Hi, I have web development related blog & i upload daily new blogs but still not get much traffic. Therefore i need some good sites where i can promote my blog & people get aware of my blog.

You should much of your traffic through google and this can be possible if you keep pinging your site after every update. There are some sites where you can submit your blog and after moderation, your content will be shown. I can suggest you one site where you can integrate your blog with facebook. Check out <plug snipped>

You can promote your blog on social networking site.

Following ways for promote the Blogs:

1. blog Commenting
2. Social network site sharing
3. Social bookmarking
4. Link exchange with your theme related
5. Article posting about your Blog

I recommend a social media site like facebook,twitter,Linked in by which you can promote you service and product. you can also use a forum to do this.

i tell what i do . I promote it like this :
1. social links ( a lot)
2.free blogs accounts
3.edu blogs and guestbooks ( if you don't have i can solve it for you)
4. high page rank websites and forums

And you are tough . believe me It is proved

Social networking sites like stumble upon, and digg are the very best way to promote your blog and get quality traffic as well.

So Simple doing SEO process like social site..

while readers on the blog help in social media but it doesn’t have a major effect. You need good friends at social media sites as well.

You can catch it from others facing similar links you mentioned. The best thing is to do SEO on the site that will increase your ranking in the subject and the increased traffic. You can also try to make their presentation to different blog directories like BlogCatalog and so on. Infact there are many quality blog directories that will provide enough traffic.

Here blog can be promoted.
1. blog Commenting
2. Social network site sharing
3. Social bookmarking
4. Link exchange with your theme related

You can promote your blog through out forums related to your niche & use in blog commenting related to your topic. Also promote it on linked-in, facebook etc. by joining more friends,groups related to your subject.

Aside from franklin4005's ways to promote blogs, it's been proved that guest posting is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic and exposure. Not only that, it can help you build reputation as well as create network too. Furthermore, ping your blog post. Pinging your blog post is just a manner of informing search engines as well as let other websites know that you've got a new blog post. This may not give you a visible change immediately, but it will surely catch the attention of the search engine spiders go to your website thus may help make your new post get listed quickly. Besides, pinging a blog normally take 30 seconds only so it’s really worth the effort.

blog commnets social networking sites and bookmarking sites will help you to promote your blog.

Hey ellenwills,

I suggest You to connecto yourself with other bloggers that are dealing with similar topics. You could take advantage of their trust and authority. Social media activities could bring you more traffic, tweet and like action will be affordable.

Promoting the blog can be done by sending email to customers for this make use of the website <plug snipped> "email marketing" services.Also use "search engine visibility" from the website to get good page ranking in the website.

You can try the following sources for promoting your blog:

1) Social bookmarking sites
2) Blog Directories
3) Commenting on other blogs similar to your topic having a high PR and followers.
4) Promote your blog among your contacts on Facebook and Twitter.

your blog post on high pr social book marking sites

Hi, I have web development related blog & i upload daily new blogs but still not get much traffic. Therefore i need some good sites where i can promote my blog & people get aware of my blog.

Post unique content on weekly basis. Also ping the posts link and insert into social media sites also.

Do bookmarking and blog commenting for your blog.

use pay per click(ppc) techniques in order to promote your blog.

its very simple. By submitting Your blog in various social website you can easily promote your blog.You can also submit ur blog in <snip>

Following ways for promote the Blogs:

1. blog Commenting
2. Social network site sharing
3. Social bookmarking
4. Link exchange with your theme related
5. Article posting about your Blog

really very good advice thanks a lot share this nice listing.... :)

Do some offpage seo or link building

Social Networking Sites,Link Building,Forums,Blog Comments can help you a lot in Promoting your Blog.

If you want to promote your blog then you should start all seo stuffs like blog commenting , artical submission ,social bookmarking and other methods of link building

blog commenting is also good and article and directory submission is good for promote a blog

You can promote your blog at the following ways.

1. Blog comments
2. Forum Posting
3. Blog directories
4. Social Bookmarking

You can start with exchange link with other blogger . Link exchange is right way to increase blog traffic. Start social network site to promote your website. Submit your blog to social bookmarking site to get more traffic . You can join success forum and talk with everyone to get more ideas.

Promote your blog on social networking sites like Stumble upon, Dig, Delicious. Go for social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter. This would prove to be helpful.

Submit your blog in some good blog directories, create feed for your blog and submit it in feed directories and do social bookmarking for your blogs

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