17 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame

Hiya, I've just tried updating my profile with better information, however it fails to validate my MSN address and Twitter account. As a note, I hadn't actually updated these values, they were already in the system. ![395f67d86f7803faa07f84ddaffdff05](/attachments/large/3/395f67d86f7803faa07f84ddaffdff05.PNG "395f67d86f7803faa07f84ddaffdff05")

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the London 2012 Olympics due to open in just a few days time, the expected push by the bad guys has started. No, I don't mean the banning of wearing Pepsi T-Shirts in the Olympic Stadium as it might upset official sponsors Coke, or the fact that nobody is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a program that will send messages from one computer to the other. **NOT** using LAN connection and **NOT** using winsock. EG. I (at my house) would like to chat with my friend (his at his house). Please help.

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for kitschkath

Hello, I don't know if I am violating any rules, I am currently making an online teacher's evaluation system for my final laboratory project in Web Development course. I think I already got the logic (though still a mess) of the part where the values of the radio button is …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for wavecorporate

Hello, I developed an application to the msn messenger in C # to monitor and control the company in msn. the problem is that after being updated for 2011 msn my application no longer works! The event msn_OnIMWindowCreated no longer works .... Can anyone help me? : |

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for JLPappan

Hello to all =) In trying to remove various nasties and error messages, I've inadvertantly ruined my MSN Browser. This is NOT the MSN messenger, nor is it the Internet Explorer. It's the spiffy one with the butterfly. I open the browser login window, click my name, type my password, …

Member Avatar for JustinNH
Member Avatar for sanjuanair

guys, i ahve problem with configuration of outlook 2007 and my msn email account(username@msn.com). i heard that some dll is missing with os .is it true? Is there any way to configure with out payment. what is the problem? why there is limitaion? sajeev

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for gaabyy

hello :) So I sign in to my account and there's no problem, the thing is after a while it signs me out and enables my internet so i have to restart it so it works again, but there's no problem if I don't use Msn.. I have no idea …

Member Avatar for sanjuanair
Member Avatar for mastercangel

Hello, I have a pretty peculiar problem. The internet connection at my house connects fine on any of our laptops/desktops. But I can't seem to browse online or play games that require authentication or use msn . BUT(once again), I CAN stream online radio from my Itunes, I can download …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for ewanted

[B]NEW PORTABLE MSN MESSENGER[/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]Windows Live Messenger[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]NO INSTALLATION NEEDED[/COLOR][/B] [ATTACH]16855[/ATTACH] [B]You Can Plug & Play Direct from Your USB Device...!!! or Keep it on your Hard Drive to Run it without any Installation...!!![/B] [B]Fastest Download Link:[/B] [CODE]http://www.filesonic.com/file/17168771/WLM_2009_v14.0.8089.726.rar[/CODE] [B]Don't forget to say thanks..!!![/B]

Member Avatar for 3imi4

First of all my windows live communications platform stopped working. After several attempts trying to fix it by doing things such as uninstalling and trying to install the program again and deleting some files that may have caused the problem, i decided to delete the program from my Program Files. …

Member Avatar for Techi
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Smaller businesses and people who use Hotmail as n email system or backup email system need to change their passwords - Microsoft has confirmed it's investigating a security breach. It seems that in spite of the industrial strength security everybody of any size applies to these systems - and let's …

Member Avatar for billflisk
Member Avatar for Petrusino

Hey.. i got some msn virus .. it sends email with link called find-reason-of-being-blocked.com.. can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft has just announced the release of a Windows Live instant messaging client for its Xbox 360 game console, giving gamers the capability of chatting to their PC friends. There was already a video and voice chat feature via Xbox Live, but this feature enables players to connect with up …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

For the longest time, the Children’s Online Protection Act, signed off by President Clinton way back in 1998, has been a contentious issue in the US. It was originally kicked out of town, well Philadelphia anyway, after a federal district court banned the enforcement of the law, and a federal …

Member Avatar for Zephyroza

File Sharing site Kazza is now to become a legal downloading service after a lot of legal battles. The company will also be paying $100mill to the record industry. Over the past year 20 million music songs have been downloaded illegally and many company's are losing a lot of money …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for happygeek

This week [URL="http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/"]Adobe [/URL]released the Spry toolkit that finally allows web designers to join the, until now, programmer led world of Ajax development. At the same time, [URL="http://www.backbase.com/"]Backbase [/URL]introduced an Ajax development tool for Java applications. But what use is an Ajax powered website when search engines such as Google …

Member Avatar for Suomedia

The End.