34 Topics

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Member Avatar for komalgul
Member Avatar for MMD.HMD
Member Avatar for samertaha

what is UX/UI design ? please explian for me , i know only programming in php and javascript and css i know nothing about UX , is it for graphic designers ? or for programmers ? thanks.

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm trying to design a landing page for my API product, and it seriously is lacking any images. Where are the best places to get those Photoshop-ready backdrops that all of the paid themes seem to have? Deviant Art? Looking for ones that are optimized for this sorta thing, and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gl753
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, What kind of effect is used in this following picture http://d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/2138_SimpleParallax/images/only_background_2.jpg? It is normal blurring using photoshop or any other effect? How can I apply this effect to my pictures? I've seen this kind of image effect used in the lasted iOS as well. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16519[/ATTACH]As of August 3rd, users of 3DVIA Studio and 3DVIA Scenes can publish their work directly to Facebook with the click of a button. With 500 million Facebook users, that's quite a target audience to showcase and beta test your talent. “We have taken the guesswork out of launching 3D …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for GazzaCurran

Hello, Firstly ill give you a background of what im trying to do and the layout of the banner/header Right hand side - Navigation Links - I want to add a paint effect dripping down maybe splashing off the nav links, and then dropping onto the bottom and flowing to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for cmabill

hello all is there any one out there who could help me with this, maybe it's a easy task to you, but I have have exhausted with no answer. I made several picture in Photoshop with some text, the font size of text is 24pt, which I think is big …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Not sure if this is quite the place for my question, but I dunno why you couldn't handle it ;) Really just looking for some opinions/answers on develop/design workflows for small/medium projects using AdobeCS5. This week I discovered many of the magics between Illustrator/Flash, such as arranging symbols on an …

Member Avatar for atiehvasagh

can anyone help me learning photoshop?I want to learn it as fast as possible by a website like w3school.com? do you know a website with this property? please help me

Member Avatar for atiehvasagh
Member Avatar for seapig

Hello I have a BIG problem - the menu bar is missing in photoshop CS5 - I have only recently got a imac so i am wondering if there is a shortcut to get it back? Thank you for reading, hope to hear some advice asap!! Will be greatly appreciated

Member Avatar for jfoxru
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

So, right, I just started to use Photoshop CS4 and I've only been using it for 3 days. I love it. Not Nuff said though. Cause I know you want to see my artwork raight? Probably not but I actually feel quite proud of the stuff I've drawn... So I'll …

Member Avatar for AliTheChamp
Member Avatar for rwagnes

I am editing an image of a subway map in photoshop. I have edited out all but the colored lines and thickened them with the stroke tool. Unfortunately each line has a few gaps as well as ridges along the edges. I would like a smooth, solid line. What is …

Member Avatar for DzaNn
Member Avatar for inplainsite

Hello all, I am currently developing a new website in asp.net, C#. I first designed the master page in Photoshop. I used a really cool pattern that I imported into Photoshop. I want to be able to put this on my website as a repeated image. My question is; How …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for FOOLY

In Photoshop, my JPEG image is CMYK. Once imported to Flash, the colors change to become brighter and more saturated. How can I stop this, or what am I doing wrong? Thank you!

Member Avatar for Oveek
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for gogreen1
Member Avatar for perll

hi, i ve an image in adobe photoshop without background. when i try to insert it into adobe flash file it shows a white background and i dont want the image w background color. can somebody help me. Thanx.

Member Avatar for srajanbill
Member Avatar for Nyiss

Hi everyone, I am running RM CC4 on a windows xp server and need to build a package for adobe photoshop elements 6. From what I have found though once I assign the package across the network im going to hit a few problems. The writeaccess.ini file will conflict with …

Member Avatar for Eman84

When I open an image, I get error message: "Some text layers might need to be updated before they can be used for Vector output", and there's a warning message beside the text layer. Of course, I was trying to solve this problem all of the past days. 1- I …

Member Avatar for Armadillo
Member Avatar for Eman84

How do I set the default font on photoshop 8. Every time, I use the text tool to edit something in a text box, the font changes!! and I'm working on a book, means, large amount of images and text boxes, and, sometimes, the text box contains more than one …

Member Avatar for Eman84
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

Making a layout in photoshop, splicing image... How can you use a photoshop layout to benefit you in terms of SEO? Other than image alt tags and url's of course. Is this ALWAYS a bad idea?

Member Avatar for anderson1234
Member Avatar for sun-tzu

So I am building an app on facebook that is meant to be a photoshop clone. The problem I am facing currently is how to make a circle around the cursor that follows it around like in photoshop. Also like in photoshop, I would like the size of the circle …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Xavier33x

Hey, Ive been working a site for my church and it looks fine on my screen but when i use my other laptop which has a bigger screen i find that i have white space on the right edge and on the bottom. My background picture was done in photoshop …

Member Avatar for Xavier33x
Member Avatar for isosceles_krame

Hello daniweb designers, I'm a programmer who is working with a mockup for a site I'm building. No, correction, I am a JUNIOR programmer. And I've never worked from a mockup before. I'm doing this particular build on my own for work. I've been able to get all parts of …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for jackparsana

hi, Please help me to make smooth font in html/css. Can i use same like photoshop text style. for example : smooth sharp Crips strong none. etc. help me thanks in advance. Jack

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Here is a very short tutorial on how you can set your photoshop to produce Divs and CSS rather than the old fashion tables. This is very useful becuase this is becoming the new way to work with web pages and lets you add a lot more room to do …

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for lwschjang

Anybody know of any good tutorials for customizing the appearance of Java GUI's and applets. Specifically, I'd like to design the layout of the GUI or applet in Photoshop. Thank you for your time and help.

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for newsguy

In 1987, Thomas Knoll developed a pixel imaging program called Display. It was a simple program to showcase grayscale images on a black-and-white monitor. However, after collaborating with his brother John Knoll, the two began adding features that made it possible to process digital image files. The program eventually caught …

Member Avatar for kipl20

Hi, I would like to design my website in photoshop but am struggling firstly with what resolution to use? i have read articles etc that say 800x600 is dead and i should use at least 1024x768. my next question is how would i start such a layout as obviously i …

Member Avatar for Arianna

The End.