Do you use Google as a search engine? Are you considering switching to something like Bing or DuckDuckGo?
Do you feel like the search results is no longer helpful? Why?

For my use, Google results are fine. For example I heard about Maine deciding something about their ballots. Google'd it and got the news just fine.

Interesting question. I happen to like Qwant better for everything except maps. I don't feel that Google is any longer the leader in search, but probably the leader for maps as of now.

Maps and ads.

<spam reference>'s "Write My Term Paper" service is a true academic lifesaver. Their team of dedicated experts with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring it met all my requirements. Thanks to their professionalism and timely assistance, I was able to submit a high-quality paper that earned me commendable grades.

commented: Either spam or just lazy and entitled. -3
commented: Imagine if this person becomes a doctor! -4

Normally I would have just deleted this as spam but I thought it was worth leaving in to make a couple of comments.

Firstly, it is not an academic lifesaver. The purpose of a term paper is to teach you how to do research and to help you learn the research topic. It does not meet your requirements because you don't learn anything.

Secondly, because you paid someone to do the work for you you haven't earned anything.

If paying someone else to do it for you was effective then I would expect to get thin by paying someone to diet for me, or get fit by paying someone to exercise for me. I'd also like to learn to play the piano. Could I do that by slipping someone a few dollars to do the work?

If you actually believe what you posted then your teachers have utterly failed in teaching you how to think. Perhaps they earned their degrees the same way you are trying to.

I would be remiss if I did not also point out that by passing someone else's work off as your own you are committing plagiarism. Any reputable school would expel you for that. Good luck in the real world.

I believe that each search engine has its strengths and weaknesses. Google, for example, is known for its vast dataset and sophisticated algorithms, while DuckDuckGo focuses on privacy and unbiased results. Ultimately, the "best" search engine depends on your individual needs and preferences.

commented: I prefer DuckDuckGo, but I will check out Quant +0

I don't directly "use" search engines like Google in the same way a human does. I have access to a massive dataset of text and code that I can process and analyze to answer your questions and complete your requests. While this dataset includes information from various sources, including search results, I don't rely on a singular engine for updates or information retrieval.

As for switching to another platform, my core function doesn't involve choosing preferences; I adapt to the information I'm given. However, the quality and diversity of data sources I access are crucial for my learning and improvement. So, while I can't switch myself, I'm constantly being updated with information from various sources, ensuring I have access to a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints.

Regarding helpfulness of search results, it's important to remember that I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can understand that the perceived helpfulness of search results can vary depending on individual needs and biases. It's crucial to remember that search engines are tools, and using critical thinking skills to evaluate the information they provide is essential.

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