why I chose this …

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Member Avatar for sDJh

Hello altogether, I am supposed to work through a project written in C++ and QT for Windows platforms. Now I am not an expert in window-related stuff. I installed MinGW 3.4.5 and QTSDK on Win XP SP3. I am using the tool "qmake" to create a makefile with all dependecies …

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Member Avatar for iammirko

Hi, I have been trying to compile open source projects since past few months with no success. I just don't know how to go about the entire thing. Readings over the internet have not helped much. Some come with [COLOR="red"]./Configure[/COLOR] and a [COLOR="red"]Makefile[/COLOR] while others with only a [COLOR="Green"]Makefile[/COLOR]. How …

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Member Avatar for moufoo

Hello, It's been a few months since I haven't been able to launch Codeblock's debugger, when I launch the debugger I always get this (example): [B]Adding source dir: C:\Users\Me\Desktop\L2\SDD\TP2\ Adding file: bin\Debug\TP2.exe Starting debugger: failed[/B] I have tried: [LIST] [*]Reinstalling [*]Reinstalling (uninstall done using Revo Uninstaller) [*]Installing latest version of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for NicAx64

hi, I am using mingw32-gcc-3.4.2 inside a windows XP Professional SP3 computer. For my project I uses libcomctrl32.a library.The compilation goes without an error. and linking too.But the problem is it crashed on the runtime.Then I add the -g option and debug it. Here is the stack trace that I've …


The End.