Dear Sir/Madam,

My computer is restarting sometimes automatically, when i double clicking on media file or run a program etc (But not every time). Earlier, i thought, it was because of some strong virus. So, i formatted the c drive and try to installed OS(XP Prof SP-II) on my PC. But it could not completed.

For the first time, when i try to install OS, it restart just before flashing the message like "your computer is going to restart" after loading the system files.

for the second and many times, it restart when the OS is on finalizing the installation. (Just before 6 to 9 minutes of completion of installation when OS is saving files)

For the last time, i have repartitioned all the Hard Disk and formatted C drive and try to installed the OS. But i have failed last times also. computer is restarting just before flashing the message like "your computer is going to restart" after loading the system files.

I am unable to understand what happen to my PC? Is it the problem of RAM, Processor, Mother Board or something else. Please guide me Sir/Madam.

This sort of symptom is often caused by component (CPU and/or memory) overheating. Make sure the system is clean of dust, and that all the fans are working properly.

Dear Rubberman,

Thanks for replying sir, may be little bit dust there but CPU & SMPS fan is working properly. What should i do? Please guide me sir.

What is the make+model of your computer? We need to see if you can get a hardware diagnostic program for it. A lot of manufacturers, such as HP, Dell, etc. have them that you can download and run from CD, floppy, USB thumb drive, etc.

What OS was on this machine before?

Some older machines have AMD CPU's, which needed a patch which came after WinXP SP1.

If the machine came with WinXP pre SP2, it could be, that you need a patch which was to do with a CPU fix.

Please come back to us with the full Spec ( as prvious poster said) and the history of the machine.

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