This coming Sunday marks the one year anniversary of the Cambridge Analytica scandal story breaking and engulfing Facebook. Does anyone think Facebook, and in particular Zuckerberg himself, have learned anything other than they are both apparently immune from whatever smelly stuff hits the fan?

I think the only thing they learned is how to prevent getting caught again.

commented: If (caught) get hard2catch; +0

What we've learned is that there are other Cambridge Analytica's out there.

As RJ noted they learned there is little downside to such use.

Sorry, I must have been hiding under a rock. I'm not familiar with Cambridge Analytica??

You can find details here. Basically Facebook & election hanky-panky.

The tl;dr is

The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was a major political scandal in early 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of millions of people's Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political purposes. It has been described as a watershed moment in the public understanding of personal data and precipitated a massive fall in Facebook's stock price and calls for tighter regulation of tech companies' use of data.


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