As we all konw that Mozilla's next-generation web browser - the final version of Firefox 3.5 is released on Jun 30, 2009.

The new browser bring us many new features, improvements and unexpected surprise. Supporting new web technologies, improving performance and ease to use.

According to SunSpider dataļ¼Œthe speed of Firefox 3.5 is more faster than Firefox 3.0. It was welcomed by web developers.

So, in my view, Firefox 3.5 is more powerful than IE 8. what about you?

Ancient Dragon commented: Thanks for the heads up about this new version :) +36

firefox is the best browser at present, cannot say if ie versions come up with new features and enhancements so wait until you finalized with browsers

Firefox all the way. It's not the fastest though. Google Chrome is by-far faster than Firefox but still in it's BETA stage. ATM Firefox is the best possible browser to go with. It's open source, very well-known, many add-ons for it, fast, and stable. But no doubt Firefox is faster than IE like light is faster than sound :/

Sure! Firefox 3.5 is fast and is better. I'm using firefox for about 3 years. Before I used Internet Explorer, but firefox is better. I'm a big fan of firefox :)

I like firefox, it's fast and smart

firefox is the best one according to me....
it is better than the best...
no ohter bowser can compete it ..
and its newer version has came with more improvements
it rocks:)

Firefox 3.5 offers many changes over the previous version, supporting new web technologies, improving performance and ease of use.

I just upgraded and I don't really see any difference, other than there is now a button to open a new tab, like IE8 has.

Firefox is always better than IE regardless of their versions :) Firefox has eaten the IE in 2006 :)

fully agree with you as the tabbing feature is the most prominent and adorable one that i love the most, it gives me an ease to work with different work situation at a time as compared to IE. Better luck next time.

I just found a situation where FF is worse then IE8 right here at DaniWeb. In one of the posts FF displays blank pages while IE8 the pages are ok. I think its a situation where FF takes longer then IE8 to render the page because FF takes several seconds to render the page correctly.

fully agree with you as the tabbing feature is the most prominent and adorable one that i love the most, it gives me an ease to work with different work situation at a time as compared to IE. Better luck next time.

IE has had tabs since version 7. I do use firefox, but it is due to the add-ons. Other than that, I don't see a lot of difference between the mainstream browsers.

I wouldn't trust results from SunSpider. Put it to the test, and could not get a consistent result, even though was closing and re-opening before each consecutive run. Went out, came back a few hours later, re-opened and re-ran test... the time/speed test almost DOUBLED!!

Now having said that, I do like FF 3.5... been a long time user of Firefox. BUT - if they do not fix the blasted memory leakage which has been an increasing issue for a long time now, I'm throwing it the wind!!

FF is slow to "boot", that's probably the right word for that because the start time of FF almost equals the Windows boot time. However once FF starts, it works pretty well while the IE even messes up for tab openings as well... I love IE but the latest versions are just way below the par. I think Microsoft has to invent something new right from the ground up.

microsoft try FF crash in windows sistems to force users choise at ie8

microsoft try FF crash in windows sistems to force users choise at ie8

WHAT?!!!!! :confused:

I don't know about all of you but FF opens for me in less than 2 seconds as does IE8, but I use FF, don't like IE.

FF is slow to "boot", that's probably the right word for that because the start time of FF almost equals the Windows boot time. However once FF starts, it works pretty well while the IE even messes up for tab openings as well... I love IE but the latest versions are just way below the par. I think Microsoft has to invent something new right from the ground up.

They are - it's called Gazelle :) MS (as with any other software vendor) is unlikely to spend too much time on "innovating" a product that will likely not be around to see another build release. Any updates will likely only focus on stability and security and nothing more.

microsoft try FF crash in windows sistems to force users choise at ie8

Take off that tin-foil hat... is cutting off the blood flow to the brain!

I use Firefox 3.5.3 now on my PC. I must say it is really a helpful and useful browser for us webmasters and seoers for there are always so many add-ons to choose. In my own opinion, it is definitely powerful than IE 8. :)

i was using IE8. then after a while, i started to use firefox and likes it.
firefox is much better than IE8.

agree with you all firefox 3.5 is the fastest i have been using firefox browsers for 2 years now and i seldom have problems with it, although sometimes it crashes, however it is performing by far better than IE 8.

the majority of operating systems DO ship with firefox preinstalled.

if you count Unbuntu as 1 and Windows as 1 then maybe; every linux comes with Firefox but the 2 major OS, Windows and Apple OS X do not which counts for >95% of installed base. You have tou go to the site to download it and install it. most users just stick with ***ey IE or even worse Safari in UK...

Then if you look at countries like Poland the install base of Firefox is at 40% and above - probably due to the pirating nature of the country and if you pay for nothing and steal everything - installing Firefox has reached tipping point as part of the standard configuration (though, yes i know that Firefox is free and legal)

commented: random dribble and religion spam -4

Firefox has establish them self firmly, say 38% of share belong to firefox, IE is falling sharply. I don't remember when i use IE last time. Chrome is also promising a lot, but today Firefox rules...

Firefox installs quickly, runs peppy, has tons of available addons and themes, is cross-platform and supports the latest web standards without breaking a sweat.

Fir fox 3.5 is the best browser i have ever experience. It is better than IE 8 because it is easy to understand and simple to operate and faster than IE 8.

Google Chrome is faster.But it always crashed by coping some messages to that browser(Seems).And I don't have any idea about how to fix and avoid that problem.

I agree with fire fox as it is the best browser and multiple tabs can be opened using firefox browser

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