Windows Update takes so much data usage. I want to stop it. Please tell me how to turn it off permanently.

naomi_mia commented: You can try to disable it through SERVICES, but it is only temporary. When you restart your computer, it will be running again. +0 commented: Updates are often entwined; one update has both features and security and again, I like the way Apple simply says "here's new stuff" and you're done +0

The only way to permanently disable it is to never connect to the internet.

commented: hmm +0
commented: That's about the only way. I've seen folk try many things, this works. Also, Linux. +15
commented: hahaaaa +0

If you want, just disable it (through SERVICES) every time you turn on your pc.

sc delete wuauserv in cmd, execute with admin privileges. It will delete Windows Update service.

SC = Service
Delete = Delete
Wuauserv = Windows Update (AU?) Service.

Run the Services Manger (services.msc), then disable the Windows Update service and reboot the machine.

The only way is to block the internet connection.

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