I tried to connect to the internet and its not connecting. I called Verizon and they stated that It is my computer so they are no help!! I have been doing a little research on my own and came across a few things 1) I did a ipconfig on the cmd and it cam back with ip address as fe80::ffff:ffff:fffd%6 so I know thats not correct. I then did a ipconfig/renew and it stated Media Disconnected. How do I fix this or am I even going in the right direction?

Try resetting your modem/router.

Assuming this is a wireless connection you're having this problem on, I had similar problems with one of my machines issuing the media disconnected message a while ago when trying to connect to a wireless network. It always used to work, but one day I started to get these media disconnected errors..

My router was allowing my machine to connect to the network, so I assumed that everything was OK. But I couldn't access anything on the network (other machines, the internet etc.). Whenever I did an ipconfig /renew I kept getting the media disconnected message.

After much unsuccessful puzzling and googling, I was about to give up. But then I decided to completely remove the wireless connection from my list of connections and try connecting again.
So I disconnected from the network, removed the network from my list of networks to auto connect to and then selected the wireless network in the list of available wireless networks.
I then manually entered my WEP key to connect to the network and........

The connection to the network succeeded..."OK" I thought, "but that doesn't prove anything, it said I was connected before!"

However, a quick ipconfig /renew showed that everything was indeed hunky dory. IP addresses were all valid and correct and most importantly no media disconnected messages. Suddenly the internet was working and I could access the rest of the network....

So what had happened??
Well, in my case it looks like the stored WEP key I was using to connect had somehow either gotten corrupted, or somebody else had changed it in the wireless connection settings. (bloody kids!)

I don't know if that explains your problem, but it was the solution to mine!

So have you tried checking your connection settings? (More specifically your WEP key?!)

Cheers for now,

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! I cannot express how much u helped as it is I am not a "computer person " so I was really freaking out and bumbed cause I thought great now I have to get another laptop...:-/ but I did what you said and MAGIC it worked !!!! Thanks alot!!!!

Assuming this is a wireless connection you're having this problem on, I had similar problems with one of my machines issuing the media disconnected message a while ago when trying to connect to a wireless network. It always used to work, but one day I started to get these media disconnected errors..

My router was allowing my machine to connect to the network, so I assumed that everything was OK. But I couldn't access anything on the network (other machines, the internet etc.). Whenever I did an ipconfig /renew I kept getting the media disconnected message.

After much unsuccessful puzzling and googling, I was about to give up. But then I decided to completely remove the wireless connection from my list of connections and try connecting again.
So I disconnected from the network, removed the network from my list of networks to auto connect to and then selected the wireless network in the list of available wireless networks.
I then manually entered my WEP key to connect to the network and........

The connection to the network succeeded..."OK" I thought, "but that doesn't prove anything, it said I was connected before!"

However, a quick ipconfig /renew showed that everything was indeed hunky dory. IP addresses were all valid and correct and most importantly no media disconnected messages. Suddenly the internet was working and I could access the rest of the network....

So what had happened??
Well, in my case it looks like the stored WEP key I was using to connect had somehow either gotten corrupted, or somebody else had changed it in the wireless connection settings. (bloody kids!)

I don't know if that explains your problem, but it was the solution to mine!

So have you tried checking your connection settings? (More specifically your WEP key?!)

Cheers for now,

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! I cannot express how much u helped as it is I am not a "computer person " so I was really freaking out and bumbed cause I thought great now I have to get another laptop...:-/ but I did what you said and MAGIC it worked !!!! Thanks alot!!!!

No probs....Can you mark this as solved please? It may help others who are in a similar situation!


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