18 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I take security and privacy issues seriously, but sometimes I despair when news stories such as that regarding Samsung TVs eavesdropping on private conversation explode across the media as happened last week. The reason for my despondency has less to do with the data privacy debate and more to do …

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Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

I'm not sure why...but everything just started appearing more than once on my T.V and there are lines going across in two's... DLP Projection TV Specifications Screen Size 62" diagonal Screen Aspect 16:9 Displayable Colors 16.77 million colors Data Signals (N/A) TV Scan Lines 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i Input Terminals …

Member Avatar for b10hzrd

The Nintendo Wii has introduced many families to the joy of gaming and has also introduced others to the fragility of modern television screens. Today’s flat panel TV’s are thin, sexy and unfortunately rather fragile, a fact we have been forced to live with, until now. Corning Inc. claims to …

Member Avatar for SuzieDsouza
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Make no mistake, Apple and Google both want to be the gateway to your TV. Back in May, Google [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/announcing-google-tv-tv-meets-web-web.html"]officially announced[/URL] its TV initiative. Just yesterday came rumors in [URL="http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/02/apple-hopes-to-re-enter-the-living-room/"]this New York Times blog post[/URL] that Apple is working to revamp its failed Apple TV. Google and Apple, like many …

Member Avatar for rahulbatra
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

VIZIO has long been the bargain shopper’s HDTV brand of choice. Peppered across shelves in Wal-Mart, Costco, and Target electronics department, the displays—albeit not the most advanced in terms of picture quality—have always been reliably, affordable, and completely viable options for people wanting to achieve the new American dream of …

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Member Avatar for SSSD

I recently bought a new tv for my upstairs room and replaced my old projector/CRT TV. I still wish to use my old speakers on my new tv, but there are no ports on the back of my new tv that would allow me to connect the speakers. Below are …

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Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16431[/ATTACH]Blitz Arcade, the downloadable division of Blitz Games Studios found themselves a World Record holder today, despite having accomplished this feat last year. With the creation of[I] Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Toa[/I] in 2009, Blitz now holds the Guiness World Record for the very first stereoscopic 3D console …

Member Avatar for php-coder

As the ispiron has no screws to fasten the vga connection, does anyone know anything else that can be done to prevent disconnection apart from not moving the laptop?

Member Avatar for sandyvong
Member Avatar for WASDted

On March 10th Panasonic teamed up with Best Buy, DIRECTV and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment to offer consumers a "Full HD 3D" home theater system. The set includes a 50-inch class (49.9” measured diagonally) [attach=right]14052[/attach] Panasonic VIERA VT20 Plasma 3D HDTV and a Panasonic BDT300 3D Blu-ray Disc Player …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Given all the media excitement that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story229555.html"]Apple[/URL] can generate with the mere mention of a new 'i' product such as the new iPad, you might think that the iPod would kick television ass in terms of SEO. But hold your horses, according to UK [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254786.html"]search marketing[/URL] agency Greenlight, it's the …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was watching TV the other night (I have Dish Network) and I saw a commercial for placing targeted TV ads on Dish Network through Google TV ads. I checked out the Google TV ads info (including watching a really quick informative how-to video) and discovered that is built along …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Years ago [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_medium_is_the_message"]Marshall McLuhan[/URL] uttered the famous phrase, "The medium is the message." He said this long before the World Wide Web. If he were alive today, he might have said something else: "He who controls the distribution method, controls the money." When you look at the Web's influence on …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I've been writing in the UK's Guardian newspaper about the prospects of 3D in the television world. There was some excitement at CES about the new technology (I say 'new', I'd seen demos in 2006 in Paris) and it's apparently going to be the Next Big Thing. Or not. In …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Reports just in suggest that a couple of manufacturers are about to launch televisions with the capacity to view films immediately built in. At least that's what the confusingly-worded [URL="http://uk.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUKTRE5040E820090105?feedType=nl&feedName=uktechnology"]news report[/URL] I picked up said (unusual for Reuters to confuse us in this way). What it means is that TVs …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is unusual. When I started as a journalist in the late eighties it went pretty much without saying that some territories would be ahead of my own home in the UK for technological take-up. America and Japan would typically be three years ahead of us while Germany would be …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I'm on vacation right now in Germany, and I thought I could watch some American TV here on my PC. But I've learned that US sites consistently block their TV shows outside the US, a practice I find more than a bit curious. I tried the network sites. I tried …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It should be a slow week for technology stocks, what with the holidays fast approaching and a dearth of any meaningful quarterly earnings surprises. The former you know about, with Christmas only a week away. Late December is notoriously dull for the stock market as traders think more about fun …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Everyone wants to know what the next big thing is going to be, and if market analyst [URL="http://www.datamonitor.com"]Datamonitor[/URL] is to be believed the answer is mobile broadcast television. With the opportunity to combine two of the undeniably most popular and successful consumer products in history, namely TV and mobile telephones, …

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The End.