
I have a BIG problem - the menu bar is missing in photoshop CS5 - I have only recently got a imac so i am wondering if there is a shortcut to get it back?

Thank you for reading, hope to hear some advice asap!! Will be greatly appreciated

Your menubar is not actually gone, it is just hidden from view, go and unhide it or select it to open again

Dreamweaver CS5 menu bar is missing. All that shows up is "Dreamweaver". If you select "hide" then the Dreamweaver name goes away. However, if you select unhide, only the name appears, not the rest of the menu items. This started last night on one machine, found it on another lab machine this morning. Is this a manual change or a bug?

Thanks in advance,

Hi jfoxru, I am experiencing the exact same thing you explained and I haven't find any solution yet. I have been looking around for any answer but I didn't have any luck! I am hopping you already got a solution? Did you manage to fix it?

I did try to install it again but same thing... well thank you! If any one knows it would be nice to hear a solution.

How do you unhide it genius? It's like I am asking how to change brakepads and your answer is "Change them".

Hi jfoxru, I am experiencing the exact same thing you explained and I haven't find any solution yet. I have been looking around for any answer but I didn't have any luck! I am hopping you already got a solution? Did you manage to fix it?

I did try to install it again but same thing... well thank you! If any one knows it would be nice to hear a solution.

Well, the problem still exits using the tab and F key. This maybe a correction on Photoshop but not Dreamweaver. The problem still exits.

I did find out that it is a profile issue. If I change into another account on the machine, Dreamweaver shows all of the toolbar. Since I'm in a lab environment, I plan to delete and create a new lab account.

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