10 Topics

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Member Avatar for stevieup

Is anyone annoyed by google results as regularly as I am? We are approaching a sum "0" when it comes to search engines, I'd hate to see google fall by the way of Wal-mart in that it's the only choice and it sucks. With that premiss, shouldn't we have ways …

Member Avatar for stevieup
Member Avatar for Everyauction

Hello Fan's, I (re)started a rather old Project of mine about a Year ago, but shortly before it's Version1.0, the Fellow ordered to implement a powerful indexing-system, dropped out and left me with a partly unfinished piece of work. For more than a decade, I have been designing several editions …

Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking for a decent directory scripts. I've looked at clones, free and commercial. The commercials look promising but am not sure if they really are worthit. I really need to be able to edit the theme/template and wouldn't mind if there were a plethora of themes available. Are there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I started with C++ development recently, and I think I'm ready to start building GUIs for my apps. I'm thinking about using Qt, since it is the most popular C++ GUI library, but the licensing is really confusing, and there isn't a lawyer nearby that understands software licensing who …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for khess

As promised yesterday, this is my potential solution to the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story249841.html"]Linux survival question[/URL]: A Linux Commercial--created by you--and it's a contest. Sound exciting? You creative types will now have a chance to create your own short film/video/commercial for Linux. Give Linux a face, a voice, a rap, a song, a …

Member Avatar for osgui
Member Avatar for khess

It's a fact of life that Linux distributions go extinct and it happens more often than our Linux fan base would like to admit. At last count, there are approximately [URL="http://lwn.net/Distributions/#historical"]50[/URL] individual distributions that are now extinct. What happens to the poor unfortunates who adopt and use these defunct distros? …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for firebat757

Random audio commercials play when I have no browsers or windows open. I have tried looking thrugh my processes screen for cpu usage, but it changes so fast I can't catch it. Any advice would be helpful. Also, any files I can delete to allow my computer to run better …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was watching TV the other night (I have Dish Network) and I saw a commercial for placing targeted TV ads on Dish Network through Google TV ads. I checked out the Google TV ads info (including watching a really quick informative how-to video) and discovered that is built along …

Member Avatar for khess

After posting [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3340.html"]5 Things I Wish Linux Had[/URL], I did some mulling and gathered comments from readers and compiled this additional list of items that I wish Linux had. I've also included one thing that I wish Linux didn't have. These are part of my 2009 Wishlist and are more …

Member Avatar for tracyanne
Member Avatar for EddieC

If you have to release a statement explaining your commercial, I think it's safe to say it was a failure. The much anticipated [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM_72QXCtN4]Microsoft commercial[/URL] featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld debuted yesterday, and quickly rose in the viewer ranks on YouTube. Not only was the 90-second spot not funny, it left …

Member Avatar for raythemoneyman

The End.