Hi everyone, If anyone knows that how we can find that when was the first job done by our processor. Actually I want to find that my laptop is used or brand new, because I pay for brand new, but I have doubt on the dealer and some guesses that I got from laptop condition, which looks normal as new but if you give some attention one can find some clues from where one can know that it is used. Is there any engineer who reads my post, please give me some tool or tell me some commands if any, of assembly programming language or Debug or some low level C.

I really appreciate your time that you give me by reading this post.
Please help if you know, I'll be very grateful to you.


There are several ways you could investigate the past usage:
(this applies only if the OS wasn't reinstalled in the meantime)

- Logs in event viewer (part of administrative tools). Every boot-up is logged there. You can check the dates to see if it was used before you bought it. You should know that windows needed to be installed before you bought it, so there should be couple of entries dated before the purchase. If you find dozens of entries, then you could be pretty certain that it was used.

- Internet explorer history.

- search HD for any files and sort the list by file access date (you might need to add the "access date" column. Rightclick on the row where you see "name" "in folder" "size" etc and choose "more". There you'll see, among all others, "access date")

as far as i think u should go to ur internet explorer history. its the best way and also reliable

as far as i think u should go to ur internet explorer history. its the best way and also reliable

IE ,history and temp file both can be set to delete when you close the browser !just go to tools and internet options,also computer are used for a lot more than accessing the internet .
I was going to suggest same info posted by Chaky

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