20 Topics

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Member Avatar for kxjakkk

I'm attempting to make a small program that when a user inputs a string, it counts all the letters. Here's what I've got so far: import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Scanner; public class LetterTypeCount { public static void main(String[] args) { // create HashMap to store …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for DS9596

The output comes out wrong it should be different: //This is what I have Enter a sentence: Today Is Thr Jan, 2015 Number of uppercase letters.........2 Number of digits....................2 Number of vowels....................2 Press any key to continue . . . //The output should look like this: Enter a sentence: Today …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Muhammed Waseem

Hi guys I'm new to php. I've been given a task to write a code in php that would allow the user to input his initials and the program should out his/her initials as a star pattern. E.g if your initials T.T,it should be as follows... ***** ***** * * …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cisumma

Hello. I have a app designed to organize dir’s on on the C drive where it was created. XML is extensively used in the business logic and house cleaning etc. public static final String USERHOMEDIR = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); <linkPath> C:\Users\Steves\Documents\.targetGuide\admin_\admin\Note Folder\test\c drive test tab\index </linkPath> public static final String USERHOMEDIR …

Member Avatar for cisumma
Member Avatar for cisumma

My programs objective is to mkdir and ope dir. if I ever get it jarred up I would like to run it from a jump drive. [code] public static final String USERHOMEDIR = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); [/code] clearly this code will not be valid any more. Could this USERHOMEDIR be replaced …

Member Avatar for cisumma
Member Avatar for masterfact18

im creating a simple calculator and i dont know how to disable letter in the textbox.. can someone help me please...newbie here....BTW im using VB6...

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for gelaisg18

Hi guys can you please help me with this. All I need to do is input a number and display the corresponding alphabet.For example 2 then the output should be A B.. I am working on a code but my problem is the output is displaying together with a special …

Member Avatar for gelaisg18
Member Avatar for Rzink92

string word = "abcde"; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ for(int j = 1; j < word.length(); j++){ if(word.at(i) == word.at(j)){ count++; } } } i am trying to write a program that when i am given a string i can count letter pairs …

Member Avatar for Rzink92
Member Avatar for quantumss

I'm causing input letters to write ones into variables through an array. I'm trying to count the occurences of ones in a variable. Lets say I input aaaaa. The count output displays 12345. Instead of outputting the whole count of numbers, I want to output the biggest number in the …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for ren.lowe.9

Sooo yeah. Not one of those derps begging for a solution, but my solution simply isn't working out how I want it to. TLDR; Letters A-T are supposed to obey the number of coulmns entered by the user, then output them. My program obeys the number of coulmns by recognizing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for code739

Hi guys, Could somebody help me in decrimenting the letters cause code like below exists $let = 'A'; for($x=1;$x<256;$x++){ echo $let++.'-'; } //output: A-B-C-D-E....... i just wonder how about decrimenting it like $let--; but it didnt work does anayone has the idea on how to generate $let-- thanks,

Member Avatar for singhboy
Member Avatar for superchica08

hello everyone I really need help so I have to make functions that find vowels, digits and uppercase and lowercase letters from a sentence inputted. So i was able to do it all in main but i cant seem to make the new program work with the functions properly, it …

Member Avatar for superchica08
Member Avatar for idomarko

hey! i need a quick answer.... how can i move the letters so that they will start from right to left and ***not*** from left to right? i writing in hebrew and i looks weird if it start from left to write! for example: that how it should start: שלום …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro

Alright, I have Textbox where I want only Numbers and Letters and backspace allowed. I don't want copy and paste, or spacebar or other ascii charachters. Can anybody help me?

Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro
Member Avatar for alliswim2010

Hello I'm having major issues, please help me with this code; (Generating random characters) Use the methods in RandomCharacter to print one hundred uppercase letters and then one hundred single digits, and print ten per line. Use these methods: public static char getRandomUppercaseLetter(){ return getRandomCharacter('A', 'Z'); } public static char …

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Member Avatar for Prisms

Ok guys I'm almost done with my GPA program but I hit a snag. everything works fine but when I insert a letter grade the program doesn't read what number it corresponds to and sets double number to zero. Can some please let me know what I'm doing wrong. [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for Prisms
Member Avatar for davidcraigster

I'm creating a class for a text analysis for letter frequency. I am trying to compile it, but i'm having some problems. Could someone look at this for me? This is what I have so far: [CODE] class Analysis { private: string letters[26]; string text; int count; public: Analysis() { …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tmcculloch
Member Avatar for steelshark
Member Avatar for salty11

this code is meant to input words from file, and output to file the amount of letters in them and how many words there are [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream> #include<cmath> #include<conio.h> #define in_file "data.txt"//input file name #define out_file "result.txt"//output file name using namespace std; void inputwords(int&, int&); void outputwords(int, int); ifstream …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for bookmark

Hi I'm trying to make a program that returns the number of letters in a string but it seems that the function I have is not working as it returns 0 every time. Can someone check what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advanced. [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; unsigned letters(const …

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The End.